God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1166: Doudizhu, super double!

Jiang Chen's words were quickly passed on to Huang Gambling and Drug Mansion.

The yellow gambling staff were shocked.

However, after being surprised, the ghosts of Borderlands immediately sent the news that they were preparing to attack the city back to Dragon's Breath City.

At this time, the rebel leader in Longbreath City hesitated and finally relaxed.

After taking a long breath, they felt that they were still not good enough and began to talk harshly.

"Jiang Chen, this kid, even rants in this situation, he must teach him a lesson!"

Everyone in Dragon's Breath City felt that Jiang Chen would be completely defeated in the situation of suppression on both sides, and now they were thinking about how to put Jiang Chen to death as soon as possible!

Huang gambling, treacherously laughed.

"Humph! You get confused, what's the use of you rushing out now!"

"When Jiang Chen's boy can't bear it, he knelt down and begged for mercy, and then he can solve my hatred!"

Camera switching, Chang'an City.

"Master! The people of Borderlands are here again to deliver food!"

Romir rode the Dragon Wolf King all the way to the place where Dabao lived.

However, it is really not time for Romir to come, and Dabao is happily fighting the landlord with his new girlfriend.

"Fight Landlord! Double!"

"Ming card! Super double!"

Playing cards online, there are a lot of Happy Beans. Anyway, it's not real money. Two people play harder than the other.

Romir immediately took out his mobile phone and was about to join the battlefield.

"I'm going! I almost forgot about business!"

"Master! The door was blocked by a few lonely ghosts, and the merchants in the city couldn't get out. The complaint came to me!"

Dabao was hitting four twos at this time.

"Lonely souls and wild ghosts, don't you go and eliminate them!"

Romir was very nervous.

"There are fifty thousand undead behind the lonely ghost!"

"The people from Borderlands come to ask for trouble, even the lord of the tomb is here!"

Only two words came from Dabao's phone: "Right three!"

Romir was just talking about the lord of the tomb, Dabao shook his hand and clicked on the "I can't afford it" button.

"Wow, why are you in such a big battle!"

"Scream all the guards and go out of the city to fight!"

"You can't get used to these ghosts!"

At the same time, the elves of Chang'an City resided.

"It's not good! Elder!" A group of young dwarves ran into the tree house.

These handsome elves are carrying the special dragon tendon crossbow that Jiang Chen ordered the dwarves to make.

They acted neatly and uniformly and could see that they were well trained.

But there was a trace of panic on his face.

"Huh?" Elder Gu was studying the literature, and his face was obviously uncomfortable after being disturbed.

The young soldier quickly explained.

"Elder Gu! It's not good, it's not good! Chang'an City was attacked!"


The elder took a handful of documents on the table.

"What! Everyone obeyed the orders, and rushed to Chang'an City with me to help out!"

For a time, various defense units and private organizations in Chang'an City joined the team to defend the city.

City Lord Mansion, in front of Xiaoguo Gate.

"Uncle Nightmare, did something happen outside?"

I saw Emperor Nightmare sitting on the bluestone steps outside Xiaoguomen, holding a bright machete in his hand, repeatedly wiping it with rare deerskin.

"Return to the young master, it's just 50,000 ghosts attacking the city, it doesn't matter!"

Jiang Xiaoguo gently opened a small slit with her slender hand behind the door.

Looking around, there was only the burly body of the Nightmare Emperor, and there was nothing wrong with him.

But where Xiao Guo couldn't see, there was a small mobile phone on Nightmare Emperor's knee.

The mobile phone shows the scene of the assembly of tens of thousands of soldiers in the city of Chang'an.

Chang'an City East.

With the help of a mountain, two thousand five hundred senior beast masters have already prepared an ambush.

Below the mountain peak, a squad of seven hundred Borderlands reconnaissance teams is proceeding cautiously.

To stay hidden, they hide themselves in evil spirits

But they didn't know that, just above their heads, they had three times the strength of troops stationed in ambush.

With an order from the leading officer, two thousand five hundred leader and general-level monsters descended from the sky!

Within a few breaths, the pitch-black evil spirit was wiped out by the turbulent flow of colorful elements.

The Nightmare Emperor nodded with satisfaction.

At nine o'clock in the evening, skirmishes began to erupt.

For this reason, the defenders had to disperse so as not to slip into the city of Chang'an.

It seems that the war in Chang'an City seems a bit tight.

As a result, the major civil forces of various families in Chang'an City began to spontaneously send troops to patrol the streets of the city.

"These ghosts and monsters in Borderlands don't have a brain for fighting."

"At this speed, we only need to keep dividing and eroding their small units, and their 50,000 people will be wiped out before the day is up!"

The Nightmare said to the phone.

The phone was left by Jiang Chen when he left.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

On the other end of the phone, Romir squeezed for a while and only squeezed out a word.

After all, the Nightmare Emperor has a long life span and has experienced countless wars.

The routine of Borderlands is in front of it, and it can be seen directly by just a glance.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen was able to take away almost all the strong and go to the Western Regions with such confidence.

Sure enough, the army of Borderlands could not be restrained soon.

Within a few hours, all the teams floating outside the formation were ambushed and annihilated.

This kind of constant little friction has suffered heavy losses for the army in Borderlands.

There are barely 40,000 left now.

Fortunately, there are enough warriors in Borderlands.

The lord of the tomb immediately asked for help, and now there are 50,000 soldiers marching towards the Great Wall.

Before the reinforcements arrived, the tomb lord was ready to analyze the intelligence of the forces in Chang'an.

In the camp, several figures in robes sat side by side.

"I heard that there are both elves and dwarves in Chang'an. I don't know why Jiang Chen brought these endangered minorities together."

The speaker was a general in the army of Borderlands, dressed in dark blue robes, and looked very ordinary.

However, since he can sit in this camp and discuss matters, it means that his strength definitely exceeds the 40,000 people outside the camp.

At this time, a female general in a red linen robe spoke.

"Let me say, taking advantage of Jiang Chen's in the Western Regions, we can simply ask a few overlords to directly flatten the Great Wall!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dwarf in a dark green robe sneered and said.

"Overlord powerhouse? Not to mention how much Jiang Chen took away, there are at least five overlords in Chang'an City alone."

"Let me say, to be conservative, we'd better wait for the Lord of Authority to come and help!"

The words of the green-robed dwarf instantly detonated the atmosphere in the camp.

Every general expressed his opinions and tried to argue for a win or lose.

The few people who are arguing are under the seat of the tomb lord. There are six in total, all of whom are hegemonic powers.

At this time, the lord of the tomb finally couldn't help but stand up, and the argument of the first six men was interrupted.

Just listen to a low and hoarse man's voice in the dark corner of the camp.

"Jiang Chen is not in Chang'an. This is the best time for us to win Chang'an City."

As the sound passed in, a strong figure suddenly stood up slowly in the corner.


As the huge figure moved slowly, it made people feel that the earthquake was shaking.

"Lord Lord!" The six ** saluted like this huge figure.

The figure waved his hand and continued.

"But as the green dwarf said, even if Jiang Chen leaves, there will definitely be some strong men behind to guard Chang'an City."

"Since the opportunity is rare, we must ensure that Chang'an City is won within World War I!

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