God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1170: Ping Ding the Western Regions

Tens of thousands of undead were instantly liberated.

Lord of the tomb, died immediately!

Scorching flames gushed out from the remains of the tomb lord.

The little soft egg clasped his fists, pinching his paws.

But the focus of the enemy's eyes always fell on the Nightmare Emperor.

After all, the powerful slash that entraps death is too terrifying!

With just one blow, the king-level grave lord was killed!

The style of painting on the scene is very ironic.

The undead who had always been scary wailed in fear!

This moment the Nightmare Emperor stood proudly on the head of Chang'an City like a **** of death.

And Jiang Xiaoguo on its shoulder secretly lifted her little hand.

In the middle of the palm, the last ray of light from the Dead River tattoo faded away.

On this day, the dawn of Chang'an City seems to have arrived early.

The rooster screamed, and a milky white beam fell in the sky.

A holy light barrier enveloped Chang'an City.

At this time, the defeated generals of Borderlands that survived outside the city could no longer step into the city of Chang'an.

This war was originally a grand battle involving nearly 200,000 soldiers.

But surprisingly, the war ended in less than two hours.

Chang'an City won a remarkable victory, except for the lifeless walls that needed to be repaired, there was almost no excessive loss.

The result of the battle was summarized into a battle report, which was quickly sent to the various agencies in the Yanhuang Alliance.

Jiang Chen, the Lord of the Northern Territory, naturally received the news of Chang'an City victory immediately.

The host of the Western Regions, pornography, gambling, and drugs naturally received the news of the defeat in Borderlands.

So, the next scene appeared.

Jiang Chen swung a knife, and the bait became the main force.

At the moment when the three friendly forces were encircled, a surprise attack was launched, and they successfully cut into Dragon's Breath City in an instant.

When the defending troops responded to support, Jiang Chen's 20,000 horses had already entered the city.

The Dragon's Breath City guards were stunned in an instant, and now they were ignorant of their heads, and Jiang Chen didn't even have a fig leaf left!

At the same time, Tang poetry and Li Xiaofu cooperated outside the city, and Long's Breath City suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to lead people into the City Lord's Mansion, he suddenly ran into a team of guards and ran out to surrender to Jiang Chen.

"Master Jiang Chen! We are the staff of the Huang family!"

"Originally, it was sent to recharge. Now that pornography, gambling and drugs have secretly escaped, we don't have to defend it!"

The incoming person knelt, crying and shouting.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Chen picked him up first and promised not to kill him and his team members.

Only then did the guards of the Huang family confess the cunning deeds of pornography, gambling, and drugs.

It turned out that this guy had already left him a way out. As long as Jiang Chen attacked the city, he would take advantage of the chaos and escape from the South Gate!

After Jiang Chen listened, he immediately patted his forehead.

This is because I underestimated the shamelessness of pornography, gambling and drugs.

Such a humiliating way of fleeing, pornography, gambling and drugs don't care at all, and just escaped.

Not only that, but tens of thousands of subordinates who didn't know the truth were left behind.

But the matter is no longer important now.

Jiang Chen asked these guards quickly.

"Then do you know where the **** gambling and drug guy went?"

The guards glanced at each other and shook their heads dumbfounded.

"Return it to your lord, when we also reported in the city lord's mansion, we found that the guy was no longer there."

"Masters can go to the City Lord's Mansion and take down the Poison Emperor's cronies, they may know the specific whereabouts of the Poison Emperor!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Well, your information is still useful."

"But your Huang family once invaded my Chang'an city and wanted to arrest my sister. Today I must take you to court!"

With that said, Jiang Chen waved his hand, and dozens of Sky Demon Warriors directly escorted these guards.

As the cry of these guards got farther and farther, Jiang Chen had entered the city lord's mansion.

Hundreds of fighters under his command seized the city lord's mansion with lightning speed.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Chen returned to nearly a thousand Poison Emperor cronies who didn't know the truth in the city lord's mansion.

However, none of these cronies can tell the whereabouts of the poison emperor.

Jiang Chen knew that some people here really didn't know the truth, and there must be someone who knew the whereabouts of the poison emperor, but he was gambling that Jiang Chen would not blame the public and could get away with it.

But Jiang Chen is not the kind of domain master who is so kind and does not blame others.

"Come here! Give me a reward of fifty army sticks!"

Suddenly, nearly a thousand people were dragged down and spanked by the Sky Monster Warrior!

In the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, there were a thousand people lying neatly on their stomachs.

"Jiang Chen! You devil!"

"We have all confessed and you beat us!"

"Help! Prisoners of war abused!

When the poison emperor's cronies were beaten, they kept wailing.

Jiang Chen was full of black lines.

"You can still howl with fifty army sticks, I think the beating is still light!"

After all, Jiang Chen turned himself into a stick and used Longhua's strength to beat several Huan's Dragon Breath guards.

Some war reporters rushed up immediately and filmed the scene of Jiang Chen beating.

Jiang Chen couldn't help being amused.

"What do you shoot? Haven't seen a domain master hit someone?"

"You war reporters, since the battlefield has already been sold out, you might as well take more serious photos!"

"Now there are more than 900 people here who are criminals who shelter the poison king. I'm trying to try criminals here. Are you shooting blindly?"

"It's okay if you don't contribute to the country, can you not add chaos?"

Reporting without conscience and making up articles has become a mainstream phenomenon in the media today.

Everything is for money.

He can guess that after these photos are taken, the truth will be distorted and seen in the newspapers.

Jiang Chen couldn't bear it either, so he said this.

The reporters who were going to use Jiang Chen's beating as a headline for the next day had obviously taken the warning off, and they said cheekily.

"My lord is joking, we are also taking some real photos for the purpose of reporting facts!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen didn't say anything, just nodded gently.

"Little Black!"

With a cry, Thunder Kirin burst out!

I saw a dark thunder burst out of Jiang Chen's body, suddenly blasting on the reporters' cameras.


All the cameras flashed, burst into black flames, short-circuited and scrapped.

These scrapped cameras originally contained the headlines of the next day of the headlines.

For these unscrupulous media, the camera contains money.

Jiang Chen forcibly destroyed the camera, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among reporters

"Jiang Chen! What are you doing!"

"Believe it or not, I will expose your behavior today!"

Some reporters whose profit-making plans were blocked by Jiang Chen suddenly became angry and wanted to suppress Jiang Chen with their reporting power.

But Jiang Chen didn't respond. He just took out his mobile phone, made a simple call, and chatted for three minutes very calmly.

These profit-seeking reporters suddenly discovered that their press card had expired!

The pass representing the legal report was instantly darkened and turned into a broken plastic card, which was useless.

"I just updated the length of my press card this year. How could it suddenly become invalid?"

The reporters were surprised.

Not only that, the editorial agency also called them and they were fired!

After teaching these reporters, Jiang Chen had no interest in extorting confessions to these cronies.

Jiang Chen dropped the stick in his hand and said slowly.

"Since you don't want to cherish this opportunity to commit a crime, go to jail now!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dozen helicopters descended from the sky, all coming to transport prisoners.

These prisoners cursed Jiang Chen again, but no reporter was shooting these real videos because they couldn't make money.

At this moment, Jiang Chen shook his arms fiercely.

"The Poison Emperor has abandoned the city and fled! But it doesn't matter!"

"Since he is willing to flee, and the cities in the Western Regions are also willing to shelter, then I will put down all the rebels in the Western Regions first!"

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