God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1161: Golden Wall Dragon Turtle

Jiang Chen thought that a spider demon was not enough to restrain the little Kun Kun.

Unexpectedly, this strangely-shaped spider monster actually possesses the ability to change his face!

Eight sharp claws scratched back and forth on the person's face, the skin was twisted, and it quickly became A Leng's appearance!

I'm afraid I've been hiding in the dark long ago, secretly observing Jiang Chen's combat effectiveness.

Little Kun Kun ran away, completely surrounded by flames, unable to get out.

The whole body was scorched by the electric, and Xiaohei and Dajin joined forces to beat him up again, Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng was furious!

With a long cry to the sky, the Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng exploded with amazing power.

With a flick of both wings, it was like two golden knives, which stopped the attack of Da Jin Xiaohei in the middle of the swing.

Jiang Chen keenly realized that the long beep of Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng was completely calling his teammates!

Sure enough, Dajin Xiaohei was playing happily, and a tyrannical dragon pressure suddenly broke out behind him!

A huge head covered with golden scales slowly stretched out from the mountain, like a golden airplane head suddenly rushing out of the top of a snow-covered mountain.

Xiao Hei and Dai Jin's eyes were instantly attracted by this head.

"Daikin! What is this!"

Daikin's eight arms shrugged and spread out slowly, indicating that he could not understand either.

"Look at this look like a bastard!" Daikin responded.

They talked and stopped.

Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng took this opportunity to instantly open up a space crack and soar into the sky!

"Quack! You two idiots!"

"This is my big brother armored dragon turtle! Prepare to receive the baptism of the dragon clan!"

The spiritual power of the Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng came from mid-air.

At the same time, the dissatisfied Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng with a blue nose and a swollen face pulled out a dozen pure gold feathers with pain.

With a wave of both wings, Jin Yu turned into a flying sword and cut it down in the air.

Xiao Hei and Dai Jin released their energy one after another, forming two super shields.

Jingle bells!

The pure golden Peng Yu was stuck in the energy shield, and it did not hurt Da Jin and Xiao Hei.

But the fighting situation did not improve as a result.

The weird golden head under the mountain finally rushed out of the ground.

As Dapeng said, this is a huge mountain turtle with golden dragon scales all over!


The golden head roared to the sky, and the huge tortoise shell burrowed out of the ground.

There are thorns all over the tortoise shell, like a jungle of steel.

Jiang Chen flashed in front of him, and data about the giant dragon turtle appeared.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Golden Wall Dragon Turtle

【Monster Level】: Level 77 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Dragon/Metal/Demon

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Characteristics of monsters]: Dragon tortoises are a common subspecies of dragons with a long life span and good combat effectiveness.

After super-evolution, it can form the ultimate armored dragon turtle, whose body is as indestructible as the earth.

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System/Thunderbolt System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

At this moment, the huge body of the Golden Wall Dragon Turtle vacated.

Who could have imagined that under the tortoise shell were four rock claws that looked like a giant pillar!

The legs curled up, and the earth suddenly began to tremble.

The golden wall dragon tortoise actually made a charging posture, it is obvious that it will rush over in the next moment!

"Little black and big gold! Get out of there!"

Jiang Chen saw through the intention of the Golden Wall Dragon Turtle at a glance.

Xiao Hei heard it, and suddenly turned into a pitch black thunder, rising to the sky!


A ray of black gold rushed into the sky.

I saw Daijin forcibly propped up a huge tower shield like a city wall!

But at this moment, the Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng suddenly opened a door of space in front of the rapidly spinning Golden Dragon Turtle.

Boom! !

The golden wall dragon tortoise and the phoenix revolved and hit the big golden pagoda shield!


The thorns spin frantically, like a tire with barbed thorns.

Facing the sudden acceleration of the Golden Wall Dragon Turtle, Da Jin and Xiao Hei had no time to escape.



Sparks are everywhere!


There was a deafening crackling in the world.

Daikin's tower shield was cut off by high-speed friction!

Fortunately, Daikin has the indestructible body of King Kong.

Although the body was constantly pushed by the golden wall dragon tortoise, Daikin's body was not damaged too much.

Thousands of white scratches were made on the surface of the black gold body by thorns.

Xiao Hei suddenly exploded when he saw this.


Qilin roared, and the power of chaos burst out of his mouth.

At the moment when it was accumulating power, the Golden Winged Sky Eagle suddenly opened a gap in space.

If he was hit by a space crack, he would definitely not escape the painful end of his body being torn apart.

Xiao Hei immediately dodged subconsciously, and the accumulated energy was instantly disrupted

The Golden Wall Dragon Turtle cooperated at the same time, opened up the advantage, and suppressed Daikin and Xiaohei!

Jiang Chen clenched his teeth tightly.

"It seems that I won't teach you a lesson, you don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!"

Just about to go crazy, he saw a fit and slender figure turning into a gust of wind rushing towards the little Kun Kun who was facing the Painted Skin Spider Demon.


The wolf king screamed, and the power of frost burst out of his body that was enough to wither thousands of miles of jungle!

The terrifying coercion suddenly dissipated, and the temperature in the air instantly dropped to zero!

The web of fire erupted from the Painted Skin Spider Demon slowly faded away in the absolute zero temperature.

Xiao Kun Kun seized the opportunity in an instant, folded his palms together, and summoned a spatial array on his chest!

Zheng! !

There is a flash of silver light.

A shock pierced the body of Painted Skin Spider Demon!

The space was torn apart, and part of the painted skin spider demon's body was unable to resist being transferred by the power of space.

A large smooth cylindrical hole pierced the body of the Painted Spider Demon.

At the same time, the shaky body of the Silver Moon Howl Sky Beast plopped on the hard ice.

Without the restraint and interference of flames, Xiao Kun Kun resurrected in situ full of blood and blue!

Seeing the sky, the Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng created countless space gates, constantly shifting positions from the space cracks, and flexibly attacking Dajin and Xiaohei.

Xiao Kun Kun looked at the Silver Moon Sky Beast that had fainted on the ground again, and his hatred for the Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng instantly surged in his heart.

"Use space cracks in front of me to find death!"

"Wan Yuhua a seal!"

At this time, the Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng was flying out of the space channel.

Suddenly, the pitch-black crack around it twitched and trembled like the octopus before it.

The Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng is also proficient in the power of space, such a twitch is obviously that the door of space can't be maintained.

It suddenly burst out with all its strength trying to escape.

Unexpectedly, a cold breath suddenly hit the sky!


The frost swept across, and Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng's body was immediately surrounded by frost, and it was frozen.

It turned out that Earl Frost drove 200, taking advantage of Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng's inability to concentrate, he gave Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng a shot!

At this time, Jin Wing Hua Tianpeng suddenly realized that his situation was not good.

When it trembled its feathers and wanted to escape from the ice bound, the door of space closed suddenly!


Dapeng's tail spurted dark red blood, and its back half had disappeared, exiled into the cracks of the space.

The Golden Wing Hua Tianpeng shook the gold-patterned wings madly, intending to force escape.

But without the tail wing, it can no longer master flying skills.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer.

"Xiao Dong! Zi Lin! It's almost done."

"It's time for you two to come out and bend around."

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