God of Shuratan

Chapter 2831: Ningshuang, let's fight!

Outside the death ice field.

"Great, Doctor Xiao has temporarily controlled the plague, and the plague should be eliminated after a while!"

"Mystery Doctor Xiao is indeed amazing. This is also Mystery Doctor Xiao. If you change the rest of the powerful, you will probably have to die!"

"If the plague spreads, it is estimated that a large number of people outside of us will die. God Xiao will treat people well!"

A small number of strong people such as Condensation Frost can send messages to the outside world, and it didn't take long for the outside world to get the news inside.

The news spread, and a large number of strong men from outside breathed a sigh of relief.

The plague generally does not happen in a powerful world like the immortal world, but if it happens, it will often be terrible. If it cannot be controlled and spread, there will be many deaths!

Although there are no weak people in the immortal world, the immortal world plague is also powerful!

"Doctor Xiao, we have spread the news to the outside world, and the outside world already knows the situation inside. When the plague is over and the valley of the storm is calmed down, we can leave the death ice field."

Condensation Shuang happily sent the information to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang said: "Ningshuang, you haven't been six thousand years away, and the wind in Storm Valley shouldn't calm down for the time being."

Condensation cream face changed slightly, this is indeed a serious problem.

If she has been here for more than 6,000 years, it would be okay 7,000 years ago. The rest of the strong will not target her. The powers of the rest of the forces will definitely start to act after more than 7,000 years, and want to stay here until nine. It is almost impossible to leave after a thousand years.

The strength of the Qianyuan Shengzi is very strong, the Qianyuan Legion is strong, and the Qianyuan Shengzong's strength is stronger than that of their Frost City, but the Qianyuan Shengzi's desperate death only lasted for eight thousand five hundred years, and He is the first strong man over eight thousand years!

"Doctor Xiao, I will go out if I die!"

Ning Shuang gritted her teeth and said, Qin Yang is a pharmacist, her own top ten-star late stage strength, in Ning Shuang's view, she can only rely on herself.

But if the wind in Storm Valley doesn't calm down a little, Condensing Frost estimates that even if she uses a powerful pill, even if she uses forbidden techniques or something at that time, the probability of her leaving from Storm Valley is low. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that she will die.

Qin Yang frowned slightly. He didn't think he could leave with the strength of Condensing Shuang. With his ten-star peak strength, coupled with the support of a powerful pill, it was very possible to leave!

—Leaving from Storm Valley, Qin Yang could not stay inside the Tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune, let the Tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune go outside. The speed of the Tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune was relatively slow. The storm in Storm Valley was extremely violent. It will be extremely "moving".

At the end of six thousand years, it is impossible for condensation to reach the outside world.

"There will definitely be strong guards outside the Storm Valley. I will definitely not be able to leave directly as myself, but if I become the appearance of cold frost—"

Qin Yang thought about it.

His strength here is very strong. Someone like Condensing Frost is inferior to him. He looks like Condensing Frost. Others can't see through it, but this needs to be communicated with Condensing Frost, and Condensing Frost will know that he is here. strength.

If Ningshuang knows that he has the ten-star peak strength here, plus he has treated a large number of powerhouses in it, Ningshuang uses his toes to think about it and knows that his goal must be here for thousands of years!

Although it has a relationship with condensation frost, it is somewhat different from condensation frost. Isn't the condensation frost value worthy of such trust?

This is not about an ordinary treasure, but the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword!

And the ownership of Shura City!

After all, Frost Frost is the little princess of Frost City, and Frost City also has the idea of ​​obtaining the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword!

"Doctor Xiao, I want to talk to you."

Condensation Frost sent Qin Yang information.

Qin Yang let Condensation Frost disappear, he saw Condensation Frost, and Condensation Frost plunged directly into his arms.

"Doctor Xiao, I have to leave in the next thirty years. I think I will die with a high probability. I have a lot of good things on my body, and I will leave them to you at that time! In addition, I will write you a suicide note. In big trouble, but take my suicide note to Frost City, my father should help you once!"

Condensation whispered.

"Doctor Xiao, you are very good at refining medicine, and it’s pretty good here, but it’s a pity that you can’t stay here for too long. You may be able to stay for nine thousand years, but if you don’t have nine thousand years, You will definitely die if you go!"

"When you get outside, your life will not be so easy."

Qin Yang is very good at refining medicine, and the strength of the human race is weak. There will definitely be some forces that will not allow Qin Yang to grow up!

Qin Yang won the favor of many strong people here. If his strength increases, he will also gain favor from many strong people in the future. Human race may have a top figure in the future, and some forces cannot tolerate it!

In those days, against the strong man of the human race, it was shameful to seize the Great Fortune Tower and the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword.

"Ningshuang, you can definitely go out alive."

Qin Yang solemnly said that he had entered here to save Ningshuang, and Ningshuang had said such things now, and he didn't need to think too much!

"Doctor Xiao, you know how to refining medicine, but you don't understand the terrible side of Storm Valley."

"The horror of the outside world, you don't understand me."

Condensation Frost whispered, "I may not be able to pass this level, but unfortunately, I also thought that you would become my person outside!"

Qin Yang: "..."

"Do you still want me to join your Frost City? This is absolutely impossible!"

Ning Frost frowned and said: "Mr. Xiao, you have greatly offended Qianyuan Shengzong before, and Qianyuan Shengzong will definitely not let you go. If you enter our Frost City, you will be able to save your life!"

"Actually, my father will definitely not agree. You are a human race, and I am an ice spirit race."

"Originally, I thought about leaving and persuading my father to agree, but now I am afraid there is no such opportunity."

Qin Yang shook his head: "Ningshuang, it's impossible to become a parent. If you are willing to become my woman, I can go to Frost City to ask for a kiss in the future and ask your father to agree to marry you to me!"

Ning Shuang smiled bitterly in his heart. This is absolutely impossible. She knows exactly what kind of person her father is. When Qin Yang enters her family, she probably has to desperately beg her father.

"Doctor Xiao, if that's the case, then it's the best."

Ning Frost chuckled and said, Qin Yang said that, she was still very happy, at least Qin Yang had such thoughts.

But when Qin Yang went to the outside world, he certainly couldn't grow up.

Unless Qin Yang abolishes his own future, he abolishes his hope of becoming a creation-level powerhouse!

But then Qin Yang would not have enough confidence to stand in front of her father!

The two conflict!

"Ningshuang, if a piece of news is very important to your father, but if you tell your father, I will die, will you tell your father the news?"

Qin Yang smiled lightly.

Jian Frost raised his head and sent a sweet kiss: "Doctor Xiao, you are my first man and the only one. Your life is still more important! My father has a lot of things, and he is not bad!"

Qin Yang held her waist up and hugged Condensing Frost. Two hours later, Condensing Frost lay contently in Qin Yang's arms.

"Ningshuang, let's fight."

Qin Yang said indifferently.

Yu Yingshuang giggled and said, "Mr. Xiao, we have just played three games, do you still have energy?"

Qin Yang got up.

"Ningshuang, I'm talking about our contests!"

Ningshuang looked strange, Qin Yang, a pharmacist, would discuss with her?

Although she is a woman, the strength of the cultivator does not depend on men and women. Her top ten-star combat power in the late stage is not a joke!

"Doctor Xiao, do you want me to show you how to fight? It's okay."

"Although refining medicine is important, we are cultivators, and our strength is also very important. There may not always be strong people around to protect you."

Condensing Frost got dressed and got up. She felt that if she was going to die then, it would be good to help Qin Yang improve her combat power before she died!

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