God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1173: Void Reaver

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Xuanyuanshuang led the troops to stop the poison monster beast.

But in every battle, the intent is to stop the beast tide, and there will not be too many conflicts.

A sensible person could tell at a glance that it was Xuanyuanshuang who was saving her strength.

At this time, some virgins will stand up and think that Xuanyuanshuang is fighting passively, and it is simply a misfortune to not annihilate but to drive away.

But this kind of person was quickly overwhelmed by the wave of "the life of a soldier is also a life".

There are still many smart people in the world, but smart people are generally very busy and don't have much time to surf the Internet, which leads to a lot of fools on the Internet.

According to the plan, Xuanyuanshuang continued to use this lossless tactic to drag time.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already set off with everyone.

On the way, Jiang Chen and the others briefly explained how they found the tomb of the Western Ghost Emperor through reasoning.

"According to the revelation of the Eastern Emperor, the Western Ghost Emperor should also be Western Tai Chi Gou Chen Emperor!"

"According to the story mentioned in the mythology, the relationship between the Western Ghost Emperor and the Northern Ghost Emperor is a brotherhood."

"The northern ghost emperor is in charge of the destiny of the world and constrains the ghosts and demons. We found Huangquanhe and Sanshengshi in his tomb as the best evidence."

"And the Western ghost emperor is in charge of all spirits in the sky, stars, and earth, and also in charge of the wars and battles on earth. It is Emperor Wu."

Following Jiang Chen's fingers, everyone's eyes locked on the sky.

"It turns out to be the stars!"

Wang Sicong was the first to understand Jiang Chen's words.

Since the four great ghost emperors are closely related to the myth of the Sifang Tiandi, and the Western ghost emperor holds the stars in the sky in mythology, if we want to find clues to the Western ghost emperor, we must start from the astrological aspect.

Coincidentally, the title of Western Ghost Emperor is Gouchen the Great.

Gouchen is another name for Polaris in ancient times.

Jiang Chen found the tomb of the Western Ghost Emperor with this as a clue!

On the land of the Western Regions, there are miraculously preserved seven peaks.

What's more coincidental is that these seven mountains all have names that have been used since ancient times.

Tianxuan, Tianshu, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang.

Those who know a little bit of astronomy will know that these seven names correspond to the seven bright stars that make up the Big Dipper.

Jiang Chen turned on the watch projection, turned on the map, and a virtual image was floating in the air.

He also asked Tang Shishi to open the star map of the Big Dipper.

At this moment, the terrain is instantly connected to the stars.

But everyone still didn't understand why Jiang Chen could tell the location of the tomb of the Western Ghost Emperor through the seven peaks on the ground.

Jiang Chen stretched out his finger and pointed from the Big Dipper's Tianxuan to Tianshu.

The two stars are connected to form a line segment, and the direction of the extension of this line segment is known as the North Star!

It turns out that the clue is that the Big Dipper points directly to the North Star, which is Gouchen!

With an approximate position, this person accelerates at the same time without hesitation.

Soon, this person came to this great peak called Gouchen!

When something was urgent, everyone stopped and fell to the summit.

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly discovered that the entire mountain was sealed by a mysterious power!

When he tried to fall from the top of the mountain to explore the mountain, he found that he had lost his memory and returned to where he started.

Not only Jiang Chen, everyone in Changan has encountered this strange phenomenon.

Faced with this phenomenon, everyone in Chang'an is very calm.

They have been in a psychedelic space more than once.

But the impatient Li Xiaofu was about to explode.

"Damn! Ghost hit the wall again!"

"Ghost hits the wall! Ghost hits the wall! Ghost hits the wall every day! The ghost emperor is amazing!"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Little Fu! Don't worry!"

"The airflow here is very stable, and even the force of the elements is very peaceful. It is definitely not a place where ghosts can hit the wall."

"According to my inference, there is a kind of expulsion enchantment on this mountain peak!"

As he said, Jiang Chen took out a huge metal helmet.

This is the armor found in the imperial tomb of the Sky Demon Race, very rare and strong.

But Jiang Chen lifted this rare helmet of the Sky Demon Race and threw it down the mountain.


The huge helmet cut through the air and hit the hillside heavily.

The dust was full, everyone looked down, and their hearts suddenly shook!

I saw that the helmet had disappeared in the dust.

Suddenly, silver light appeared.


The huge helmet appeared out of thin air!

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth raised, and he smiled slightly.

"Silver, displacement, this element flows, absolutely!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Jiang Chen, and their faces were full of doubts.

Jiang Chen smiled softly.

"Haha! It's a space barrier!"

"Little Kun Kun! Come out!"

Jiang Chen yelled, and Xiao Kun Kun's figure distorted with a burst of silver light and appeared in the air.

"Kun Kun, use the power of space to destroy the core of this enchantment!"

The little kun kun suddenly turned into a kun shape, opening his mouth as if it could swallow the sky.

A silver light suddenly burst out from the broad back, and the power of space suddenly swept across.

Ten thousand rays of light fell from the sky.

Little Kun Kun burst into spatial refraction in an instant!

Within the scope of the skill, the space will become constantly rebounding and folding like a mirror, and everything in the space will be refracted.

Gouchen Mountain was instantly distorted by the mighty power of space!

The originally hidden transparent enchantment suddenly distorted the power projected!

"Master! It's a different space!"

The endless elemental power erupted from the space barrier, and the Chang'an Zhongren suddenly became sluggish.

Because the elemental aura spewing out of the enchantment space in front of everyone is very similar to the aura of the different-dimensional crack that almost destroyed the blue star!

Everyone had just seen the appearance of the enchantment, and Xiao Kun Kun suddenly vigilantly broke out with shocking pressure.

"No! There are enemies here!"

I saw a strange light shining from time to time in the constantly twisting enchantment.

Jiang Chen immediately expanded his mental power to sense the flow of elements and the like.

In an instant, he saw the outline of the monster in the barrier in the sea of ​​spirit!

"Be careful everyone! It's a space monster!"

While talking, Xiao Kun Kun exploded with amazing spatial power.

Hearing a click, the huge space barrier surrounding the surface of Gochen Mountain turned into hundreds of translucent fragments, falling on the mountain peak.

Under the fragments, the monster's figure was exposed!

The extremely long six articulated feet and arms, the hideous and terrifying inverted triangle head.

A pair of tentacles was wrapped with electric beams, creaking.

Disgusting octopus-like tentacles grow on his face.

Roar! !

The Space Devourer uttered a terrifying roar.

Jiang Chen hurriedly sent the data to everyone.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Void Predator

[Monster level]: Level 70 (king level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attribute]: Space Department

[Monster State]: Angry

[Monster characteristics]: A terrifying monster of different dimensions, with the ability to swallow and maintain space

Like to lay a web of space to catch prey, the habits are similar to spiders

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Time System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

These odious monsters turned out to be powerful men who escaped from another dimension!

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