God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1142: Frost World

The smoke billowed and the cold air dissipated.

Wang Sicong and Da Bai looked at each other and smiled, revealing a row of small white teeth.

"This test is too simple!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ice surrounding Wang Sicong suddenly rioted!

A violent wind swept through, forming a hurricane tornado, and it never stopped.

Suddenly, Wang Sicong's face seemed to be cut by ice skates, and a drop of blood shed.

I saw thousands of ice blades condensed in the air at some point, spinning wildly with the hurricane.

Wang Sicong was cut by this rotating blade.

"It seems that I underestimated the enemy! It is dangerous!"

At the same time, outside the circle.

Jiang Chen stood at the entrance of the magic circle, watching the blizzard in the circle.

The gray-haired old man of Bing Ling Palace walked slowly in front of Jiang Chen.

"This Xuantian Frost Wheel Array is one of the legacy left by Lord Ice Emperor. There are thousands of frost worlds inside!"

"The only way to crack this battle is to use ice to break the ice, there is no other way."

"So, letting that handsome guy go to break the formation is also a wise move!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was lost in thought.

"Ice ice with ice..."

Tang Shishi instantly saw through Jiang Chen's worries.

"I hope Xiao Cong can return safely!"

The two looked at each other and nodded.

At this time, Wang Sicong walked arduously in the Xuantian Frost Wheel Formation.

Several parts of his clothes were soaked with blood.

Just now, he experienced the chase of lions, the resurrection of ice sculptures, avalanches and glacier turbulence.

For Wang Sicong, these dozens of minutes in the circle seemed to have passed for several years!

But Wang Sicong has always adhered to a principle in his heart, that is, to find this circle.

He analyzed it based on actual combat experience.

Everyone in Jiang Chen has experienced countless maze formations together, and every time the method is solved, it is through the destruction of the formation eye.

Only in this way can it completely lose its effect anyway.

In the process of marching like this, Wang Sicong was like a traverser, experiencing one frost world after another.

In every frost world, there are different dangers.

In the fight against these risks, the hurricane formed by the frost blade has always followed.

The unsuspecting Wang Sicong was wounded all over by these sudden dangers and the ice storm.

But the eyes of the magic circle can't find the direction.

At this time, Wang Sicong grabbed a handful of fluffy white snow and gently covered his inflamed wound.


He took a breath of pain.

Although the wound was painful, he could only grit his teeth and forcefully maintain his sanity.

On the icy ground, Wang Sicong gently drew a maze-like map with a cone of ice.

This is the route he has traveled, and a rough picture is marked in different directions.

"The path you have just walked seems to be a bit curved, which will definitely affect your judgment."

"If it is not biased, I have already seen through the periphery of this circle."

"It looks like I have to continue looking for evidence!"

In the Changan team, if I have to talk about IQ, Wang Sicong's IQ is online.

He has a delicate mind and quick thinking. He thought of the main points in a very short time.

To break the magic circle, it is necessary to combine the experience of breaking the small world or the secret realm and apply the breaking magic circle.

Fortunately, the Chang'an team has numerous adventures, and the experience in this area is still rich.

Wang Sicong tried to sense the power of the surrounding elements, but there was nothing else but the Frost.

In other words, this magic circle does not have the ability to change the spatial configuration.

For Wang Sicong, this is definitely good news.

At least in terms of his understanding of the magic circle, it will no longer appear in the space to cause him trouble.

After estimating the direction he was heading again, Wang Sicong used a piece of snow to cover up the map he had drawn.

Wang Sicong got up and prepared to leave.

At this moment, two dark figures suddenly appeared in the vast snow.

The dark figure looked like a mirror, slowly increasing.

Wang Sicong instantly became alert.

Seeing that the two dark shadows grew bigger and clearer, Wang Sicong was startled to drop his jaw.

"Chen... Brother Chen?"

The two dark shadows in the wind and snow were actually Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi!

"Doesn't this allow only one person to participate in the test anyway?"

Although the appearance of Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi made Wang Sicong a question mark in his mind, Wang Sicong had to step forward to greet him out of trust in Jiang Chen.

He walked forward while complaining about this formation to "Jiang Chen".

Suddenly, "Jiang Chen" swelled up!

"Brother Chen, why are you two getting fat?"

Wang Sicong stopped, full of doubts.

Watching Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi's body constantly getting bigger, they have changed from fat to oval.

This ellipse is still expanding.

Wang Sicong seemed to be experiencing a fantasy drama in front of him. He began to hesitate, then slowly moved back.

It was this small act that saved him!

Wang Sicong stepped back three steps, and the body of "Jiang Chen" exploded in an instant!

Huh! !

The ice burst!

Wang Sicong only felt a violent crash into his chest, and he could no longer stand firmly under his feet and flew to the ground!


A lot of cold air entered Wang Sicong's lungs, and he kept coughing.

At the same time, the crazy hurricane tornado behind Wang Sicong has struck!

Driven helplessly, Wang Sicong had to get up and move forward to avoid the tornado hurricane with sharp ice skates.

Ahead, two people have an explosion.

Except for a big white pit, nothing was left.

Wang Sicong was almost certain that he saw that Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi were just two fakes.

At this moment, there was an idea in his mind, and he suddenly remembered the nine hurricanes he saw before entering the magic circle.


A hint of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, since he squatted down quickly.

Seeing one of his palms, an ice cone unfolded out of thin air.


Wang Sicong picked up the ice cone again and painted in the snow.

Behind him, the storm tornado has hit.

But Wang Sicong is dedicated to solving the puzzle of the magic circle.

Seeing that, the endless ice skate tried to pierce his body.

Wang Sicong slapped his forehead suddenly!

"I thought about it! So I went the other way!"

He entered from the edge of the formation, always thinking that the formation's eyes would be in front of him.

Although he keeps moving forward and there is Hurricane Bingblade chasing behind him, in fact he has been going in the opposite direction!

"The eyes of this circle turned out to be after the Ice Blade Storm!"


As soon as the voice fell, the storm behind Wang Sicong had struck!

The sharp ice blade cut across in an instant, cutting the skin.

Wang Sicong turned around sharply, and the blood was sprinkled on the ground, but it was not his own.

"Count Frost?"

Earl Frost did not know when he had stood behind Wang Sicong, his arm had been stabbed by the ice blade.

"Master! Think about it, don't get hurt!"

Wang Sicong and Count Frost stepped back together, staring at the huge screen formed by the ice blade in front of them.

"If I found out earlier, you wouldn't be cut!"

Wang Sicong blamed himself slightly.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the blood from Earl Frost's wound was sucked into the ice storm!

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