God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1175: Dragon roar

Jiang Chen stepped forward and handed the shining spar in his hand to the Silver Moon Sky Beast.

Yinyue was holding Xiao Kun Kun with a complex expression.

At this time, Xiao Kun Kun always felt that he had been hit with two horns on his head, which was pressing against the soft place.

It will focus its attention back.

"Sister Yinyue, take it!"

With that, the little Kun Kun jumped out of the arms of the Silver Moon Sky Beast.


After landing on his feet, Xiao Kun Kun understood where the top of his head was, and his face flushed immediately.

Yinyue lowered her head and took the spar from Jiang Chen. When she raised her head again, tears were already in her eyes.

Jiang Chen smiled.

"If you thank you, you will be spared. Hurry up and restore our strength. We still have important things to do!"

Yinyue nodded and wiped away tears.

Seeing it gripped its claws, it shattered the spar as much as possible.

Silver magic lines gleamed around its slender arms, and the energy rushed into Yinyue's body like a billowing wave.

Suddenly, the king's coercion broke out!

The whole body has silvery white hair without wind automatically.


With a wolf howl, the Silver Moon Howl Sky Beast returned to its peak!

The power of space has caused a qualitative change in its attributes.

At this time, Yinyue already had the ability to control the power of space.

The howling of wolves also has the power of inspiration.

With the sonic concussion, the wolf king's momentum exploded, and everyone became excited.

At this moment, Jiang Chen keenly noticed something abnormal.

"Comrades, this hole... a bit weird!"

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, Xiao Dong got out of his body, his soft body pressed against Jiang Chen's back.

"Xiao Chenchen, there is the breath of a lich here!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"Yeah! How come I am so familiar!"

"Xiao Dong, can you find the location of that Lich breath?"

Xiao Frozen's face was expressionless.

"follow me."

After that, Xiao Dong's body emerged from Jiang Chen's back.

The undead dragged Xiao Dong's body, like a slave carrying the queen, slowly moving forward.

Countless years and times have changed.

It would be great if you could meet a fellow Lich in this hole.

Xiao Dong was very excited at this time, but his face was still expressionless.

Everyone followed it one after another, and soon left the pitch black hole that killed the Void Reaver.

Purple rock walls, deep caves.

Everyone came to a strange room that seemed to be artificially excavated.

It stands to reason that everyone has already seen three of the tombs of the ghost emperor.

But the style of the tomb where everyone came today is quite different.

Although it was still very gloomy and chilling, it didn't have that horrible ghost.

"That's it," Xiao Dong said.

Everyone stopped and looked around.

I saw Xiao Dong get rid of the burden of the dead and fell to the ground.

It knelt on one knee, stretched out its white jade hand, and gently placed it in the dust on the ground.

Jiang Chen didn't know why.

But seeing Xiao Dong waving his arms, the dust on the ground suddenly moved with grief.

With sharp eyes, Jiang Chen actually saw the strange lines on the ground through the dust that Xiao Dong caressed.

"Little fairy fox! Give me a breath!"

The little fairy fox who closed his eyes on Ye Lanyi's shoulder changed his eyes and opened one of his eyes. With a move of his small mouth, a violent air current burst out on the ground.


The wind blew, and the dust on the ground was blown away.

Jiang Chen approached, when Xiao Dong turned around.

With his eyes facing each other, Jiang Chen saw multiple complex emotions of surprise, excitement and worry.

"how about it?"

Jiang Chen asked.

Xiao Dong lowered his head, and two soul fires burst out of his eyes.

At the moment when the light blue ghost fire shot out, the powerful elemental power suddenly spouted from everyone's feet!

"It's the unique inheritance circle of the Lich Race!"

Xiaodong said.

After hearing this, the crowd immediately gathered around to observe the magic circle under their feet.

Jiang Chen thought for a while and asked.

"Since this is the Lich clan magic circle, Xiao Dong, do you have a way to open it?"

Xiao Frozen nodded.

"But what I am more puzzled about is why there is a Lich Race circle in the tomb of the Ghost Emperor!"

Jiang Chen opened his lips slightly and said slowly.

"The only explanation is that the Lich Race defeated a ghost emperor and sealed it up!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Jiang Chen pointed at his feet with a gloomy expression.

"In other words, the ghost emperor in the magic circle is very likely to be alive..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone just felt cold behind their backs.

Jiang Chen's meaning is obvious.

Although this ruin is similar to other ghost emperor tombs, it is definitely different.

Taking the magic circle of the Lich Race as a clue, the surrounding rooms are probably also built by the Lich Race.

The tombs of the ghost emperors that Jiang Chen set foot in were actually almost empty many times.

The ghost emperor lives and dies, the corpse is corrupt, leaving at most a layer of remnant soul, which is why Jiang Chen can return safely.

But this place under everyone's feet is absolutely different.

It is better to call it a prison than the tomb of the ghost emperor.

The more people think about it, the cooler the back, but not the kind of cold that is afraid, but the kind of excitement.

The strength of the people in Chang'an is already very different from when they encountered the first ghost emperor ruins!

What's more, everyone has such an artifact as a little Kun Kun roller coaster!

It really doesn't work. If you can't beat it, you will hit it, if you can't beat it, you will run!

Jiang Chen exchanged eyes with several people, and felt the excitement radiating from their eyes without opening a mouth.

"Okay! Xiao Dong! Open this circle!"

"Everyone stepped back, beware of ancient defensive facilities!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone backed away, leaving the circle to Xiao Dong.

Xiao Frozen floated into the air, soul fire suddenly burst out of her eyes, and the lines on the magic circle began to shine, depicting the lines of the magic circle like walking through a maze.

Because of Jiang Chen's reminder, everyone was more alert.

At this moment, Shangguan Fanxing spoke.

"That... everybody... O'Neill..."

"Have you heard the cry of the child?"

Dark tomb room, weird circle.

Suddenly someone asked if he heard the child's cry.

What a joke!

Shangguan kitten said with a pursed mouth.

"Fanxing, don't you want to play tricks again to make everyone laugh!"

Shangguan Fanxing shook his head quickly.

"No sister! Playing tricks is something that Fatty Obama often does. Listen carefully, it really does!"

Shangguan Xiaomao immediately raised his ears.

Listen carefully, there are indeed some strange sounds, but it is definitely not a baby crying.

"What? It's just a cat barking!"

Ye Lan stammered immediately after hearing this.

"Cat! It's weird to have meows in this place!"

Everyone realized this!

This place is the resting place of the Western ghost emperors. Since its establishment, how many years have passed, how could there be babies or kittens?

Jiang Chen immediately made a gesture of silence to everyone.


Then he pricked his ears and listened carefully.

"Brothers, I don't know what you all heard, but what I heard was Dragon Roar..."

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