God of Shuratan

Chapter 2827: The rebellion happened!

In a short period of time, hundreds of strong people stepped forward.

Even if the Death Icefield is very dangerous, they are willing to protect Qin Yang into the Death Icefield!

Some of them were on the verge of death, but Qin Yang saved their lives.

Some are old problems that have troubled them for a long time. They enter here just to take a gamble and to save some money for their family!

As a result, in Qin Yang's hands, their old problems were resolved!

For Qin Yang, fixing some of their problems may be just a simple effort, but for them it is a great blessing!

Qin Yang swept his eyes, feeling a little moved. In this situation, there are still so many powerful people who stand up and follow him, and his hard work has not been in vain!

We must know that there are only two or three million people who came here with him. He has cured more than five million people, and there are a large number of powerful people who are not here. If all the people who Qin Yang cured are here, surely There will be more powerhouses willing to follow him into the death ice field.

"Everyone, your mind has taken the lead, but there is no need for you to follow and enter."

"This seat in the Frost Legion has also treated many people. The safety of this seat will be the responsibility of the strong of the Frost Legion."

Qin Yang opened his mouth and said, so many powerful people followed him, it is not so convenient for him to move inside!

"Everyone, get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Don't follow up everyone!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, he entered the Death Icefield without looking back. The hundreds of strong men who stood up obeyed Qin Yang's and did not follow.

"Doctor Xiao, come back soon!"

"Mr. Xiao will return soon!"

Many strong men prayed silently.

In the Death Icefield, some powerful people are communicating with each other and conspiring. They feel that the time is relatively ripe.

"As long as we stand up, it is estimated that many strong people will support us soon, and the strong people on our side will exceed half!"

"Although it should be only about 40% now, it is true that as long as we act, the chance of exceeding 50% is very high. As long as we exceed 50%, more powerhouses will join us!"

"Go ahead, every day many people die inexplicably, enough days like this!"

"Catch Princess Ningshuang alive, I will also taste Princess Ningshuang, Jiejie!"

At present, according to the statistics of the rebels, there are about 40% of the strong who support them. At first, it exceeded 50% and then launched, but half an hour ago, a senior inside them suddenly died.

This scared them!

If it is not resolved as soon as possible, in their opinion, it may be their turn soon!

"Attention everyone, take action!"

"Catch cold frost alive!"

"Call more powerful people to join us!"

A group of leaders-level figures quickly spread the news, and then the news spread below, reaching the ears of more than one hundred thousand powerful people at the bottom.

"Everyone, we are constantly dying because Condensation Frost has committed a taboo. She shouldn't have taken us into the death ice field to offend this land. Now we have died more than 700,000!"

"We must change!"

"Catch cold frost and sacrifice, we should be able to live!"

The leader-level powerhouse stood up and said loudly. This powerhouse has the strength of the late ten-star stage. Although it is not as good as Condensation Frost, it is also very strong. He was quite supportive of Condensation Frost before!

"Catch cold frost and sacrifice, we want to live!"

"Catch the condensation!"

This strong man stepped forward, and soon a large number of other strong men stepped forward. At present, only 40% of the rebels have joined the army, but they are blooming everywhere, giving the impression that most of them have rebelled!

The rest of the powerhouses who have not yet joined, some of them have not been contacted yet, and the rest of them already have this idea in their hearts. Now in this situation, many of them have quickly joined the rebel camp!

"His Royal Highness, it's not good, they launched a rebellion!"

Condensation Frost is studying several powerhouses who have recently died, and someone from his staff suddenly called her.

"Damn it!"

Ningshuang's face suddenly changed. According to her investigation, the time for the rebels should not be fully ripe yet, and they shouldn't be launched at this time!

"Where are the strong who are loyal to the Frost Legion?"

Condensation Frost arrived outside in an instant, she yelled angrily, the surrounding world was banned, she couldn't run away alone, she could only do her best to gather the strong who were still loyal to her!


"Protect Your Highness!"

A large number of strong men quickly guarded the surroundings of Condensation Frost, and there was chaos all around, but they had not yet started fighting.

The situation is unknown, and the rebellious party is currently not sure that it will win.

They are betting that more than 50% of people will join them, so they will have the upper hand!

"Those who want to survive, stand on our side!"

"Catch Cold Frost alive and sacrifice, we will have a way to survive until then!"

"Don’t think about it so much. Although Frost City is strong, if we die in it, we will have a fart relationship with us in the future! Besides, if we leave the powers that can join Purgatory, we don’t have to. Afraid of City Lord Frost against us!"

A large number of strong rebels shouted!

The Frost Legion currently has 290,000 strong men still alive. These strong men gradually divided into two camps, with 140,000 Frost on their side and 150,000 on the rebel side!

The rebels have an advantage!

Although there are more masters in Condensation Frost, and Condensing Frost, a top ten-star late-stage powerhouse, they can't smooth the gap between the 10,000 powerhouses. This is not a little bit!

"Hahahaha, it seems everyone's eyes are still sharp!"

"Listen to the person opposite, we now have 150,000 people here, you only have 140,000, and some of you actually joined us secretly, you actually don’t even have 140,000, so please Think about it, do you want to join us!"

"Following the frost, there will be a dead end, and we will have a way out by catching the frost together!"

Many strong men on the rebel side said loudly.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!"

"Your Highness, I'm sorry, I want to live!"

Condensing Frost, many of the powerhouses on their side quickly rushed out and joined the opponent's camp.

Some of these powerhouses are secretly arranged, and some have chosen to surrender when the situation is not good!

Condensation Frost's face was extremely ugly, but she couldn't forcefully leave those people who wanted to leave!

Ordering to kill those people is even more impossible, and they are not in the upper hand now.

The rebels looked sincerely.

"His Royal Highness, if you have a chance, you will run away immediately!"

"His Royal Highness, we will desperately die and **** you away later."

Some of the personal guards of Condensing Frost were sent to her, and the current situation is very unfavorable for them.

In just five minutes, the number of strong people on their side had dropped to 110,000.

The number of strong men on the rebel side has reached 180,000!

The strength of the rebels has surpassed that of Nengshuang one and five times their strength, which is a very dangerous signal.

If the difference in strength is less than 1.5 times, the rebels will not do anything casually, because doing so will also lose a lot of themselves. If the difference in strength is more than 1.5 times, the chance of the rebels doing it will increase rapidly!

"For those of you who support Yu Frost, you should know that your general situation is gone!"

"Many people die every day, and they die unclearly. Don't you have enough of these days?"

"Join us, you can live at that time, follow the cold, you will die!"

"Give you one last time to think about it!"

"Among your 110,000 people, there are many people who actually support us. Actually, the difference in strength between our two sides is nearly doubled, and you have no chance of winning!"

Many strong people on the rebel side shouted arrogantly, and in a short time, many strong people turned their backs on them.

The number of strong people on the side of Condensing Frost fell to only 100,000, and the number of strong rebels reached 190,000. The strength comparison on the bright side was also close to one to two, and Condensing Frost's heart continued to sink.

Death, perhaps her best ending now!

If she is captured alive by the rebels, she may not be as good as dead at that time, and the rebels may do anything!

"Father, my daughter is not filial."

"Doctor Xiao, you are my first man and my last man!"

Ning Shuang secretly said in her heart that she had planned to die and blew herself to death, so as to avoid being humiliated.

"Everyone, it is indeed my fault to bring you into the ice field of death. If my death can save everyone, then let me die. After I die, you don't need to fight."

Condensation Frost stood up and raised his voice.

After she finished speaking, she immediately prepared to explode, so that her body could be turned into nothingness, so that the body would not be defiled.

But Condensation Frost suddenly discovered that she could not blew herself!

Her power was quickly sealed!

Lingshuang's face changed wildly, and her power was completely sealed in a very short time.

"Miss, you can't die if you want to."

"Blosing is not a sacrifice. If you die like this, the rest of us will probably not survive."

In the blink of an eye, a woman appeared next to Ningshuang, she sneered and said, this woman is Ningshuang's close-kids, and one of the people she trusts most.

Condensation Frost's face is pale, I can't believe it!

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