God of Shuratan

Chapter 2872: Gong Yuli returns

In Frost City, the third elder Tiannu Pavilion arrived here, his face was extremely gloomy, this time he came to Frost City to send General Sword Crocodile over.

In the previous few hundred years, the Lord Tiannu didn't return to the sect, nor did the people from Frost City appear.

Recently, Tiannu Pavilion had something more important, and the master of Tiannu Pavilion returned to the sect.

The people from Frost City naturally also appeared, and directly proposed in front of the pavilion master Tiannu to let the pavilion master Tiannu hand over General Sword Crocodile to Frost City.

Pavilion Master Tiannu was of course unwilling to give it out, and chose to refuse!

The consequence is that Tiannu Pavilion has been extremely unsuccessful in many aspects recently. The owner of Tiannu Pavilion has encountered an assassination. Two elder-level figures in Tiannu Pavilion are seriously injured, and many businesses of Tiannu Pavilion have been affected!

Frost City showed his determination with practical actions, and also told Tiannu Pavilion who is the father!

There are powerful forces behind Tiannu Pavilion, and the owner of Tiannu Pavilion also reflected on the situation, hoping to get support, but how can the forces behind Tiannu Pavilion fight Frost City because of this matter?

As a last resort, Pavilion Master Tiannu could only send someone to send General Sword Crocodile over!

"Princess Ningshuang, I am the third elder of Tiannu Pavilion, I sent General Sword Crocodile here!"

The third elder of Tiannu Pavilion first asked to see City Lord Frost, but City Lord Frost didn't see him at all. He turned to see Ningshuang, and it took a full half a month before someone brought him to Ningshuang.

"Your Tiannu Pavilion is capable. General Sword Crocodile has offended me. It took so long for you Tiannu Pavilion to send General Sword Crocodile over. In your Tiannu Pavilion's eyes, is there still Frost City?"

Condensing Frost sat on the throne and looked down at the three elders of Tiannu Pavilion.

The three elders of Tiannu Pavilion felt aggrieved. He knew that Ningshuang must be the sword crocodile general for Qin Yang, but Ningshuang said that the sword crocodile had offended her, and they Tiannu Pavilion had no ability to refute it!

"Princess Ningshuang, this is the fault of our Tiannu Pavilion. In addition to sending General Sword Crocodile, we also prepared a compensation, hoping to get your understanding from Princess Ningshuang."

Ningshuang said with an indifferent expression: "First hand over General Sword Crocodile. Don't understand, and then look at the sincerity of your Tiannu Pavilion. Recently, in order to deal with your Tiannu Pavilion, our Frost City has also spent a lot of effort!"


The third elder of Tiannu Pavilion was aggrieved, what can he do, he is also very desperate!

His cultivation base in the second stage of the creation is not weak, but he can't even fight condensation here!

When Condensing Frost was in the Asura Ancient Realm, Jiuxing had a perfect cultivation base. She was the God of War inside, and the effect of her experience was good. It didn't take long after she came out that she reached the cultivation base of the early stage of creation.

Now it has been the creation of the mid-level cultivation base.

In the absence of an increase, Condensation Frost also has the strength of the creation level.

On the Frost City side, Ningshuang's strength can be increased by three small realms, and it has the combat power of the second stage of creation.

"Princess Ningshuang, he is General Sword Crocodile."

The third elder of Tiannu Pavilion released General Sword Crocodile, and the eyes of General Sword Crocodile showed a look of horror.

He knew Ningshuang and fell into the hands of Ningshuang, and then he would definitely fall into Qin Yang's hands, he would definitely die.

"Three Elders, isn't there a powerful force behind our Tiannu Pavilion?"

"Three Elders, save me!"

General Sword Crocodile pleaded.

The three elders of Tiannu Pavilion looked incomparable, and they didn't want to make any other people, but the strength of the Lord Tiannu Frost City was too far apart. The master of Tiannu Pavilion only had the strength of the second-level creation peak, and the Frost City Lord was the third-level creation. Peak strength.

A big difference!

The strength gap is seventy to eighty times!

If it weren't for the powerful forces behind Tiannu Pavilion, Frost City would also be a little bit jealous. The owner of Tiannu Pavilion is probably dead by now, and even the entire Tiannu Pavilion has been wiped out!


Condensing Frost waved his hand, the General Sword Crocodile disappeared, "You Tiannu Pavilion just won’t cry without seeing the coffin, let’s talk about it, what kind of compensation do you Tiannu Pavilion plan to give, even if the father no longer targets your heavens. Slave Pavilion, when my strength becomes stronger, I will destroy your Tian Slave Pavilion!"

Condensation Frost is full of domineering words.

The three elders of Tiannu Pavilion trembled.

City Lord Hanshuang has many children. To put it this way, he may not be afraid, but Ningshuang is qualified to say such things!

Condensation Frost looks very beautiful, but she is not a vase, she is a God of War powerhouse in the Asura Ancient Realm.

After breaking through to the creation level, she has obtained a lot of resources, and her speed is also fast. It is a certain thing that Nengshuang will become the strongest of the creation level in the future!

By the early stage of the second level of creation, her combat power is likely to reach the level of the Tiannu Pavilion Lord!

At the beginning of the second stage of creation, will it be the ceiling of condensation?

People of the God of War level, even if there is no strong support behind them, as long as the immortal future will basically not stop at the beginning of the second stage of creation, let alone the father of Nengshuang is the city lord of Frost!

"Princess Ningshuang, this is our compensation!"

The third elder of Tiannu Pavilion lowered his head and said, he took out a space ring, and the condensed frost divine sense entered the space ring.

There are not a lot of treasures in the space ring, but there are many people in it, all of them are people on the original side of the Demon Crocodile Island.

There are twenty or thirty characters at the level of Master Green Bat, and there are thousands of years of iron guards!

"Princess Ningshuang, the sincerity of our Tiannu Pavilion is okay?"

A faint smile appeared on Condensation Cream's face: "It's still good. Wouldn't it be better to be obedient?"

"Okay, you can get out of here."

The three elders of Tiannu Pavilion retired and left. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. All the people on the other side of Demon Crocodile Island were handed over. It would take a lot of time for them to reopen the other side of Demon Crocodile Island!

And this is not a question of losing some benefits, it is a shame for them Tiannu Pavilion!

But what can he do?

Pavilion Master Tiannu has no choice!

"Yuli, give this to Qin Yang."

"Yuli, tell Qin Yang, I'll wait for him!"

Condensing Frost soon gave Gong Yuli the space ring containing the sword crocodile generals, and Gong Yuli and Condensing Frost left soon after bidding farewell.


Ning Shuang sighed secretly in her heart. She also wanted to follow Gong Yuli to Shura City, but her father disagreed.

The journey was calm, Gong Yuli arrived at Shura City smoothly.

Even if the Lord Tiannu knows where she is, the Lord Tiannu doesn't dare to kill her at the moment, otherwise it is very likely that Frost City will be completely angered, and the whole Tiannu Pavilion might be wiped out!

"Qin Lang, Ningshuang said, she is waiting for you."

Gong Yuli whispered, and she handed Qin Yang the space ring that contained the sword crocodile generals.

Qin Yang held the space ring, and he felt that the space ring was heavy.

He felt this feeling of Frozen Frost.

In the Shura Ancient Realm, Ningshuang had a relationship with him. Maybe it was just a momentary impulse, but now Ningshuang still firmly supports him and can use the power of Frost City to do this. Qin Yang knows Ningshuang’s feelings for him. It's definitely not an impulse!

"In the future, I will definitely let City Lord Frost agree!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

Gong Yuli sighed secretly in her heart, this time she went to Frost City, she clearly knew the power of Frost City.

Tiannu Pavilion has always fought with their Yuyang Alchemist branch, overwhelming them, and now it is much better than their Yuyang Alchemist branch, but in front of Frost City, Tiannu Pavilion is nothing.

If Tiannu Pavilion is a small gang, who can make some money by doing something that is not on the table, then Frost City Lord is a party of vassals, is a great official in frontiers, and can easily crush Tiannu Pavilion!

Although Qin Yang has the strength of the Shura level in the ancient realm of Shura and is also very strong in refining medicine, the strength of the human race is weak, and the major forces are still staring at Qin Yang. It is too difficult for Qin Yang to have an equal dialogue with City Lord Frost!

And even if they could talk on an equal footing, City Lord Frost might not be willing to let Ningshuang follow Qin Yang.

Tu Jia and others could not tolerate Qin Yang becoming very powerful.

Condensation Frost followed Qin Yang and was likely to be implicated.

"Qin Lang, if you secretly gave the Xuanhuang Potian Sword to City Lord Frost from the beginning, then you will have a strong backstage, and City Lord Frost will be happy to marry Ningshuang to you."

Gong Yuli said.

Qin Yang smiled and said nothing, how could he give out the Xuanhuang Potian Sword.

Xuanhuang Potian Sword has already recognized the master!

"Yuli, there will be a way, don't worry!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yuli, it's been a long time since I saw you, let's not talk about this, let's do something else first."

After speaking, Qin Yang stopped Gong Yuli in his arms.

Two hours later, Gong Yuli nestled in Qin Yang's arms, and Qin Yang said, "Yuli, you should move the Yuyang Alchemist Guild to Shura City. Anyway, the place here is bigger!"

"On the side of Yuyang City, your strength can't be increased, but on the side of Shura City, your strength can be increased by two small realms!"

-Gong Yuli’s increase was not an increase from the formation of Emperor Hongmang’s formation, but an increase from the original formation of Shura City. For characters like Gong Yuli, the original formation of Shura City increased by two or three at the same time. Ten of them are no problem.

"Yu Li, Tiannu Pavilion should not dare to act rashly for the time being, but it's hard to say after a long time! More importantly, the forces behind Tiannu Pavilion may be black hands. This time, the forces behind Tiannu Pavilion must be unhappy!"

"They can't target Frost City, nor can I here, they are most likely to target you, target your Yuyang Alchemist Branch!"

Gong Yuli refused before, but now the situation is different from before. She is now Qin Yang's woman.

She is also the hostess in Shura City!

"Qin Lang, let me go back to discuss with the rest of the people and see the opinions of the rest of the people in the meeting!"

"The forces behind Tiannu Pavilion should not be attacked in a short time, otherwise Tiannu Pavilion will be unlucky."

Gong Yuli said.

Qin Yang nodded lightly. Even if Gong Yuli is the president of this kind of thing, he really has to ask the opinions of other strong people.

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