God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1004: Swallow the Heart of Chaos!

The girl armed with alloy is like an angel sent to the battlefield by God.

However, she did not come to redeem at all.

Her mission is to kill!

Killing for the real angel in her heart, for the **** and devil angel who descended from the sky.


In the middle of the battlefield, there was a scream.

It's hard to imagine a woman who can utter such a strong roar.

No one can even notice the strong sense of fitness when a woman's veins burst.

Of course, the most restless thing is the violent coercion.

"War Bear Possessed!!"

With the roar, Vera's body is swelling!

Zi Zi Zi!

The golden energy pulse turned into lightning, surrounding Vera's original Miaoman body.

"Ha ha ha ha!" She laughed.

"You don't know yet!!"

"This alloy armor is specially made for me!"

"It's not protective armor! It's restraining armor!!"

"For restraint..."


Zheng! !

The metal rubbed violently, making a terrifying sound!

Vera's alloy arm lock was removed by her, and she fell heavily on the ground.

Before he finished speaking, Vera's powerful muscles swelled instantly, tightly bound by the alloy armor, and his skin deformed.

The alloy armor skirt has expanded to a critical value!

"Alert! Alarm!"

"The energy concentrator has reached a critical value and will be overloaded!"

At the same time, within the bear country alliance.

The technician is reporting to the chief.

"Sir! Vera's restraint is about to be overloaded. If you continue to force it, I'm afraid it will damage the angel's body!"

In front of a middle-aged man with brown sunglasses, the red alarm flickered frantically.

It was written with the words of Xiong Country: It will explode.

There is a button under the text, two words: "Release".

Needless to say, this is the remote button to unlock the authority of Vera Armor.


The white glove punched the word release.

The screen returns to the battlefield!


The static electricity surged wildly.

The alloy skirt is instantly unlocked!

In front of Jiang Chen, Vera's body suddenly swelled!


The woman roared like a bear.

In an instant, the golden light current on Vera's body instantly spread to the six angels.

"Hehehe! My husband! I'll cover it!"

"Fully open! Domain·Angel Resonance!"


Roar! !

The six girls screamed continuously, and everyone's body instantly burst into a powerful tendon posture.

In an instant, six giants stood outside the red circle.

This is the resonance of angels! Share Yu Beast possession!

The hearts of the members of the alliance suddenly rolled up the stormy sea.

The six beautiful girls instantly transformed into roaring giant bears.


Vera's huge slap suddenly slammed on the head of a claw-robbing dragon.


The dragon's blood was flying, splashing on the ground, and smoking.

The scaly dragon head turned around, his eyes filled with disbelief.

This powerful force, this flexible fighting technique!

Is this still human?

At this time, Vera and Yalong faced each other.

Yalong's eyes seemed to reveal his mood at this time.

"Human! I'll be a little bit frantic if I hit you again, I said!"

Vera struck her neck and punched down immediately, and his muscles exploded with tyrannical strength.


Put down Yalong directly.

The six bear angels tailed together and shouted in unison.


call out!

Six golden lights burst out!

Like open petals close together, six powerful elbows, white but full of ferocious muscles, crashed into the Bone Robber Yalong.

Rumble! !

The golden-yellow energy radiation exploded, and the terrifying static electricity went straight into the sky, forming the last expression of Yalong's dying-despair.

All sand and gravel soil within ten meters was annihilated, leaving only a dark pit on the ground.

Six alloy war bears in hard armor rushed into the crowd frantically.

What ninja, what team.

At this time, they are not humans, but tofu on the chopping board, to be ravaged by others.

Eoriya laughed.

"Say it in one minute!"

"Leo Constellation God Realm! Open!"

"Golden Star Lion! Battle Armor!"

boom! !

Endless coercion, based on Eoria, spreads!

Above the ground, a huge star array floats slowly, forming a magic array barrier.

In the enchantment, there is a set of pure gold constellation battle armor suspended, with starlight hooks, and rays of light surging.

clang! clang! clang! !

This battle armor is still being forged and its model is being changed.

The sparks boiled, like countless stars falling.

Leo God Domain·Golden Guardian!

It is not difficult to imagine how brilliant the original owner of the battle armor was.


The golden star lion jumped up and rushed into the circle.

When it jumped out again, the whole body was covered with golden stars!

The killing continues, countdown, thirty seconds!

In front of Jiang Chen, only Ah Sankun was left.

I saw him

"Brother Jiang Chen, I know that you have a prejudice against the Northeast, and you have a prejudice against me, but today I hope to change."

"Thirty seconds, it's my turn!"

"Asan brothers, thunderous abyss!"

Zheng! !

The seriousness and seriousness that the captain should have suddenly appeared in Ah Sankun's eyes.

And in the eyes, there are two ghost ghosts blooming! !

The six team members stand separately to form a six-pointed star lightning array.

Two ghost ghosts with endless coercion suddenly zoomed in. They were covered with the traditional samurai armor of the A-San Alliance, their eyes closed but the coercion was endless.

Under the armor, the thunder scimitar in his hand was hunting, and the figure walked in the opposite direction, silently all the way, only the blue and white electric current turned sharply like a snake.

Wherever it passed, all the creatures were paralyzed and twitched.

I saw Guiming Xuying suddenly opened his eyes.


The two thunder and lightning giants raised their blades together and suddenly cut them down.


The space of the circle was violently trembling and thunderous.

For a time! The sky is falling!

In an instant, a dozen coalition forces were killed by three.

The battle has turned again!

The Eagle Nation Alliance was terrified and wanted to retreat.

When Longchang Koizumi saw that this was not good, he shouted to the island nation.

"Take this opportunity! Kill Jiang Chen!"

But his order was one minute late.

In this minute, Jiang Chen endured the scorching temperature of the heart of the black and white chaos, swallowing it into his belly in one bite!

In an instant, the air stopped.

On the battlefield, Vera's forehead violently violently, Eoria rode on the back of the golden star lion, wielding a Nordic spear to assassinate wildly, looking ferocious.

Longchang Koizumi was about to turn around and draw a knife to kill Jiang Chen.

The Eagle Nation Alliance wanted to retreat, and Park Xingle of the Stick Alliance walked around behind Asan Kun, preparing to stab Asan Kun with a dagger.

Roar! !

The Pluto behind Jiang Chen roared!

The pressure of terror swept through, the air flowed, and time resumed circulation.

I saw the shadow of the Hades behind Jiang Chen waved his hand.


It hit the scarlet dragon blood enchantment heavily.


The barrier suddenly shattered like a mirror.

Before the dagger in Pu Xingle's hand was about to pierce into Asan Kun's spine, Pluto grabbed a fragment of the enchantment that was not broken and pierced into Pu Xingle's body!


With a screaming cry, Pu Xingle died on the spot!

A group of members of the Bangzi League controlled Yu Beast and flew to kill Jiang Chen.

But never thought, the ghost of the Hades suddenly opened its fangs, and in the mouth of the black hole, an annihilation vortex slowly rotated!

The force of the elements in the air suddenly lost its effect!

Pluto waved his hand, and the five members of the Stick League were killed instantly!

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