God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1153: Silver Moon Howl Sky Beast!

"Fight against each other, I will send you the data of the monster beast!"

Jiang Chen stared at the eight demon kings in front of him.

Everyone in Chang'an shouted, jumped and disappeared to the top of the cloud.

The armed forces were panicked.

"The adults are fighting each other, go to single-handedly challenge the Demon King?"

"This kind of courage is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people!"

At the same time, Wang Sicong has taken the lead to reach the top.

This is the highest peak among the nine peaks.

The ground was covered with snow, and several stubborn pine trees stood in the snow.

The first thing that caught your eye was the monster lair that was opened in the boulder and was uneven in size and size.

In the center of the nest stood a long-haired monster with white body and dark eyes.

The four sharp claws were deeply submerged in the ice and snow.

When Wang Sicong arrived, he opened his mouth and roared.

In the lair behind him, hundreds of king-level monsters sprayed ice cones and bullets!

"So white? So big!"

"Do you think this is a Samoyed?"

The Demon King in front of him did not make Wang Sicong mention a sense of urgency, but instead teased the Demon King's appearance.

"Isn't Samoyed a smiling angel?"

"Just treat guests like this! Smiling angels are really rude!\"

Tens of thousands of ice cones swept over, Wang Sicong turned his back and easily hid behind a huge ice rock.

Jingle bells!

With a crisp sound, all the ice cones and bombs hit the huge iceberg, turning into debris and smoke.

Wang Sicong successfully avoided the first wave of attacks from the crowd of monsters on the peak.

At this moment, the demon king data that Jiang Chen found was sent to Wang Sicong's communication watch.

Love WatchPuls 160 platinum diamond-encrusted black coffin version communication watch, you can see the monster message sent by Jiang Chen with a swipe.

Ye Lanyi no longer has to worry that Wang Sicong can't beat the little monster!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Silver Moon Sky Beast

[Monster level]: Level 72 (king level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attribute]: Variation Frost/Wind

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Character of Monster Beast]: Possess a powerful icy wind mixed bloodline, can control frost storm

It has a half-human ability and can rely on claws for close combat. It is a comprehensive attack monster

【Weakness of Monster Beast】: Mutated Fire Element

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Wang Sicong was full of black lines.

He was the Silver Moon Xiaotian Beast King, but he accidentally regarded him as a Husky.

It seems that when I was in college, I didn't learn the genetic genealogy of monsters well.

Even simple families, genera and species can be mistaken by myself!

"In order to make up for the face I lost just now, kill it and destroy the evidence!"

As soon as Wang Sicong's voice fell, Earl Frost's figure slowly appeared.

"Master, you had a black belly just now!"

The corners of Wang Sicong's mouth twitched, and it was the first time he saw Earl Frost such a beast that could spit his master.

While speaking, the Frozen Earl had already stepped off the throne.

The endless pressure spread, and the temperature of the mountain peak suddenly dropped.

At the same time, Da Bai and Er Bai walked out of Wang Sicong one after another.

The white hair hunted and danced in the cold wind.

The two powerful royal beasts like divine lions did not give in to the silvery moon howling sky beast king in front of them! !

Seeing the three imperial beasts rushing towards him, the Yinyue Xiaotian Beast King was full of anger and fierceness, and his veins violent.

It uttered low growls in its mouth, threatening Earl Frost and Da Bai Erbai, indicating that it was not easy to provoke.

Just as the three imperial beasts hesitated to approach, the Silvery Moon Howling Sky Beast suddenly broke out!

Between its claws burst out a disturbing messy light.

The force of the wind swept the sky and claws.

The energy ripples rolled away.


A loud noise!

The huge wolf claw's front erupted from the Silver Moon Sky Beast!

A terrifying gust of wind swept the breath of ice, and shot at Dabai Erbai!

Earl Frost's figure is extremely flexible, stepping on ice and snow to easily avoid the sharp edge of wolf claws.


Count Frost let out a contemptuous snort, and the magic pattern double spear in his hand was loaded.

The magic pattern unfolded, forming a radiant circle, like a vine entwined, covering the hands of Count Frost.

The original double gun has now turned into two black hole barrels!

The power of frost formed a whirlpool in the barrel, entwining constantly.

"Frost·Spirit Cannon!"

Ling Ling Cannon was the energy cannon that Jiang Chen everyone had seen in the Frozen City.

After absorbing all the power and knowledge of the Frozen Lord, Earl Frost turned the siege cannon left over from the ancient Frost Throne into a magic circle, and mounted it on his arm in miniature.

At the same time, the boots under the feet turned into frost supports, like a layer of frost armor, completely covering the body of Count Frost.

At this time Earl Frost was like a ground cannon.

Raising both arms, blue and white frost energy burst out from the muzzle instantly!

Bang bang bang!

With three neat cannon sounds, six spherical frost shells flew over Samoyed's head in a perfect parabola.


The Silver Moon Howling Sky Beast suddenly let out a naughty growl.

The body was in the shape of a meniscus, and an somersault held six round frost marbles in his arms.

Wang Sicong's eyes were almost staring out.

Say good to look for face! Said a good spike!

He always felt that Earl Bingcheng was humiliating himself and said helplessly.

"Earl, there is no dumb bomb with six dumb bombs at once!\"

Count Frost raised a finger handsomely and pressed it to his lips.

"Master, don't worry, let the bullet fly for a while!

After speaking, Earl Frost showed a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

In the next instant, the six Frost Cannonballs in the arms of the Silver Moon Howling Sky Beast suddenly burst out with dazzling white beams.


Energy burst.


A terrible explosion instantly swept the ice and snow peak!

White ice crystals rose into the sky.

For a time, the sky seemed to be hit by wind and snow, and it stayed for a long time.

It can be seen from a distance that the terrifying explosion almost flattened the entire peak.

The violent explosion did not cause a slight temperature change.

People around them felt colder.

This is Earl Frost's specialty, ice explosion technique!

When the white ice and snow dissipated, Wang Sicong and Da Bai Erbai took the lead to appear in front of everyone.

The Silver Moon Xiaotian Beast had fallen, and its pink tongue drooped out of its canine teeth.

Earl Frost clapped his hands.

"After finishing work, go home and eat chicken butt!"

At this moment, the Yinyue Sky Sky Beast's body suddenly made a strange hum.

I saw a light of pure white energy suddenly appeared in its chest and abdomen, which was about to gush out from its mouth.

Da Bai's expression suddenly shrank, and the joyous expression of celebration disappeared.

The enemy's energy is about to blur out, and the situation seems to be tense instantly.

In Da Bai's heart, this is at stake for Wang Sicong's life!

At this moment, Da Bai's face seemed to have a sentence carved.

"Only the lives of the master and wife are the most important!"

Before the energy erupted out of control, Da Bai immediately flew up and flew straight to the huge face of the Silver Moon Howling Sky Beast.

Samoyed, whose face was swollen by the ice bomb, looked a little cute.

To see such a cute face before he died, Dabai felt that he was worth his life.

At this moment, the energy in the mouth of the Silver Moon Howling Heavenly Beast burst out!

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