God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1144: Xuanming Old Demon

When Bai Lingfeng heard this, his face suddenly became unnatural.

"Actually, Tianshan Snow Lotus is no longer in the grasp of Ice Spirit Palace."

Wang Sicong's mouth twitched.


Bai Lingfeng said guiltily.

"It's not that I want to deceive you!"

"Tianshan Snow Lotus is indeed one of the rewards left by the Ice Emperor to his successor, but the Ice Spirit Palace is no longer under the former Ice Emperor!"

"With the disappearance of the Ice Emperor, the entire Ice Spirit Palace was torn apart, forming dozens of schools of various sizes among the Tianshan Mountains."

"These sects have their own ghosts, and finally cause disaster!"

Jiang Chen everyone was dumb.

"Cause trouble? Is there any danger on the top of the Tianshan Mountain?"

Bai Lingfeng nodded.

"Yes! There is indeed danger on the top of Tianshan Mountain!"

"Just a few hundred years ago, a Tianshan child grandmother suddenly appeared on the Tianshan Mountains!"

"That day there was an old Xuanming demon under the mountain boy's grandmother, relying on the power of absorbing frost to support his immortal body."

"Although she is several hundred years old, she looks like a girl!"

Wang Sicong suddenly surprised.

"It is possible to obtain immortality by absorbing the power of the elements. What kind of evil is this Tianshan child grandmother?!"

Jiang Chen's face was very ugly.

"I have heard of this strange immortal power."

"It is said that the physique of the Royal Beast Master will increase as the level of the Royal Beast increases."

"If things go on like this, a cult has created a method that can gain a lifespan for the beast by sacrificing the power of the beast!"

"I'm afraid this Tianshan child grandmother is a member of that cult!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Lingfeng looked even more ugly.

"Blame me!"

"If I hadn't advocated that Tianshan should communicate with the outside world, I wouldn't have introduced this monster to Tianshan!"

Jiang Chen understood very well, after all, as Bai Lingfeng as an elder, he would be even more responsible to the Bing Ling Palace when the Ice Emperor was not alive.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to obtain development paths through communication with forces outside the Tianshan Mountains.

"Elder Bai, you are not to blame for this!"

"To blame, blame this world for its own villains!"

"But having said that, our brothers are not really good guys!"

Jiang Chen and Wang Sicong Tang Shishi looked at each other, and the three nodded together.

"Go! We will meet this Tianshan child grandmother!"

Bai Lingfeng showed a grateful expression.

He turned to look at Wang Sicong and said.

"If the Ice Emperor can personally conquer the Tianshan Snow Lotus, it must be a good story that can determine the unification of the major factions in Tianshan!"

"At that time, you will be the real Palace Master of the Ice Spirit Palace! You must be the position of the Ice Emperor!"

Wang Sicong is not cold about the throne.

For the three Jiang Chen, getting Tianshan Snow Lotus is the top priority!

"Okay!" Wang Sicong agreed as seriously as possible.

The three said little, and left the hall.

Along the way, several Ice Spirit Palace guards wearing white robes guarded the three carefully.

And the three of Jiang Chen also heard a lot of rumors about Tianshan child grandmother.

She was originally a strange woman, and the reason for coming to the top of the Tianshan Mountains was very simple-to get married.

Since the Bingling Palace relaxed its precepts, many older men have gone down the mountain to find their beloved girls.

Tianshan Tongmao is one of them.

However, after that period, a large number of conflicts suddenly appeared among the various small schools on Tianshan.

At the beginning, it was just a small contradiction. Later, these Tianshan compatriots began to fight!

It was not until decades later that everyone knew that all the chaos that year was caused by this Tianshan child grandmother alone!

Most of the beautiful women who join the Tianshan School are from the Tianshan Tongma School.

They pretend to be good women and join the martial art.

But in fact, all of these women have the idea of ​​occupying all the resources on the Tiantian Mountain!

No matter how good the brothers are, they are afraid of a few words.

These malicious women began to secretly nourish the combative heart of their husbands.

Soon, the major factions in Tianshan were in chaos.

At this time, the Tianshan boy tried to turn the tide, so everyone was more convinced of her and chose her as the head.

Unexpectedly, that day Shantong Grandma was a demon among demons!

She not only occupied the Tianshan Snow Lotus, but also used her own credit to oppress the major factions.

Every school in Tianshan must make offerings to Tianshan Tongmao!

At first it was gold and silver jewelry, a panacea.

Within a few years, Tianshan Tong's grandmother felt that she was not long enough and began to practice evil methods.

The contributions of the major factions have also changed from ordinary property to energy for the members of the major factions to practice hard!

This way of robbing others of energy in captivity is simply disgusting!

When Wang Sicong heard this, he was furious, and Jiang Chen was not angry.

With a fierce slap on the table, Wang Sicong led people straight to Tianshan's child's lair.

Soon, everyone came to the site of Tianshan Tongmao.

At a glance, Jiang Chen could see that this Tianshan child grandmother is indeed an alien species!

First of all, Tianshan child grandmother's old nest is built in the mountain and can only be accessed through caves.

The palaces and buildings of the Ice Spirit Palace were built directly outside the snow layer, as if they were not afraid of cold.

Sometimes Jiang Chen just wondered how much courage it would take if the people in the Bingling Palace wanted to take a bath!

The second point is different.

Tianshan Tongmao actually stood on his own on the top of Tianshan Mountain, called Xiaoyao, and built a palace inside the mountain to become Lingjiu Palace!

Jiang Chen gathered outside the cave to discuss strategies with the guards of the Bingling Palace.

"The name Xiaoyao faction is familiar, I'm afraid it still masters other evil tricks!"

"Now only this cave can rush directly into the Lingjiu Palace."

While everyone in Jiang Chen was discussing countermeasures, a cloud of wind suddenly rolled up in the sky!

Jiang Chen only felt that the temperature around him dropped suddenly.

When everyone reacted, snow was already falling in the sky!

"Xuanming Divine Palm!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came in the air!

Between the sound waves, an ice palm fell in the sky.

Between the huge palm prints, there seems to be a flow of energy that is enough to penetrate the sky!

Jiang Chen raised his head and saw that the sky was already covered with dark clouds!

In the high-altitude stratus clouds, a weird shadow keeps twisting and jumping!

Jiang Chen stared at this black shadow, and a set of monster beast data appeared in his eyes.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Xuanming Old Monster

【Monster Level】: Level 74 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Mutated Frost/Demon/Wind

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Monster characteristics]: A huge monster living at the bottom of the glacier. Legend has it that it has the ability to lead to the underworld, cold and bloodthirsty, and extremely lethal.

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Mutant Fire System/Holy Light System/Thunder and Lightning System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

"Brother Chen! What is that dark shadow!"

Wang Sicong drew out his staff and looked at the dark clouds very nervously.

Jiang Chen's mouth raised.

"Grandma, a bear!"

"We haven't gone in to find her yet, she ran out by herself!"

"Everyone is ready to fight! Tianshan Tongmao has come out of the cave!"

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