God of Shuratan

Chapter 2868: Take down Gong Yuli!

Chapter 2868 Take down Gong Yuli!

Elder Huo Gu eased his tone: "Qin Yang, it is better for you to be obedient."

"It will be good for you and your human race!"

"If you become the top of our Tiannu Pavilion, people living here will have a better life! Besides, you have a lot of resources now, and you can't spend so many resources. Too many resources on your body may not be necessary for you. That's a good thing!"

Qin Yang said indifferently, "It's not bad for this seat to manage yourself well, but also to manage other human races? Elder Huogu, your thoughts like Tiannu Pavilion are simply ridiculous!"

"You can leave now and want to benefit from cutting meat from me, you guys are thinking too much!"


Elder Huogu slapped the table in front of him with a slap.

"Qin Yang, don't shame you!"

"Do you think that if you have obtained the Xuanhuang Potian Sword, you will be great? You are now only a cultivation base at the beginning of the first level of creation. Even if you are now the city lord of Shura City, how long can you be stable?"

"If it hadn't been for the top powerhouses of the major forces to have issued a joint statement, you are dead now! Your human race is weak, and you don't have any foundation here, so you have to be obediently low-key!"

Elder Huogu was very angry.

"Qin Yang, don't you think that there are top forces to draw you in, and if you offer excellent conditions, you may really fly into the sky and tell you that the internal struggle of the top forces is fierce!"

"Just like you, you don't have strong strength, and you have a lot of wealth. God knows when you will die!"

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, and Elder Huo Gu's words have some truth!

If he joins the top forces, there will definitely not be strong against him in the face of it, but if he blocks the way of some strong, he is secretly guaranteed that there will be strong strong against him.

The inner power elders of the top forces will definitely affect the interests of the rest of the powerful.

"Qin Yang, joining the top forces, you are likely to become cannon fodder in the future, but joining our Tiannu Pavilion, your strength is just right, you can be reused in our Tiannu Pavilion!"

Huoguqi still did not give up to win over Qin Yang, if he succeeded, he would have done a great job!

Qin Yang was silent. After a long time, he said, "Elder Huogu, I can consider it!"

"Don't worry now, let's talk about it in hundreds of thousands of years."

"Maybe I can let the Xuanhuang Potian Sword recognize the master by then?"

Huoguqi sneered in his heart, is Xuanhuang Potian Sword easy to recognize the Lord?

According to the news, the sword spirit of the Xuanhuang Potian Sword is now uneasy. According to some news he has received, let alone a million years, even tens of billions of years, it is unlikely that the Xuanhuang Potian Sword will recognize the master!

As for Qin Yang's cultivation base, the possibility of Xuanhuang Potian Sword's recognition is even closer to zero!

"Qin Yang, then you think about it!"

"Our Heavenly Slave Pavilion will have a stronghold in your Asura City, you think about contacting!"

"If you join our Tiannu Pavilion, it is possible to kill General Sword Crocodile, which will be good for your training!"

Hoguchi finished speaking and got up and left.

Did not complete the task, but in the end Qin Yang said that he would consider it, which in Huoguqi's opinion was barely reluctant.

What he didn't know was that Qin Yang said that only to stabilize Tiannu Pavilion!

If the Lord of the Heaven Slave is angry and directly slays General Sword Crocodile, it will also have some influence on him!

Of course, if General Sword Crocodile dies in the hands of others, it does not mean that Qin Yang will be stuck in his cultivation at that time, but that Qin Yang's training speed will be slower by then!

It would take a million years to reach the second level of creation in 500,000 years!

"Everyone, start treating everyone."

"Don't worry, everyone, my treatment speed is faster!"

Qin Yang went outside, and now there are millions of people waiting in line for his treatment. This is not even the ones who have entered the Asura Tower. There are now three to four hundred thousand people in the Asura Tower!

Soon Qin Yang picked tens of thousands of people from the Asura Tower. The situation of these people was more pressing. With an acceleration of 30 million times, Qin Yang was able to do it in ten days.

But in these ten days, more than ten thousand people have arrived here!

Unknowingly, in the past five years, Qin Yang has cured close to two million people. Among them, there are a million strong people in the Asura Tower, and the other strong people in the queue, Qin Yang, have also cured one million.

The million powerhouses in the Asura Tower are enough for the Asura Tower to fully open!

Asura City already possesses the defense power of the third level of Creation, and the attack of the Asura Tower can reach the late level of Creation.

"The genius doctor Qin is really amazing."

"Thanks to the doctor Qin, the problem that has troubled me for trillions of years has been solved!"

"Although the genius doctor Qin also charges now, the price of the charge is much lower, and the genius doctor Qin here, as long as the queue is in line, the genius doctor Qin will basically give treatment!"

In Shura City, many strong people talked.

Qin Yang obtained the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword and became the lord of Shura City. Many outsiders were jealous. Qin Yang's previous reviews were actually not very good, but after a few years, the reviews have turned around again!

Qin Yang has cured two million people, and they have involved a large number of families and a large number of forces!

And there are four to five million strong people in line at this time, and they will also say good things about Qin Yang!

As Qin Yang has treated more and more people here, the living environment of the human race in the entire immortal world has improved a lot, more or less they have to give Qin Yang some face.


Gong Yuli came out of the time circle, she took a long breath and showed a thick smile on her face.

Five years outside, and time has accelerated for more than 100 million years. She has digested and absorbed the battle inheritance she has obtained. Her combat experience has soared, and her combat power has properly reached the level of the second stage of the creation.

"Qin Yang, I'm all right."

Gong Yuli sent the message to Qin Yang, and Qin Yang just finished treating someone at this moment, and he quickly arrived in front of Gong Yuli.

"Qin Yang, elder sister now has the strength of the second stage of creation, elder sister is covering you."

Gong Yuli said with a smile.

In the second stage of the second stage of creation, Gong Yuli is now very strong in terms of refining medicine, and given her enough time and more resources, she can still be stronger.

"President, you are a bit arrogant."

Qin Yang smiled lightly. He said that he immediately came to Gong Yuli and hugged her. Qin Yang patted Gong Yuli's arm with one hand, and Gong Yuli's face flushed immediately.

Qin Yang looked at Gong Yuli's beautiful face, his heart moved.


Gong Yuli's eyes widened, and Qin Yang kissed her small mouth. Gong Yuli's body became very stiff, but soon her body softened and gradually began to respond to Qin Yang.

Two hours later, Gong Yuli and Qin Yang lay on the bed with Gong Yuli resting on Qin Yang's chest. Her first, second, and third time had been given to Qin Yang.

"Yuli, the people from Tiannu Pavilion have been here."

Having already had such a close relationship, Qin Yang would naturally no longer be called President Gong Yuli in private.

Gong Yuli frowned slightly: "What are the people from Tiannu Pavilion here? Do you want to persuade you to join Tiannu Pavilion?"

Qin Yang smiled lightly: "It's not just that. The people in Tiannu Pavilion want me to give them half of the treasures, saying that I am from Tiannu Pavilion and need to give half of the treasures!"

"Nonsense, Tiannu Pavilion's rules are not like this!"

Gong Yuli snorted coldly, "Qin Lang, did the people in Tiannu Pavilion transfer General Sword Crocodile away?"


Qin Yang nodded lightly.

"General Sword Crocodile is no longer in Devil Crocodile Island now, and I don't know where he is!"

Gong Yuli said: "The probability should be at the headquarters of Tiannu Pavilion. He may be promoted. It is a protection for him. If you agree to join Tiannu Pavilion, give him to you!"


Qin Yang scratched Gong Yuli's pretty nose and chuckled.

"Qin Lang, what are your plans? The master of Tiannu Pavilion is now at the creation level of the second-level peak. At the headquarters of Tiannu Pavilion, his strength should be increased by two small realms, and he can have the early stage of the third-level creation. Strength."

Gong Yuli said.

Qin Yang said in astonishment, "He can increase two small realms in the headquarters of Tiannu Pavilion? I can only increase two small realms here!"

Gong Yuli smiled and said: "Qin Lang, how can his side compare with the city of Shura! This side can be increased to the top of the third level of Creation, and you can increase it when you have the mid-level power of Creation. Two small realms."

"As far as I know, the Tiannu Pavilion headquarters can only be increased up to the early stage of the creation of the third level. The formation of this aspect, Tiannu Pavilion invited the formation master, and it cost a lot!"

"Qin Lang, you now have a lot of resources. I think you can find a strong formation and increase the strength of the people with lower strength in Shura City!"

"With the strength of Shura City, you, as the city lord, can only increase two small realms here, a little bit less, and the sword crocodile generals on the Demon Crocodile Island can increase two small realms."

In the ancient realm of Asura, Qin Yang had obtained a lot of resources, and Qin Yang had already obtained a lot of resources outside, so there is no problem in asking a powerful array mage to take action!

Without changing the original formation of the increase, Qin Yang can let the master of the formation arrange a new formation. Not to mention the increase of four small realms, it should be possible to increase the three small realms in Shura City.

At present, Qin Yang's combat power is in the early stage of the second stage of creation, and the increase of two small realms only reaches the late stage of the second stage of creation. If he can increase three small realms, he will have the strength of the second stage of creation in Shura City.

Two or three times stronger!

"Yu Li, can you have a recommendation from the Array Mage? The more the increase, the better, and you have to reach the early stage of Creation Level 3 no matter how you go online!"

Qin Yang said.

Gong Yuli was a little surprised. The online launch was so high and the increase would be huge. The cost must be more than what Tiannu Pavilion had spent in the past!

However, with the current financial resources of Qin Yang, he could still be able to support it.

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