God of Shuratan

Chapter 2846: Strong judgment!

Heaven and Earth Clan, Eternal Life Pavilion, and Tu Family's powerhouses moved quickly, and it didn't take long for them to catch many powerhouses in the Dark Demon Temple.

But the powerhouses of the Dark Demon Temple did not gather together, some of the powerhouses had an accident, and the powerhouses in other places quickly became vigilant.

One hundred and a hundred thousand strong, only half a million have been arrested!

Qin Yang appeared publicly again, appeared above a small city, his voice spread out from afar: "Wait, I will bring you a message!"

"Heavenly Words, Fairy Miaoyin, it's enough for you to arrest some of the strong people in our Dark Demon Temple to protect yourself, don't be too much, otherwise you won't blame this seat for being polite!"

"If you can catch up with this seat, this seat can give you a part of the benefits. If you can't keep up with this seat, don't think that some powerful people in our Dark Demon Temple can threaten this seat!"

"If the face is completely torn apart, there are many powerful people in our Dark Demon Temple who can survive, and you are likely to all die here!"

After speaking, Qin Yang swaggered away, and the strong in this small city did not dare to intercept it at all!

The news here naturally spread quickly, and the strong men of all major forces got the news.

For Qin Yang, a counterfeit product, the powerhouses of the other forces are convinced!

The Shura-level powerhouse, not everyone can fake it.

Besides, Qin Yang has twice stood up to speak for the powerhouse of the Dark Demon Temple!


"Fairy Miaoyin, we're afraid that we won't be able to catch up with Bai Lusheng at all. We have to separate, we have to predict his route and intercept him in front of him, so that's possible!"

Tian Shengyan said solemnly.

Caught hundreds of thousands of powerful people in the Dark Demon Temple, they are much safer, but they entered it not purely for safety!

Fairy Miaoyin said: "Friends of the Holy Word, if we did not catch up with Bai Tuosheng, do you say that Bai Tuosheng killed Xiao Feng, or let Xiao Feng stay here for ten thousand years, and let Xiao Feng obtain the Xuanhuang Heavenly Breaking Sword, and then obtain it from Xiao Feng. Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword?"

Heavenly Sage said: "I think he will definitely kill Xiao Feng! If Xiao Feng is qualified, maybe Shura Tianzun will support Xiao Feng to get the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword, because the things are in his hands, and the chances of Xiu Tian respecting Xingetting back are high. In the hands of the Dark Demon Temple, the odds are low!"

"Besides, if Bai Lisheng has obtained the Shura-level plague virus, he himself has a high chance of being here for ten thousand years by then, and there is no need for him to let Xiao Feng get it!"

Fairy Miaoyin nodded slightly, she thought so too.

If she gets it, she will also find a way to squeeze Xiao Feng dry, and then kill Xiao Feng!

Fairy Miaoyin smiled: "If this is the case, we are not so anxious. We have been here for more than two hundred years to intercept Bai Xiusheng, but the probability of intercepting Bai Xiusheng is not high, but if it is thousands of years, we will definitely be able to intercept Bai Xiusheng. Health!"


Tian Shengyan nodded. Although he practiced the rules of prophecy and spoke easily, it was not so good for the strong at the same level.

"Fairy Miaoyin, let's do this. For better cooperation, let's make an oath. No matter which one of us succeeds, we will share the plague virus and the antidote we got, how about it?"

"it is good!"

Fairy Miaoyin agreed, and now the dominant player is Bai Tuosheng. They have to cooperate!

Soon Fairy Miaoyin and they all made the oath of heaven, and the oath had two points.

The first is what I just said, if they get the plague virus, they share this aspect.

Second, if they caught the genius Doctor Xiao, they would definitely kill the genius Doctor Xiao, and would never let the genius Doctor Xiao leave with the Xuanhuang Potian Sword!

The oath was confirmed, Tian Shengyan and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, so that they could track Bai Lisheng separately with more confidence!

Years passed, Tian Shengyan and the others did not chase after Qin Yang, but predicted Qin Yang's direction, and then waited in front of Qin Yang. There were a few times like this, Tian Shengyan approached Qin Yang. .

But now Qin Yang has turned the Tower of Great Fortune into a perceptual treasure, sensing the aura of the Heavenly Sacred Words, and every time they have not completed the encirclement of the Sacred Words, they stay away from Qin Yang!

Gradually, Qin Yang was only a few decades away from Wannian!

Tian Shengyan and the others had little hope of intercepting the "Bai Slaughter".

Somewhere in the Asura Ancient Realm, the Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple appeared in the Asura Ancient Realm.

The master of the Dark Demon Temple is a powerhouse of the third level of creation, and the cultivation base of the third-level creation peak, and the young master of the Dark Demon Temple has a cultivation base of the second-level creation, which is not as strong as the Shura level, but there are God of War level!

Inside the Dark Demon Temple, the status of the Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple is much higher than that of Bai Suisheng.

"Bai Lusheng did a great job."

"When I get the Xuanhuang Potian Sword, I must thank him well!"

The Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple has a smile on his face. He enters here to pick peaches. Bai Tuosheng's status in the Dark Demon Temple is not low, but his status and status are much higher. Sheng surrendered the Xuanhuang Potian Sword, but Bai Lisheng could only obey!

After sensing Xiao Shenshen's mark, the Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple moved forward quickly.

On the way, he inquired about some news that most of the powerhouses in the Dark Demon Temple were in the space treasure of Bai Lisheng at this moment.

Five days later, the Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple arrived in the area where Bai Susheng was located. If he used a powerful treasure at this distance, Bai Susheng could not forbid him, he could send information to Bai Susheng!

But the Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple did not try, because at this time there is a high probability that the communication will fail!

"The news came out, telling Bai Lisheng that this seat is here, let him contact this seat!"

The Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple ordered.

There were some strong dark demon temples who entered this place with him. In addition, he also gathered a few strong dark demon temples on the way, and they scattered and approached Qin Yang!

"Master Bai Tuosheng, the Young Master wants you to contact him."

"Master Bai Susheng, the Young Master wants you to contact him!"

These scattered powerful men shouted loudly, and their voices spread far away.

Bai Jusheng did not answer the call, but he could definitely hear such a call!

"The Young Master of the Dark Demon Temple actually came in!"

"It seems that he is interested in the Xuanhuang Potian Sword, and the Xuanhuang Potian Sword will definitely be in his hands!"

"Bai Lisheng has no problem with his loyalty to the Dark Demon Temple, and things will definitely go to the Young Master Li Jueqing of the Dark Demon Temple."

"Mystery Doctor Xiao is dying, and Li Jueqing has a high probability of obtaining the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword!"

Many strong people from the other forces also heard their voices, and many strong people talked about it.

News from here quickly spread from here.

Li Jueqing tasted the wine and waited for Bai Lunsheng's response. According to his estimation, he should get the news within a quarter of an hour, but half an hour passed, and an hour passed, he had not received Bai Lunsheng's message!

"What the hell?"

Li Jueqing frowned, and once again he issued an order to make more powerful people shout in the direction of Bai Lunsheng's advancement. Normally, Bai Lunsheng could definitely hear the shouts.

But after a long time, Li Jueqing still didn't get a response, and the distance between Bai Lisheng and him was lengthened!

"Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

"Bai Jusheng didn't dare not respond, and it is impossible for him not to respond."

Li Jueqing's eyes flickered. If such a situation spreads out, many experts in the outside world may have guessed that Bai Tuosheng wanted to obtain the Xuanhuang Heavenly Pouring Sword, but he knew it was impossible!

Bai Liaosheng's status in the Dark Demon Temple is not low now. In order to obtain the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword, it is unnecessary for him not to have his current status and status, and Bai Liaosheng also has concerns in the Dark Demon Temple.

-Bai Tuosheng betrayed, and he might not be able to get the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword, if he got it, he might not be able to live by then!

"Bai Susheng, if you still don't respond, it's considered betrayal!"

"White Slaughter—"

Li Jueqing asked the strong under him to shout for the third time, but after such a call, he still did not receive Bai Juesheng's reply. This was absolutely abnormal, and Li Jueqing felt that something must be wrong!

"If Bai Lusheng hadn't caught Xiao Feng, but Xiao Feng had caught Bai Lusheng—"

This thought came out of Li Jueqing's heart!

"No, Xiao Feng is a pharmacist. The possibility of him having such strength is low. There is another possibility that he is Tujia!"

Li Jueqing secretly said in his heart.

Before, it was the Tu family's strong man who reported that Tu Wanting was dead, but no one had seen Tu Wanting's death. This news was passed on by the Tu family himself!

If Tu Wanting feigned his death, he secretly captured Xiao Feng, then pitted Bai Susheng, and threw the pot on the head of their Dark Demon Temple, and Tu Wanting perfectly hid himself.

"There is another possibility that the backing supporter of Doctor Xiao is the Tu family, so Tu Wanting entered this, and immediately ‘dead’ to hide himself!"

The more Li Jueqing thought about it, the more he felt that his considerations made sense.

There are only a few Shura-level powerhouses in the entire immortal world, and he is not himself. He does not believe that a powerful alchemist Qin Yang will be a Shura-level powerhouse!

"Son of a bitch!"

Li Jueqing became more and more angry when he thought about it, and the Tu family secretly gained benefits, and unexpectedly threw the black pot on their dark demon temple.

"Listen to everyone, send news to Tian Shengyan, Fairy Miaoyin! Bai Tuosheng has not contacted this seat, if it is Bai Tuosheng who has taken Xiao Feng at this moment, he can't not contact him!"

"It's the Tu family who is playing a ghost!"

"Tu Wanting suspended his death. The supporter behind Xiao Feng is probably the Tu family. Even if it wasn't Tu Jia's support, Xiao Feng should be under Tu Wanting's control right now!"

"A Shura-level powerhouse will die when entering here, it's ridiculous!"

Li Jueqing's angry voice spread to all directions, and many strong people who heard his voice were stunned.

Among them were the Heaven and Earth tribe, and there were strong men from the Yongsheng Pavilion, and they quickly spread the news.

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