God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1159: Taixu nine-color divine phoenix!

Killing the Saint Demon Emperor wore the Demon Emperor's armor, and the endless power of the Sky Demon Emperor's ancestor swept across the mountain.

Raising the Xingmei killing intent giant sword in his hand, the Slaughter Saint Demon Emperor cut it down with all his strength without reservation!

For a time, the thousand-faced Tianlong was flanked by three sides at the same time, and there was nowhere to hide, and he was severely slapped in two by the dumb bear claws!

This battle of the Demon King suddenly ushered in a turning point!

Seeing the Qianmen Tianlong wound quickly closed, it turned into two.

Thousands of feet are flying wildly, like thousands of sharp swords flying up and down.


In the sky, the sword rain was like a curtain, cut down in the air.

Shangguan Kitten transformed Wanjian to resist the claws of Tianlong, providing cover for the killing of the Holy Demon Emperor.

On the other side, the half-thousand-faced Tianlong kept twitching, making strange screams in his mouthparts.

The electric arc winds around, and the insect liquid in the thousand-faced Tianlong is constantly stirred by the electric arc.

It turned out that Li Xiaofu mixed the power of thunder in the yellow sand!

"Hahahahaha! Go to hell, big bug!"

Li Xiaofu scolded while looking up in the air.

I saw that Tang Shishi was doing his utmost to resist the Nine-Li Pluto Peacock's attack of gathering nine kinds of Li-huo.

Just as Li Xiaofu and Shangguan Kitten were fighting to kill the insects, Ye Lanyi's body was unknowingly entangled with vine tentacles.


Ye Lanyi exclaimed again.

Everyone looked at her, and saw that thousands of vines had grown on the ground at some point!

"Damn it! They have too many teammates!"

When Li Xiaofu complained, Jiang Chen had already sent the data of these tens of millions of vines.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Millennium Tree Monster

[Monster level]: Level 72 (king level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Plant/Demon

[Monster State]: Rage

【Characteristics of monsters】: Plant monsters that can prey on animals have a long history and age.

Each tree fairy has an elemental spirit possessed by it, and the elemental spirit has a strong control over energy and will not conflict with the tree spirit's life attributes.

Therefore, some people have seen fire tree monsters with fire as their leaves.

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen.

The appearance of the Thousand-Year Tree Demon completely disrupted the battles of the Tang poetry and poets.

Ye Lanyi was controlled by the tree demon, and Li Xiaofu Shangguan Kitty and Tang Shishi fought each other with the demon beast. This seemed an unsolvable situation.

But at this moment of crisis, Jiang Chen's words gave the three people in the fight hope.

"Thousand-year tree monsters are afraid! Thousand-faced Tianlong is also afraid of fire!"

"Bring down the Nine-Li Hades Peacock, and use its Emperor Lihuo to destroy the tree monsters and centipedes!"

Tang Shishi suddenly woke up.

Flip the palm of his hand, the tip of the flame spear pointed directly at the Nine-Li Hades Peacock!

The wings shook, and Tang poetry turned into a huge flame cannon that rushed into the sky!

Boom! Cannonballs are fired, and the flames of the Divine Phoenix fill the sky!


With a soft cry, Tang Shishi burst open the skeleton abruptly against the dark beam.

The teeth collapsed and flew, and the black skull formed by the nine-fold away fire suddenly dissipated.


A phoenix rang through the sky.

Tang Shishi waved the flame spear in his hand and outlined a phantom of the Divine Phoenix under the sun!


It needs to be shocked, wrapped in endless coercion, fell in the air, and bombarded the back of the Nine Li Hades Peacock!


The peacock roared from the pain, its wings broke, and instantly lost its balance and fell from the sky.

Tang Shishi was in the phantom of the Divine Phoenix, holding a flame spear, and stabbed in the air!


It was like a fiery red meteorite dropped in the sky.

The huge body of the Nine Li Hades Peacock rubbed the air, bursting out a fiery tongue of fire!

Nearly a hundred meters away from the top of the mountain, the terrifying heat ignited the dry vines of the Millennium Dryad.

For a time, Jiuzhonglihuo and Divine Phoenix Flame used the body of the Thousand-Year Tree Demon as a matchstick!

Amidst the crazy roar of the thousand-year tree monster, the boundless fire wave swept all the nine peaks on the Jiuyao Mountain!

This fire burned the entire Jiuyao Mountain transparently.

The soil on the ground lost water and dried up, cracking lines.

As the Thousand-Year Tree Fairy continued to burn, the temperature of the worm fluid in the Thousand Faces Tianlong became higher and higher, and it started to boil.


As if the water balloon burst, the links of the thousand-faced Tianlong burst open.


Ye Lan rushed to the sky with a cry.

The five-tailed little fairy fox burst out with all his strength, and the brows glowed with blue breeze.

This light is like a call to the king, attracting the surrounding wind elements.

A strong wind force continues to compress and converge.

Woo! Ouch!

The five-tailed fairy fox swelled, and a winding wind dragon burst out of his mouth!


There was a roar, and the cyclone flew.

"I am so surprised!"

"Super cyclone dancing!"

The cyclone is like a dragon, dancing wildly.

Whoops whoops!

The wind blade split the flames and tore the trees.


The wind dragon blasted directly on the back of the Nine Li Hades Peacock.


The back of the Peacock, the Nine Li Hades, was suddenly penetrated.

With the force of the cyclone, Jiu Zhong Li Huo rose into the sky, connecting the sky and the earth.

The flame spear in Tang Shishi's hand pointed directly at the sky.

In an instant, endless flames flowed into the tip of the gun.

Whoosh whoosh!

The heavens and the earth are infested with red, only the original color around Tang Shishi.

With her own strength, she absorbed all the endless flames on the Nine Demon Mountain!

To be precise, it was the Taixu Nine-color Glazed Phoenix possessed by Tang Shishi, like a black hole, frantically absorbing the power of the surrounding flames.

The attractiveness of the flame spear is huge, and all the flames on the ground are pulled up into the sky.

Above the sky, the tongues of fire are layered on top of each other, as if building a kingdom of flames!


A long roar of phoenix rushed into the sky.

The shadow of the divine phoenix behind Tang Shishi burst forth, and the momentum was overwhelming!

Flutter! Goofy!

Tang Shishi's slim figure rushed to the sky with the power of the Divine Phoenix!

The power of the flame poured down like a waterfall and merged into the body of Tang Shishi.

"Liu Li! King!"


A soft drink, a phoenix!

The flames of the emperor suddenly dissipated, and the divine phoenix phantom slowly retracted its wings and turned into a golden pill of emptiness. The momentum seemed to have taken the entire world into the bag.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Taixu Jiucai Divine Phoenix

[Monster level]: Level 71 (King level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Mutated Fire System/Fighting System

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Character of Monster Beast]: The bloodline of the Divine Phoenix of Lieyang, immortal after Nirvana

Possess a mixed **** flame that can burn everything, and is not afraid of natural restraint such as water and soil

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Liuli had absorbed all the power of burning nine days and directly boarded the top of the Blue Star Royal Beast.

Every king will be recorded in history, and Liuli is no exception.

This battle, later called the Burning Nine Demon Mountain, was an important battle for Jiang Chenping to rebel against the Western Regions.

Tang Shishi's combat talent gradually became known to the world.

At the same time, the battle between Jiang Chen and Wang Sicong is in full swing.

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