God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1036: Shake dry anode ghost

Look at this outfit, like a tramp picking up garbage.

However, something terrifying is that the surface of the old man's body is emitting a dark mist.

It was particularly dazzling in the snow.

Jiang Chen immediately keenly realized that it turned out to be a real evil spirit!

Under this exaggeration, the image of the old man became dark and threatening.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, the old man screamed.

"Who are you! Why are you here!"

Jiang Chen retreated violently, his eyes were full of caution.

"Under Jiang Chen, look for clues to the ghost emperor!"

The old man leaned on a cane, and Jiang Chen looked carefully, it turned out to be an iron sand gun.

This thing is a kind of soil gun that hunters on the mountain always keep, filled with gunpowder and spraying iron sand.

This kind of gun can't hit anything far away, so you can only wait for it to get close and hit it.

It's close, and one shot will break the wild boar's head.

The old man was very excited when he heard the word ghost emperor.

But he seemed very angry.

He rushed up to get close to Jiang Chen, but backed away with fear.

The hand seemed to be afraid of Jinsen, shaking constantly.

When Jiang Chen saw this, it seemed that the old man had some hesitation.

He couldn't help asking.

"Senior, do you have any conditions?"

As soon as this statement came out, it seemed to remind him.

I saw the eyes of this tramp-like old man lit up.

"Huh? Huh!"

"Yes! Conditions!"

"Are you asking about the Eastern Ghost Emperor?"

"I know! But I don't want to tell you!"

"But... you still have a chance..."

"If you beat me, I will tell you everything!"

After speaking, the old man's dead fish eyes turned strangely.

Jiang Chen suddenly wondered.

"Win? Senior is actually a beast master?"

The old man smiled.

"Whatever you say!"

"Beat me! I'll tell you!"

When Jiang Chen heard it, there was nothing to talk about.

"That... Senior, I'm offended!"

"Eight-armed Titan! Come!"


Endless coercion rolls up endless wind and snow!

I saw the magic ape handsome emblem on Jiang Chen's eyebrows burst out with a black and gold light.


Daikin's figure turned out.

I saw it sniffing the tip of its nose again and again, and there were some puzzled eyes looking at the old man under his feet.


It looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

"Master? Hit him? Are you afraid that he will touch you?"

Jiang Chen nodded earnestly and said mentally.

"This guy is not easy, be careful!"

Daikin suddenly became serious and nodded.

I saw the dark gold iron rod in the hands of the eight-armed Titan Wukong beast flying in circles, tigers and winds.

After a meal, a thousand illusion somersault clouds appeared!


Daikin roared, and endless pressure erupted from his body.

The dark gold iron rod in his hand suddenly increased, swept the energy, and slammed the old man fiercely!

For Daikin, this should be the end of the battle with one stick.

But something unexpected happened!


The dark gold iron rod seemed to hit some hard object.


The black gold burst out!

Baixue Smoothie swept wildly.

Daikin stepped back again and again, and a thousand somersaults struggled to stabilize Daikin's figure.

Take it to Baixue and disperse, revealing the old man-like figure of a tramp.

Suddenly, Daikin and Jiang Chen were completely dull.

I saw that the hunched old man still looked sloppy, but his arms stretched out straight.

The transparent ice wall solidified in front of the palm.

The stick that Dajin destroyed the world was blocked in front of the ice wall.


The old man chuckled and pushed his palm.

The huge transparent ice wall unexpectedly moved forward slowly and gradually in the direction of Jiang Chen!

What surprised Jiang Chen most was that a hooded figure appeared at the same time behind him.

A huge ice wall appeared in the hands of the two figures at the same time, galloping towards Jiang Chen!

If Jiang Chen doesn't crack this ice wall, he will definitely be caught in meat sauce!

Jiang Chen was shocked.

"What's happening here?"

"Could it be that he has the ability to clone?"

But when Jiang Chen's gaze slowly moved to the mirrored figure, a set of data suddenly appeared in his eyes!

[Monster name]: Shake dry anode ghost

[Monster level]: Level 70 (king level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Ghost System/Shadow System

[Monster State]: Excited (War Intent)

[Characteristics of monsters]: The world is divided into yin and yang, the yang is walking in the world, the yin is invisible, holding the yin and negatively yang, combining the two into one, and the way of heaven

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There is 1 evolution route...

"It turned out to be Yu Beast!"

"This humble old man is really a beastmaster!"

This is the first time Jiang Chen has seen a master beast living on the top of such a remote mountain!

But at this time, he couldn't help thinking too much.

"Xiao Dong!"

"The soul lock is shaking!"


The terrifying aura of the Lich King broke out!


Tens of thousands of soul locks suddenly pierced through the ice wall!


Strong pressure produces harsh friction.

The ice wall confronted the soul lock for a few seconds.


Two ice walls suddenly collapsed.

The crisis is lifted!

The old man showed a strange look, and a trace of confusion kept flashing in his dead fish eyes.


"Why are there still Liches alive, the smell of soul lock is very strong, but there is no dead spirit fire?"

The old man murmured softly.

Jiang Chen doesn't care about this.

Behind him is a king-level ghost!

"A Leng!"

"God possessed!"

Jiang Chen shouted.

The most effective way to deal with ghosts and monsters is Aleng's holy light attribute.

I saw a beam of golden light in the sky!

The sound of nature echoed continuously.

Jiang Chen's body began to be eroded by the power of the black demon and turned into pitch black.

The turbulent voice of the devil was deep and agitated.

The Holy Light slowly shrank, and a huge Holy Light Cross appeared on Jiang Chen's chest.

With a big wave of his hand, the pheasant sword suddenly crossed in front of him!


The industry exploded.

The holy pattern on Jiang Chen's arm burst out.

The power of judgment distorted the flames and spread all over the sword.


The wings behind Jiang Chen shook suddenly, shooting straight at the negative ghost of Lidui!

call out!

The sonic boom vibrated, and Jiang Chen arrived in the blink of an eye.


The huge sword of the hands and feet was swung fiercely, and the pressure locked the body of Lidui negative ghost.

But the next second, the ghost of Lidui negative pole turned around and rolled and disappeared.

Jiang Chen was suddenly blinded.

No one can escape completely under the lock of his attack.

Moreover, it disappears when it rolls on the spot, which is also very strange.

Just as Jiang Chen was wondering.


There was a gunshot behind Jiang Chen!

Looking back, Da Jin's body was staggered by the old man with a gun.

There are countless pieces of ice on the surface of the black gold body!

Obviously, the gun used by the old man as a cane is not an ordinary shotgun! !

Seeing the insidious smile under the hood, Jiang Chen suddenly became a little angry.

Thinking that the old man had the news of the ghost emperor's ruins, Jiang Chen calmed down a bit.

Instead of getting angry, it is better to focus on defeating the old man and his beast.

He stared at the old man again for a few seconds, suddenly a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Chen saw that it turned out to be a set of monster data!

Terror filled his eyes instantly.


He couldn't believe it!

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