God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1013: Celebrate the whole country!

At this time, the Tokyo Metropolitan Department of Chuanmu Group Island Country.

"Why? Why didn't the newly developed elastic coercive bomb explode!"

The captain of the Chuanmu team was furious!

In Chuanmu, if the mission fails, it is very likely that you will accept the honor of Jade Broken!

The Chuanmu Group's plan to use the competition to create disasters was overwhelmed, and everything was ready to go to waste.

The only loophole for failure was that when Jiang Chen was chasing the island team, he entered the sea of ​​knowledge of the Void Ancient Whale.

"This Jiang Chen! Don't get rid of it!"

At this time, Jiang Chen didn't even know that he had ruined Chuanmu's sinister plan to control the Beast Master Realm.

He was receiving enthusiastic applause from the audience outside the island country.

The reporters frantically took pictures around Jiang Chen, raising questions about visits one after another.

Countless members of the alliance team cast scorching eyes on the Yanhuang team.

In the current arena, almost all the contestants are assembled, but the island team did not come out.

But no one cared.

Because the most honorable in the game is the first place.

Other people, such as Team Trump, die or die, and no one cares about them.

The next process is notarization and settlement of points, and then awards.

Just as the Yanhuang team was celebrating, Abe Yakuza and Tamiya Manzo ran over angrily.

"Jiang Chen! What did you do to my son!"

"Jiang Chen! What happened to the Void Ancient Whale!"

Jiang Chen glanced at them contemptuously, and did not answer at all.

Abe Keiji rushed arrogantly, wanting to be rude to Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, there was a banana peel just dropped on the ground.


Abe Keiji fell to the ground severely, knocking off his front teeth.

When he shouted, Jiang Chen couldn't hear what he said.

Tamiya Manzo was more witty and took the microphone.

"Jiang Chen! Do you know that the Ancient Void Whale will not participate in this competition. If you destroy it, I will hold you accountable!"

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously.

"Haha! You have to speak responsibly!"

"Are you accusing me? Please get evidence!"

Tamiya Manzo was speechless.

At this moment, the Void Ancient Whale suddenly spit out a spit of slobber, smashing Tamiya Manzo!

Everyone around immediately began to laugh at Tamiya Manzo.

Yu Beast is about to break through the realm of Dao Emperor, but suddenly loses his skills and becomes a Tie Han Han!

Tamiya Manzo suddenly became anxious and exploded directly.

He smirked first.

Then he chuckled directly.

When the medical staff arrived, it was diagnosed that Tamiya Manzo was guilty of epilepsy.

Soon someone came to take away the convulsed Tamiya Manzo.

At this time, the organizing committee announced in public that the award ceremony officially began.

The huge platinum trophy was brought to the stage.

The six people from Yan and Huang managed to lift it up.

A mechanic robot came on stage and engraved the Yanhuang flag on the trophy on the spot, and the names of the six Jiang Chen were engraved on the trophy.

Jiang Chen instantly transformed into a dragon, and raised this huge championship trophy high above his head.

Immediately, the whole country celebrated in Yanhuang!

In the remote city of Kyoto, Bai Yutang and Zong Zheng attended the meeting to observe the Yanhuang team.

When Jiang Chen raised the trophy representing the champion, all walks of life in the conference hall immediately clapped.

The previous team members, as well as senior officials from all walks of life who were employed or retired from the army, stood up and applauded.

In Kyoto University, Xuanyuanshuang and Liu Hongchen organized outstanding student officials to watch the competition. All Kyoto University regarded Jiang Chen as a hero.

In Chang'an City, the whole city has already closed business, paying attention to the contest where the city owner played.

Jiang Xiaoguo sat triumphantly under the big screen, watching the game with Mo Yan Gu Yuesha and others.

When Jiang Chen proudly raised the trophy, all Changan people shed tears of excitement.

In the Northern Territory, Linxian City, Beimeng City, the reconstructed Champs-Eye City, etc., celebrations were held in many places at the same time.

Banners, fireworks, rewarding the armed forces, amnesty prisoners.

For a time, the Yanhuang Alliance was full of celebrations.

When Jiang Chen was on the podium with the Bear Country Angels team and the Nordic Mythology team at the same time, all the blue stars looked at Yan Huang with admiration.

The three teams greeted warmly, and found a place to celebrate after the game.

At this time, the judges stepped down.

"Jiang Chen, because your points rank first in the Yanhuang team, we will award you a brand new independent FMVP super reward!"

"A copy of Titan inheritance!"

I saw the organizing committee and the elders group handed up a black and bright transparent nail.

On the armor plate, the scarlet red curse imprints twisted and squirmed, very active.

Jiang Chen took it, and immediately noticed that the incomparably cordial and powerful force was continuously flowing into the body through his arms.

Arms, back, heart, calves.

All the curse marks began to heat up at once.

His body can't wait to accept the new curse.

Jiang Chen now wants to step down quickly and absorb this black nail piece!

But the reporters did not let him go.

"Mr. Jiang Chen, do you have any tips for breaking through the siege in a short time as a dark horse?"

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "I told you the trick is still a trick!"

"Mr. Jiang Chen, we found that you and this lady here seem to have a very close relationship, even in front of the screen many times as your husband, and asked gently what is the ending of this love story that happened in the arena?"

Jiang Chen: "Brother! Don't ask me the ending, I don't know about it!"

Jiang Chen resolutely dealt with a large number of media reporters. When he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the aura on the podium suddenly changed.

I saw a blond man who looked like an orange cat walking slowly.

It turned out to be a virtual projection of the leader of the Trump alliance!

"Jiang Chen! Do you want my Trump green card?"

Jiang Chen saw the incoming person clearly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Return to this adult, the green card is worthless now!"

"The most ostentatious thing in the world right now is the permanent residence permit of foreigners in Yanhuang!"

The Trump alliance is speechless!

An old woman suddenly appeared behind his virtual image.

The nose of the big eagle hooks, the clothes are graceful and luxurious, and the silver hair is golden.

Behind the woman was a tall, slim, blonde girl in a black evening dress with a backless back.

"Captain Jiang Chen! I am Queen Elizabeth Melon of Eagle Country!"

"If you join our Eagle Nation Alliance nationality, I am willing to betroth my daughter to you!"

The queen didn't finish, but the people from the Pyramid Alliance also came.

The leader of the Asan Alliance and the Demon Alliance sent virtual images to win over Jiang Chen.

It doesn't matter if you sell your own daughter, you still have to give Jiang Chen the heir.

In the end, dozens of virtual projections directly scolded at the scene.

Jiang Chen annoyed this kind of occasion the most.


"You guys, can you let me say something."

"I, Jiang Chen, born Yanhuang, died Yanhuang!"

"No matter how popular I am described on forums or on the Internet, I am still a hot guy after all!"

For a time, countless young beast masters were in awe!

"The husband is good!"

Vera led a group of angels to cheer up.

Tang Shishi Li Xiaofu and others stood proudly on the stage without squinting!

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