God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1028: Shield Blocker

Above the city, a red armored Tang poetry waved to Jiang Chen.

It means that Shanhaigang has been taken.

This was not over yet, and the other two saints received news one after another.

Three cities were attacked at the same time!

Shanhai Port was attacked by all personnel this time, and there were only two thousand sergeants left in the city to maintain order.

Tang Shishi and Mo Yan, together with Guan Mao and Ye Lanyi, formed a women's team with four female players and directly blew up Shanhaigang.

The dragon wolf army united with the night dire army to surprise two defensive cities.

This is good, the southbound line of defense in the Eastern Region has been declared lost!

The three of Shangguan Tiancheng were suddenly out of breath.

Behind is the line of defense, in front is Jiang Chen, and he is stunned and stunned!

But Shangguan Tiancheng still had some brains.

Since he went out of the city to kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was in front of him, and he could redeem the sin of losing the city as long as he took it.

But the other two guards didn't think so.

They originally came out to support, but now the chrysanthemums are exploding, and they are all nervous.

This time, the three defenders diverged.

Shangguan Tiancheng suddenly drew his sword and rushed forward, and he had to take the first step to bring Jiang Chen to death!

But the two generals rode horses one after another and ran towards the city.

At this moment, Jiang Chen moved.


The eight-clawed purple scale dragon king burst into endless coercion.

The power of tyrannical control spread instantly!

Above the sky, the shadows cover the sun.


Dragon King is angry!

A round of scarlet moon sickle suddenly reflected in the sky!

The endless dark red moonlight twisted and squirmed on the ground, covering a diameter far more than one kilometer!

Suddenly, thousands of sergeants were restrained in place, unable to move!

Shangguan Tiancheng's sword was less than half a meter away from Jiang Chen, and he would surely stab him within a second!

But at this time, he had no chance to stab Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen jumped up and shot a burst of coercion under his feet.


Daikin's figure suddenly turned out, and the tyrannical black gold beam burst out.

With all eight arms bent back, Jiang Chen suddenly ran to the two guards!

In the midair, Jiang Chen instantly transformed into a dragon, flipping his hands.

Zheng! !

The pheasant sword hummed.

The karma is raging, and the tongue is surging.

Jiang Chen waved his hand!


Two round-dong-dong heads head straight to the sky!

For a time, two terrifying red fountains erupted under the red moon.

Zi Zi Zi~

The dark red energy receded, and Jiang Chen closed the knife at the same time.

The two saints of Shangguan's family died without even letting out the fart.

In fact, if three generals besieged Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen could almost escape with his wings.

But Jiang Chen was just betting, and the three generals were equal and their abilities were similar.

In war, there must be a commander-in-chief and a general goal.

If you disagree, you will die!

Jiang Chen was right. He had expected that at most one guard could not help returning to the city to save the field.

Unexpectedly, they turned around and walked two.

Facing Jiang Chen behind his back, he really bought one get one free.

When the red moon disappeared, Shangguan Tiancheng had a chance to look back.

Opening his eyes and watching the heads of his former comrades-in-arms, Shangguan Tiancheng suddenly fell into a madness!

"Do not!"

He roared loudly, and his eyes were suddenly red!

"Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

The bloodline of Shangguan's killing was immediately aroused by anger, burning like a blazing flame.

He screamed up to the sky, a blood-red murderous aura spurted out of his mouth!

"Come out! Shield blocking the evil demon!"

Roar! !

There was a loud roar.

A wave of anger suddenly rolled in front of Jiang Chen!

I saw a huge blood-red humanoid Qiangqiang falling to the ground.


This fall is like a meteorite, smashing the ground into a big crater!

This man is shaped like a mecha, covered with a red shell, and two giant steel shields are floating beside him.

And behind this mech, there was a horrible shadow of the evil golem strangely stirring, with its eyes staring like a copper bell, and nine skeletons surrounding its body.

On the top of the mecha, there is also a skull crown ring, floating out of thin air.

As soon as it appeared on the scene, the entire space instantly solidified, only the endless murderous awe and the endless pressure.

Jiang Chen landed in the air, and a set of data emerged in his eyes.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Shield blocking evil spirit

[Monster level]: 66 (overlord level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster Attribute]: Fighting System/Mechanical System

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: tall war-type mechanical life, the mecha contains the soul of the evil demon, possessing the power of the mecha and the murderous aura of the evil demon

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Flying

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Before Jiang Chen could stand firm, Shangguan Tiancheng had already killed him!


The two huge shields of the Shield Blocking Demon suddenly came together to form a piece.

The shaman phantom behind the huge mecha spread its teeth and danced its claws, and a hurricane of killing intent slammed into the air.


Pushed by murderous intent, the shield blocking evil demon suddenly rushed!

Shangguan Tiancheng suddenly jumped onto the shoulder of the shield blocker, and stab Jiang Chen from another direction!

"Hahahaha! Close all your escape routes, and die for me!"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and burst out.

"Brother! Do you dare to turn your back to Daikin, admire it!"

Shangguan Tiancheng was taken aback.

I felt that a tyrannical aura suddenly broke out behind me.


Dajin Xiexie smiled, and the dark gold iron rod in his hand suddenly stretched out and held it in his hand like a javelin.

call out!

The javelin was thrown suddenly!

He snorted and bumped behind Shangguan Tiancheng.


The extremely strong scream erupted from Shangguan Tiancheng's mouth.

Shangguan Tiancheng pouted and lay on the ground.


Jiang Chen clapped his hands.

"Big Brother Tiancheng, I respect you as a tough guy!"

Shangguan Tiancheng was trembling with anger, he wanted to rush forward and poke the sword in Jiang Chen's chest.

But Daikin's move was too ruthless, Shangguan Tiancheng was really twitching all over, and the sword in his hand was not stable.

The scorching pain made his legs weak, and he couldn't stand up, let alone take revenge on Jiang Chen.

At this moment, he was completely bent.

"Ah~ Shield Blocker~ Kill him~"

When he said this, Shangguan Tiancheng had already become a sissy.


The shield blocking evil demon roared towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen did not hide.

I saw the dark gold iron rod suddenly grow bigger, when the air strikes!



The metal interlaced, and the eye-catching black gold magic pattern suddenly broke out on Daikin's arm!


The huge body of the shield-resisting demon was suddenly flew away by the dark gold iron rod!

Shangguan Tiancheng became blind.

Although the Shield Devil is not a pure power beast, it weighs far more than ten tons!

How sacred is Jiang Chen's Royal Beast, he actually knocked over his shield to stop the evil demon!

But the defensive power of the shield devil is absolutely extraordinary.


The Shield Blocking Demon slowly stood up unharmed and roared, his expression full of anger.

I saw it suddenly pointed at the sky with both hands.


The two huge shields embedded in the ground suddenly bounced and fell into the hands of the shield demon.


The shield face was shaken, and endless murderous aura spewed out.

The shield turned into a strangely long spear!


Metal clashes, the shield blocking the evil demon stabs and rushes towards Daikin.

Da Jintou tilted, avoiding the killing intent, but failed to avoid the huge shield.

In desperation, Dajin stabbed a dark gold iron rod to block this tyrannical shield attack.

boom! ! !

The two Royal Beasts hit one place fiercely.

The black gold light and blood red killing intent suddenly burst!

Dust billowed up on the plain.

Two powerful behemoths set off shock waves like hurricane tornadoes, and tens of thousands of sergeants fled frantically.

Just the aftermath of the shock, Shangguan Tiancheng blasted and crawled.

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