God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1031: Queen is coming



Two completely different energy forms staggered and collided in front of Jiang Chen, cutting through Jiang Chen's throat several times, dangerous and dangerous.

Roar! ! !

The lion king Lalique was unwilling to stop because of this and broke out with a terrifying roar.

The whole body's magic lines are bursting, and the huge sword blade in his hand expands radiantly, the murderous intent bursts, and it expands instantly, and the murderous sword glow more than doubled.


The blade shook the air, and deadly energy burst out!

call out!

The killing intent broke through the air and stabbed Jiang Chen suddenly! !

At this moment of crisis!


A huge hand of sand rose slowly from the ground.

It is the sand crystal transformed by Ah Fool!


The lion king Lalique's great sword pierced into the hands of Sand.

Zheng! !

Ah Fong immediately manipulated the hand of sand to quickly condense, turning into a giant spar hand, and the lion king's sword of killing intent was stuck firmly.


Lion King Lalique suddenly used his strength, drew his sword, stepped back, and did not continue to attack Jiang Chen.

At this time, everyone in Chang'an came to the collapsed wood house.

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Kui couldn't help laughing.


"I thought there was only Jiang Chen coming to die! I didn't expect you guys to be there to help!"

Speaking of this, Shangguan Kui saw the blood-colored butterfly dance mark on the cat's forehead.

"So there are you! Shangguan Haitang!"

"The Holy Lord is looking for you home to relive the past!"

"Haha! I have done a great job this time!"

Shangguan Kitty was taken aback on the spot and frowned suddenly.

"Fart! My lady can't change her name or her surname, Shangguan Kitty!"

Shangguan Kui heard it and smiled.

"Ha! What do you call it!"

"Now that Jiang Chen is in my hands, if you don't want him to die, just let me down your weapons honestly, and use my martial arts!"

Tang Shishi moved forward slowly.

"Sorry what you just said? Jiang Chen is in your hands?"

"Sorry, I don't think so!"

After all, everyone in Chang'an stepped forward and surrounded Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took the opportunity to struggle frantically, but the power of his whole body seemed to have hit another world, completely useless, unable to move!

Shangguan Quihaha laughed.

"Hahaha! Jiang Chen! Persuade you to give up!"

"This Blood Dragon Profound Armor Formation was carefully trained by me, condensing the extraordinary killing intent of twelve people!"

"If you forcibly break through, the murderous aura will erode the meridians, and there will be no place to die!"

Everyone looked at Shangguan Kui's sullen look, very tired.

Li Xiaofu angrily wanted to go straight up and slap Shangguan Kui's two big mouths!

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a chuckle.

Under the moonlight, Gu Yuesha's skin reflected fluorescence, hazy as clouds.

His lips opened lightly, and his teeth showed slightly.

The tip of the nose quivered, and the sharp eyes showed contempt.

Shangguan Kui frowned suddenly.

"Who is you, why not show your respect!"

The air reverberated with murderous air.

The queen gave a cold voice.


"My name is Gu Yuesha, guardian of the tree of life, queen of the elves!"

Shangguan Kui stretched his eyebrows.

"Huh? I thought it was a big man."

"It turns out to be the downfall queen of the declining elves!"

"There are still a few dark elves transformed and corrupted in Chuanmu's herbarium!"

Gu Yuesha was immediately angry when she heard it!

"Scum! This king broke your blood dragon profound armor formation today!"


The piano hummed and the string vibrated.

Transparent light waves suddenly burst out of Gu Yuesha's hands!

call out! ! !


Under the cover of the sound of the piano, hundreds of sharp sound blades that chill your back spin and fly towards the twelve blood evil guards!



The twelve figures moved around, the sword in their hands danced wildly, and the killing intent broke out! !

A huge scarlet dragon rushed up in the sky, surrounding Jiang Chen.

The sound blades shattered one after another, as if glass was scattered.

As the sound waves blasted away, there was a deafening explosion.

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Kui became even more arrogant.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This Blood Dragon Profound Armor Formation is not only for trapping people! It can also be used as a golden bell, it can be described as an offensive and defensive one!"

"Queen of the elves, or you will be my thirteenth concubine, how about I spare your life?"

Gu Yuesha frowned, suddenly furious!


She lifted her toes slightly, and suddenly flew to the ground like a god, with the guqin in her hand between Ah Fool's claws.

"Silly, be a big speaker for me!"

"Everyone quickly cover your ears to prevent accidental injury!"

After all, Gu Yuesha exerted force with her ten fingers, resting on the strings.

A tornado sandstorm suddenly condensed above Ah Fong's claws, which gradually condensed and turned into a huge horn.

Everyone in Chang'an hurriedly avoided the opening of the loudspeaker, covering their ears, and staying far away.

The Twelve Blood Guard glanced at each other.

Looking at Gu Yuesha's formation, he was preparing to sacrifice some ultimate move!

The sword turned and flew, and the twelve figures were all rushing towards Gu Yuesha. They had to attack Gu Yuesha first.

But Gu Yuesha was moved.

"This is the opportunity!"

Gu Yuesha's green jade hands suddenly loosened!



The sound of horrible killing burst from the strings!


A whistling vortex crazily swept across the loudspeakers condensed by Ah Fool.

The string is noisy as rain! !

For a time, magic sounds lingered, affecting everyone's brains.

Even the people in Chang'an who covered their ears felt a kind of upset.

With Gu Yuesha's fingers provoking the wrong play, like a dance, the sound of killing and killing continued to sound from the guqin.

Killing the magic sound can affect people's minds.

The general result is restlessness and irritability.

But if the elite elites in the murderous aura fluctuate, there is a chance that they will be affected by the murderous aura!

With the speaker expansion effect, the effect is even greater!


The twelve figures paused slightly.

In his eyes, an uncontrollable killing intent suddenly burst out.

Ah Fool held up Gu Yuesha and threw the Sha Jing horn on the head of the blood evil guard.


It's like being awakened by a smash.

The twelve blood evil positions looked at each other and swung the knife suddenly!

But the target that the sword pointed at was not Gu Yuesha, but her twelve companions!


In Shangguan Kui's horrified gaze, the swords of the twelve blood evil guards pierced each other into the bodies of their companions.

The moment the sword entered the body, the blood evil guard finally returned to sober, took out the **** knife, and looked at his companion incredibly.

At the same time, a horrible coercion burst out of Jiang Chen's body.


The scarlet dragon burst into pieces.

Jiang Chen slowly got up.

"Xiao Hei, help them on the road!"

After that, with a big wave of his hand, Xiao Hei's figure suddenly turned out.


The unicorn roared, Shura's evil eyes suddenly opened!

The endless evil spirit mist swept across the twelve blood evil guards.

Xiao Hei lowered his head, and the power of the blue wind blew up all over his body.

call out!

Suddenly, a black wind blew, and a muffled scream sounded in the magic mist!

When the evil spirits dissipated, Shangguan Kui saw blood-stained corpses all over the place, mixed together and could not be identified.


"Jiang Chen! Kill me Blood Fiend! I want you to die!"

These twelve people are all orphans raised by Shangguan Kui, who are more intimate than his own son.

With a wave of Jiang Chen, all twelve died, and Shangguan Kui was angry and hated.

I completely forgot that I was the villain who came to provoke Jiang Chen and wanted to put Jiang Chen to death!


The immortal lion king Lalique roared again and slammed his sword towards Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen's eyebrows suddenly burst with a terrifying black gold light!


A terrifying coercion exploded, and dust splashed everywhere.

Daikin's body flashed with black gold magic patterns, with unlimited power.

Holding a dark gold iron rod, pointing directly at the sword in the hands of the lion king Lalique!


Weapon combat!

boom! !

The air wave swept wildly.

The tyrannical recoil instantly blasted the two weapons into flight!

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