God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1001: White Snake King

Snakes have fine scales and fangs like sharp edges.

There was a full sneer in the terrifying snake eyes.


The King of White Snake roared, and the smell of anger was immediately puffed up, and hurricanes blew up in the nest!

Ye Lanyi immediately opened the storm domain and offset the tornado.

And Jiang Chen took this opportunity to check the data of this huge white snake.

[Name of Monster Beast]: White Snake Spirit King

[Monster level]: 66 (overlord level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Wind/Fire

[Monster State]: War Intent

【Characteristics of monsters】: King of snakes, white is a different kind

At the same time has the ability to control wind and fire, huge body, strong combat power, and strong self-healing

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: 9 evolution routes in total...

Jiang Chen waved his hand.

I saw Daikin stepped on a thousand phantom somersault clouds, holding a dark gold iron rod, and jumped up.

Instantly release the overlord's breath, rolling over with might, shaking the sky!

The dark gold iron rod suddenly stretched out and hit the snake king seven inches hard!

But the white snake has smooth scales and is very flexible!

The body twisted, and the white shadow flickered, directly avoiding Daikin's blow.


The dark gold iron rod smashed into the rock and sparks splashed!

The White King of the Spirit Snake spit out a snake letter to Jiang Chen mockingly.

As soon as he saw it, Ah Fong turned into a giant sandstorm bear and hugged the end of the White Snake King.

Brothers in the war, no matter how Dajin and Ah Fool usually quarrel, they will never disagree and underestimate the enemy when they really face the battle.

The White King of the Spirit Snake danced his body frantically, trying to get rid of Ah Stupid.

Ah Fong turned into a sand crystal mountain, opened the huge bear's mouth, and bit the white snake's tail.


The little turtle roared and stepped forward to help.

Xuanwu Xuying burst out, and the four clones simultaneously hugged the huge body of the White King of the Spirit Snake.

At the same time, Li Xiaofu urged his own gravity domain to forcefully suppress the White King of the Spirit Snake.

"good chance!"

With a sweet cry, Tang Shishi held a flame spear and landed in the air.


Among the spears, extremely strong Divine Phoenix flames gushed out.

The tongue of fire spit out, like a blade, as soon as it cut down, it cut off the tail of the white king of the spirit snake.


Ling Snake White King let out a strange laugh.

There was no blood flowing out of the tail, and the body slipped away. The wound healed and a new tail was born!

"The White King of the Spirit Snake is extremely capable of self-healing, and everyone must attack its vitals!"

Xiao Hei has long aimed at the eyes of the spirit snake and the white king.


The unicorn looked up to the sky and roared, and Wanjun thunder hung all over his body.


Thunder broke out, thunder fell for nine days!


Thousands of dark and destructive powers fell in the air, hitting the eyes of the White King of the Spirit Snake!

The thick blood spattered, and although the wound healed, the eyeballs did not grow again.

The White King of the Spirit Snake has experienced many battles and is not discouraged!

What snakes rely on is smell perception, and there is nothing like eyes!


The White King of the Spirit Snake suddenly opened his big mouth, jet black mucus sprayed from his fangs.

Jiang Chen everyone smelled a pungent smell and flew to avoid.


The fangs of the white king of the spirit snake hit each other up and down.

A spark burst out!

The pitch-black slime instantly turned into a tongue of flame!

"God! It's oil!"

In the age of **** pet, it is the end of the world.

Such things as oil have long been uncommon.

If it weren't for the appearance of the blood contract, human beings would have no self-protection ability and would perish directly.

At this moment, when oil was discovered in the mouth of a snake king, he could only sigh the wonder of nature!

Tang Shi-Sina is the divine phoenix and the Valkyrie, completely unafraid of this flame.

She stepped forward with a spear in her hand.

call out!

Arm force, throw out suddenly!


The spear pierced the air and pierced into the belly of the white king of the spirit snake!

The power is great, and the power is undiminished.


He directly nailed the White King of the Spirit Snake to the mountain wall!

Wang Sicong acted on the occasion, waving the scepter in his hand, and Baron Frost suddenly felt the inexhaustible elemental power in his magic pattern gun!

"Super Frozen Bomb!"


One shot left, freezing the upper body of the white king of the spirit snake.

Jiang Chen rolled on the spot, avoiding the flame.

"Take advantage of it now! Kitty kills it!"

Shangguan kitten stepped over her waist and swung a six-pointed star with a long sword in her hand.

The Slaughter Emperor Beast also shining with the starlight, taking off the starlight killing intent giant sword behind it.


Two six-pointed stars intertwined, and the body of the White King of Spirit Snake was suddenly cut into more than a dozen segments.

The white king snake head of the spirit snake is still alive, but it can only make some roars and bluffs.

Just when Jiang Chen was about to go up to make up the knife.

锃! !

A pitch-black Hanman Tai knife was cut in the air!

This knife is made of black cloud iron, with satin patterns all over the body, extremely long and curved at a large angle.

The shape is weird, saying that the bend is not a bend, and that it is straight is not straight.

Unlimited murder revealed in the weird!

Jiang Chen was very excited: "What a cool knife!"

Puff! !

The knife pierced straight into the snake's head, and the white king of the spirit snake fell on the spot!

When it was pulled out, there was no blood dripping!

Jiang Chen's first reaction at the time was: My kitten can change the knife.

The second reaction is: I, Nima, who robs Laozi's wild monsters?

A burst of anger burst into Jiang Chen's dragon eyes.

"Who is here!"

I saw a swordsman wearing a hat and samurai clothes slowly retracting his sword with his back behind.

"Hehe! So is the next Ronin Koizumi!"

Li Xiaofu suddenly made a sound.

"Yeah! What you said is Nami Koizumi?"

This homophonic stalk led the Yanhuang people to laugh.

Koizumi is the captain of the island nation who lost his wager to Erbendo.

Longchang Koizumi!

He had already arranged an absolute kill against Yanhuang Team, and he appeared at this moment to pretend to be the first.

But I thought that the famous name of the captain of his island nation should be heard by all the Blue Stars.

But never thought, Jiang Chen didn't remember who he was at all, thinking that it was this handsome Taidao behind him!

Rongchang Koizumi was stunned when he pretended to be forced to fail.

"Okay, Langbi! Don't say more!"

"Take my blame, you can solve it!"

After hearing this, Longchang Koizumi laughed again.

This is simply giving him a chance to continue to pretend!

He suddenly shook his head and waved his tail, looking full of meaning.

"Hahaha! Mr. Jiang Chen! You don't even know it when you die!"

Jiang Chen's face was full of question marks.

? ? ?

Longchang Koizumi just wanted to continue pretending, suddenly!

expensive! !

Giant whales screamed through the space!

Everyone shook violently!

It turned out that as the monster beasts were killed in large numbers, the strength of the Void Ancient Whale grew rapidly!

At this point, it has reached level 78.

In other words, everyone in the whale belly is only two steps away from the countdown to collective death!

The coercion of the Void Ancient Whale dissipated, and Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, this Langdi, what did you just say?"

Dressed up for a long time, I didn't hear a sentence on the opposite side!

Longchang Koizumi suddenly became angry.

"You're dead!"

"Come on! The Dragon Array!"

As soon as the voice fell, terrible coercion came!

The five figures are divided into five-pointed stars, and the power of the elements on the body is like waves sweeping.

The bodies of the five people are instantly connected by energy.


The five energies converge, and the energy condenses into a **** light that rushes straight into the sky.


In the sky, a blood-red energy wandering dragon fell in the air and hit the ground heavily.


The energy exploded, and everyone in Yanhuang suddenly realized that they had been enclosed in the magic circle barrier.

Jiang Chen turned into a dragon instantly, and his coercion suddenly increased, which surprised Longchang Koizumi.

Boom! A dragon fist fiercely blasted above the barrier.

The magic circle trembles lightly, but there is no damage.

Longchang Koizumi patted his chest, he thought Jiang Chen could break through the trapped dragon formation directly!

"Hahaha! Jiang Chen, it seems that you are going to die now!"

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