God of Shuratan

Chapter 2814: The Great Wilderness Emperor Appears


Condensation Frost took a deep breath, "But I don't want to find it, so please show me how to solve this with Doctor Xiao!"

"If Dr. Xiao can help me solve the problem, the treasure is yours, and I can owe you a favor to Dr. Xiao!"

Qin Yang frowned and said, "Girl Ningshuang, you are not sick."

Condensation Frost nodded: "I know, Dr. Xiao, you can help me think of a solution. If you can't solve it, you don't need compensation."

"I'll show you again."

Qin Yang's spiritual consciousness once again entered the body of the condensing frost, this time he focused on checking the operation of the condensing frost technique.

In the past half an hour, Qin Yang checked for a long time as time accelerated.

"Miss Ningshuang, you are cultivating a technique with the ice attribute, but you should have entered the land of the extreme sun for body training, and this time of body training has increased your talent a lot, and your training speed has been accelerated. At the beginning, the yin and yang forces were coordinated. If I guessed correctly, you may have entered this without your father!"

Condensation cream frowned slightly: "Is there any problem with this?"

She really entered it without telling her father, she wanted to prove herself!

Qin Yang frowned and said: "Of course there is a problem. Your father should have set up a special formation where you live or in Frost City. This formation can continuously adjust the yin and yang power in your body. Now you have entered it, Without this aspect of regulation, your yin attributes gradually gain the upper hand."

"The imbalance between yin and yang, naturally you have this instinct in your body!"

Condensing Frost said, "Doctor Xiao, can I solve this situation now?"

Qin Yang sighed lightly: "Girl Ningshuang, if your strength is lower, I think I definitely have a way to solve your problem, but now the trouble is that you have the top ten-star late stage combat strength, and your strength is very strong. "

"I can refine some pills for you to adjust, but it can only slow down your problems, not completely solve your problems! By the way, how long have you been in this, and when can you leave the ancient realm of Asura?"

Condensed Frost said: "I have just entered this place for three thousand years, and it will take six thousand years at the earliest to leave it!"

Qin Yang frowned, "Miss Ningshuang, the pill I gave you can only protect you from problems for one to two thousand years. You can leave for close to three thousand years. I'm afraid it won't work. Moreover, the pill will be suppressed for so long. It will be more serious when it breaks out again!"

Condensing Frost remained silent for a while and said: "Mr. Xiao, please refine the pill first, and help me temporarily suppress it, and I will think of other ways!"


Qin Yang nodded slightly, "I will use that time treasure first, otherwise it will take too long to refine the pill!"

"It already belongs to you!"

Condensation Frost gave Qin Yang the treasure of time. With the speed of five million times faster, Qin Yang quickly refined the pill. In half a year, he refined a dozen pill. The first ones were not legendary. All the legendary qualities are refined!

"Girl Ningshuang, you can take one for about a hundred years!"

Qin Yang gave the pill to Condensation Frost, and Condensed Frost took over the pill bottle containing the pill. Her eyes were shocked. The ten pills in the pill bottle were all of legendary quality, nine-star consummation level pill!

"Doctor Xiao, you—"

Condensing Frost couldn't believe it. Time has only passed half a year, even if time accelerates, only 2.5 million years have passed. Qin Yang actually refined ten legendary quality pills, it is amazing!

She knew her talent, Cold Frost, and it was very strong, but she found that her talent in cultivation was far inferior to Qin Yang's talent in refining medicine.

Qin Yang smiled lightly and said, "Miss Ningshuang, I still have some strength in refining medicine. If you have any needs in this area, you can contact me, but the benefits cannot be less."

Yu Frost's eyes lit up and said: "Mr. Xiao, you should be able to refine the creation pill? I want a batch of Chuangshi pill. The price is good. I can buy it at 120% of the market price. Dr. Xiao, you Can you see?"

For the figures of the Jiuxing Consummation level, the Creation Pill is extremely important.

But even for someone with the identity of Ningshuang, there are very few Legendary-level Creation Pills she can usually take!


Qin Yang nodded, refining in the outside world, Gong Yuli sold only 90%, and then deducted the cost, the profit is eight times, now sold to Condensate, after deducting the cost, the profit is eleven times, extremely Not bad!

"I order a thousand!"

Condensing Frost said, she herself does not need a thousand legendary creation pills, but she still has many subordinates.

Qin Yang nodded slightly, and Condensing Cream delivered a space ring very expressly: "Doctor Xiao, there are many things in it, and the total value should be half of the total value. This is an advance payment. After the pill is refined, the remaining half will be paid!"

"it is good!"

Qin Yang took the space ring. Condensing Frost is a local tyrant, and she is not very polite.

Besides, if the pharmacist is asked to refine the pill, he would have to make an advance payment, otherwise you don’t want it after refining it. Wouldn’t it be cheating?

"Girl Ningshuang, I can only refine it when I have time. I may not be free for the time being."

Qin Yang opened his mouth and said, in fact, there are thousands of legendary creation pills in his space treasure, and it is enough to directly condense the frost, but it is a little scary to take out so many legendary creation pills directly, and it is easy to tempt to commit crimes!

At present, Frost is a good person, but if he is too prosperous, will Frost's thoughts change?

There is no need for Qin Yang to take such a risk at all!

Moreover, the pill has not been refined, and Condensing Frost has to pay more attention to his safety, she can deter the other strong!

"no problem."

Condensing Frost nodded, "Doctor Xiao, I will take a pill now to see if there are any problems."

"it is good!"

Condensing Frost soon took a pill that Qin Yang refined. This pill was a very unpopular pill. Qin Yang had never refined it before, but the pill he refined was absolutely fine.

Condensing Frost eats it, and the power of the pill is quickly absorbed by her body. Condensing Frost feels that the desire emerging from the depths of the soul is quickly suppressed, and she breathes a sigh of relief and smiles on her face.

Qin Yang's eyes showed stunning colors.

Condensation Frost was already overwhelming, but now his smile is even more touching.

"Mr. Xiao, there is nothing wrong with the pill. I will go out first, and then I will contact Dr. Xiao."

Condensation Frost stood up.


In the next second, the condensed frost came outside, and there were more powerful people in line outside, and there were already tens of thousands of people!

Condensation cream came to queue for treatment. Some strong people who were still a little skeptical in their hearts rushed over quickly. If there were not many strong people who were queuing too much now, there would be more people waiting in line for the time being!


"Ms. Ningshuang doesn't know what kind of problem it is, or if God Doctor Xiao has solved it for her."

"The previous genius doctor Xiao treated very quickly, and the girl Ningshuang has been treated for so long, there should be a lot of serious problems."

"Hey, that's not necessarily. If I am Doctor Xiao, even if Miss Ningshuang's problem is not particularly serious, I will treat it for more time."

Many strong people talked in secret.

Condensing Frost’s eyes swept over many strong men and shouted: "Everyone, Dr. Xiao solved the big trouble for me, and I commissioned Dr. Xiao to help me refine some pills. If you have ideas for Dr. Xiao, it’s best to put it out. Such an idea."

"Otherwise, our Frost Legion will not be polite!"

Many powerhouses froze. With an identity and status like Ningshuang, she said so clearly, it was not a joke!

"Girl Ningshuang, whoever deals with the genius Doctor Xiao is also the enemy of our Ten Thousand Sword City!"

There was a strong voice, Ten Thousand Sword City was also a powerful force, and the city lord of Ten Thousand Sword City was the cultivation base of the middle stage of the creation of the third level!

"Yes, whoever targets Doctor Xiao is against us."

"Mr. Xiao is just a pharmacist, and no one can target Dr. Xiao!"

Many other strong men also spoke up one after another. Those who can speak at this moment are all characters with good status and status.

"Thank you everyone, let's continue treatment!"

Qin Yang said indifferently.

Day by day, year after year, most of Qin Yang doesn’t need to go to speed up time to solve it. If it needs time to speed up to solve it, basically it can be done in two or three months. It takes more than half a year like condensation frost. Less.

Over the past five hundred years, Qin Yang has treated more than 300,000 strong people, and many of them come from powerful forces.

But even so, Qin Yang still has a lot of queues here!

Although Qin Yang's treatment is fast, the ancient realm of Asura is dangerous. A total of one billion strong people are here. Every year, many strong people die, and many strong people are seriously injured. Qin Yang cured 300,000, but A small part of it!

"Brother Dahuang."

When Qin Yang sent a message, he would send a message every few days, but after hundreds of years, he had failed countless times before he had sent a message!

Many powerful people are attracted here, and in Qin Yang's view, the Great Desolate Realm Emperor is entirely possible.

-Qin Yang also used other methods to search for the Great Desolate Realm Emperor, but he has not found any trace of the Great Wild Realm Emperor.


Qin Yang was stunned. The transmission failed countless times, but just this time, he actually succeeded in the transmission!

Among the queuing crowd, a severely injured strong man was stunned. He was the Emperor of the Great Wilderness, but he was not like the Emperor of the Great Wilderness at the moment!

"Qin... Qin Yang, why are you here?"

The Great Desolate Realm emperor said in doubt, Qin Yang had joined the Heavenly Slave Pavilion, and what did he ran to the Asura Ancient Realm to do?

"I killed Master Green Bat. I came to look for you when I knew you had entered it. Brother Dahuang, you are not dead. The cultivation base of the late nine-star stage you entered the ancient Shura realm. Do you think you died fast enough? "

The Great Desolate Realm Emperor's heart was shocked, Qin Yang killed Master Green Bat?

"You really killed Master Green Bat?"

The Great Desolate Realm Emperor hurriedly said that if he did this, he might have wronged Qin Yang.

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