God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1146: Swing Nine Demon Mountain

Tang Shishi bit her silver teeth.

"Even if the hurricane is full of cones of ice, we won't shrink back!"

While she was speaking, the flame spear in her hand burst into fiery tongues of flame.

The spear slammed, and a blazing flame burst out, sweeping the tornado!

But at this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw the top of the Frost Hurricane summoned by Tianshan Tong's grandmother, suddenly opening a mysterious palm that covered the sky and the sun!

The translucent blue energy palm was dragged by the hurricane and swept down in the air!


Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously.

Seeing the clutches of the scientific name come crashing, it will become a trend without fear!

"Die! Magic energy runs through the Bagua Palm!"

Yesterday Jiang Chen yelled, and the Titan phantom shook loudly behind him!

The magic patterns of the eight black gold arms exploded, and energy pressure rose to the sky!


There was a burst of lightning and thunder.

A dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky!

The dark clouds slowly divided into nine layers, and instantly surrounded the Tianshan child grandmother from nine directions!

Thunder surging, magic energy surrounds.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother has been completely locked in by Jiang Chen's attack, and there is no possibility of escape!

Jiang Chen seized the opportunity to attack.

With a wave of a big hand, a powerful pulse of energy burst out from the Nine Demon Cloud!


The energy accumulated in the cloud turned into an endless demon thunder and slashed in the air.

When Tianshan Tong's grandmother wanted to evade, the tip of the magic thunder instantly turned into a black gold palm!

The black gold magic pattern kept wriggling, and the lightning turned into an arm, twisting and waving towards the Tianshan child grandmother.

The palms of the nine magic lines form a wall in all directions, completely blocking the passage of the Tianshan child grandma!

boom! !

The palms collided, shaking the earth.

Energy ripples swept across, echoing among the mountains.


The strong shock wave shook the snow on the Tianshan Mountains.

The avalanche is coming!

Jiang Chen's palm directly hit Tianshan Tongmao severely.

The huge body behind Yu Beast fell into the snow and was instantly submerged by the snow!

On the ground, the guards of the Ice Spirit Palace suddenly became nervous.

"No! You can't let this miserable guy run away!"

"Notify all the troops on duty! Besieged and killed Tianshan Grandma!"

For a time, all the main sects of Tianshan sent soldiers together to prepare to kill the Tianshan child grandmother.

The Tianshan child's grandmother who fell into the snow was beaten to a half by Jiang Chen.

The three Jiang Chen slowly fell from midair.

"Unexpectedly, the arrogant Tianshan child grandmother on the top of the Tianshan Mountains would end up in such an embarrassing situation!"

Wang Sicong curled his lips.

"Practice sorcery! Dove occupy the magpie's nest!"

"This kind of person deserves it!"

The three of them rushed to the Ice Spirit Palace while talking.

"Report! Lord Binghuang, Tianshan Tongmao, and her wave of the remnant party have been captured!"

As soon as he entered the palace, the sound of the spy's return came from outside the door.

Wang Sicong asked quickly.

"Did the Shantong Grandma hide Tianshan Snow Lotus that day?"

The spy quickly responded.

"Return to Lord Ice Emperor, we have found the Tianshan Snow Lotus and are escorting back!"

Jiang Chen laughed suddenly.

"Comrades, Tianshan Snow Lotus is here!"

In a short while, Bai Lingfeng, the elder of the Bingling Palace, escorted the Tianshan child grandmother and the remnant party back.

"His Majesty Ice King, how do you deal with these female families?"

Wang Sicong frowned and said angrily.

"Hmph! These women are practicing sorcery, and in order to maintain their youth, they have to rob others of their cultivation skills, so they should be punished!"

After all, glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Hey! Find a few sturdy monks shirtlessly recite the scriptures every day, and take turns to tell them about the Buddha!"

Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up.

Ask the big guy to take turns to make up lessons. Jiang Chen used this trick once against Chuanmu Female Section Chief.

Wang Sicong's move again, can be said to be deep in the essence.

Evil women must be ruled by evil men!

"Elder Bai Lingfeng! Lend Tianshan Snow Lotus to us quickly!"

Tang Shishi said anxiously.

After all, the war in the Western Regions is in a tense stage.

If the lord of the Western Regions is not removed for a day, there will be no peace in Yanhuang!

Bai Lingfeng also hurriedly performed his subordinate duties.

"Masters, Tianshan Snow Lotus is here!"

Bai Lingfeng gestures were folded one after another, pinching a strange handprint.

At the same time, Tianshan Tong's grandmother was photographed on the back of a second-degree disabled by Jiang Chen, suddenly bursting out of frost power.

For a moment, Jiang Chen really thought that Bai Lingfeng had rebelled.

But Jiang Chen immediately realized that he had been worrying too much.

"This Tianshan Saussurea must be parasitic in the body of Frost Life's host."

"So, we always hide it in the body of Tianshan Tongma along the way."

"Now, Master Ice Emperor can directly absorb Tianshan Snow Lotus!"

Wang Sicong waved his hand to activate the blood in his body.

The Frozen Throne crashed into the sky!

Inspired by the Frozen Throne, Tianshan Snow Lotus bloomed on the spot!

The blue frost element is constantly flowing on the petals.

The branches and leaves shone with ice and snow patterns, shining brightly.

Wang Sicong opened his arms as if he opened his arms to the snow lotus of Tianshan Mountain.

Tianshan Snow Lotus jumped into Wang Sicong's chest happily.

In an instant, this ice lotus was integrated into Wang Sicong's body!

Jiang Chen couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this.

"Good! We quickly descended the mountain and calmed down the Western Regions!"

As soon as Bai Lingfeng heard that the Ice Emperor of the Ice Spirit Palace had just taken the throne, he would go down the mountain and leave, his expression suddenly became tense.

"His Majesty Ice King! Is it going to go down to the mountain?"

Wang Sicong smiled and nodded.

"Ah! There is a fellow who claims to be the Poison Emperor in Jiuyao Mountain, waiting for the Emperor to clean up!"

Bai Lingfeng suddenly surprised.

"What? Dare someone fight against my emperor?"

"His Majesty Ice King! I would like to play with you!"

While talking, the three Jiang Chen had already walked out of the palace gate.

When the three of them looked down from the steps of the hall, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw countless men and women, elderly and children standing between the streets and alleys of Bingling Palace.

Bai Lingfeng followed the three of them and spoke.

"These people are Tianshan residents, descendants of the Ice Emperor!"

"Now, knowing that Lord Binghuang has succeeded to the throne, no matter which school or faction he is in now, he must come to worship!"

At this time, the black crowd in front of the crowd shook.

It turned out that thousands of men and women knelt down, causing the ice to shake!

"The ice emperor is in the sky, the mana is boundless!"

Tens of thousands of people shouted, and the sound waves echoed.

This momentum really made Wang Sicong's heart tremble.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen hurriedly stepped forward to cheer his brother.

"I said Xiao Cong, maybe you really were a zero-degree king in your last life!"

Wang Sicong smiled bitterly.

"Heaven is a reincarnation, who has God spared?"

Jiang Chen laughed.


"If someone is loyal to you, just accept it!"

"It just so happens that we are going to the Jiuyao Mountain to round up the Poison Emperor, and we have also seen what strength this Tianshan clan is!"

With Jiang Chen as the backing, Wang Sicong also felt that he had the confidence to be the emperor.

The trio led 70,000 soldiers from all martial arts in Tianshan Mountain and hurried back to Jiuyao Mountain in a mighty manner!

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