God of Shuratan

Chapter 2807: Arrived in Shura City!

Gong Yuli stared at Qin Yang: "Qin Yang, you don't really want to enter the Asura Ancient Realm, do you?"

Qin Yang said in an unpleasant manner: "Chairman, although I think my strength is not bad, there must be a lot of genius and powerful people in it. Can I enter it to find death?"

"I just want to find a few more powerful experts, and let them enter the Asura Ancient Realm to take care of Brother Dahuang."

Gong Yuli nodded gently: "Your idea is feasible."

"If you take out some pills to let them take care of the Great Desolate Realm Emperor, and promise them that the Great Desolate Realm Emperor will live out and they can get more, there should be some strong people to help you!"

Qin Yang said: "President, if you are busy with other things, it doesn't matter if I go there myself."

Gong Yuli frowned slightly: "If you leave alone, you will have to die before you leave too far! There have been strong people in Tiannu Pavilion staring secretly here for a long time!"

"There is nothing important, take you there!"

"Maybe you can find some good things over there."

Those who live from the ancient realm of Asura will gain more or less, and some of the things they get may be very good, but they themselves don't know the value of those things!

Gong Yuli also found good things on that side.

"Thank you, President."

Qin Yang said with a smile.

Gong Yuli set off quickly, her strength was stronger than that of Elder Cai, and Elder Cai couldn't stare here too closely. She left without being noticed by Elder Cai.

Half a month later, Gong Yuli arrived at the huge city of Shura.

Back then, Shura City was jointly built by many powerful forces. It was a bridgehead against Shura Tianzun. There is no doubt that Shura City was very strong back then, but with the peace talks with Shura Tianzun, many things here have gradually become wasteful.

Of course the foundation is still there, and it can be recovered if a lot of money is invested.

But this side is not the territory of any forces now, and there is no powerful force investing a lot of resources at all!

And if a certain force has done this, will Shura Tianzun be angry? The possibility of a powerful force entering the ancient realm of Shura will be lowered, and it's not that the Shura Tianzun can't leave the ancient realm of Shura!

On the way, Gong Yuli and Qin Yang said something more, the strength of Asura Tianzun is likely to reach the third level of Creation Consummation!

Either force will be in huge trouble if it is targeted by Asura Tianzun!

"Qin Yang, the city of Asura is in front of you. This city was the number one city in the immortal world! Now if it recovers, the city of Asura should also be ranked in the top three!"

Gong Yuli said with some emotion.

Qin Yang was in Gong Yuli's space treasure. He could see the situation outside. Asura City did not have a wall, and there were ninety-nine Asura Towers around it.

Each of these Asura Towers exceeds a million meters in height.

If they are activated, they can burst out extremely amazing power, can form a powerful enchantment, can attack alone, or combine to form a more terrifying attack!

At the peak, the defenses of these Asura Towers could be withstood by the powerhouses of Creation Level 3 who continued to attack for ten and a half months, and their combined attacks could also reach the Level 3 Level of Creation!

"President, Shura City has never had a master?"

"Yes, since its establishment, Shura City has not had a master!"

Gong Yuli said, "It was built by many big forces in the past, and no one accepts it. It is impossible for one of the strong people to become the master of Asura City! Later, the major forces have regulations, who is in the ancient realm of Asura. After ten thousand years in it, whoever will directly become the master of Shura City!"

Qin Yang said in astonishment: "The announcement of this kind of news by the major forces hasn't helped Shura Tianzun attract more powerful people to enter it?"

Gong Yuli nodded slightly: "It is true, but at the beginning, all the forces felt that the genius of their own forces might be in it for ten thousand years! Although I know this is difficult later, the words have been let go. It's a person with a face and a face, and it's not easy to break his promise!"

"Furthermore, they may also hope that some strong people will get the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword! The Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword is in the hands of the rest of the strong, better than in the hands of Shura Tianzun!"

"If you become the master of Shura City, you will not only become the city owner of Shura City, but a large area of ​​nearby sites will also belong to the owner of Shura City. This is of great interest."

Qin Yang nodded slightly, and the benefits of Shura City alone would be great, not to mention that there was a large area of ​​territory!

"Countless dust has accumulated on the Asura Tower."

Qin Yang sighed secretly in his heart, they got closer to the city of Shura, and Qin Yang felt the vast and distant breath.

This city has existed for too long, too long!

"The Asura Tower has been silent for an extremely long time."

Gong Yuli flew into the city of Shura, and there were huge mountains in the city of Shura. In fact, these mountains were arranged according to the formation method, and it was not easy to destroy any of them.

"There are now fewer people in the outer city, and more people in the inner city."

Gong Yuli quickly flew into the inner city of Shura City, and finally you could see tall buildings here. They have existed for a long time, and they are also difficult to destroy.

However, the fact that it is difficult to destroy does not mean that it cannot be destroyed at all. There is no damage to Shura City University, but there are still many minor problems.

All the small problems combined make the city of Shura today far worse than it was in the past.

"Qin Yang, the entrance to Asura Ancient Realm is at the core of Asura City. The power over there is chaotic, so we won't pass."

"Let's inquire about the situation in the inner city. You can find someone to help the Great Desolate Realm Emperor!"

Gong Yuli landed on a street, which was more than a thousand meters wide, with many powerful people coming and going.

About half of these powerhouses appear in human form, or appear in human-like form.

The human race was the strongest in those days, and the strong of many races formed a habit, and the human race form was indeed much more convenient.

"The son of Qianyuan has been in the Asura Ancient Realm for seven thousand years. I don't know if I can break the previous record!"

"I think it's difficult. The highest record in the past has reached more than seven thousand nine hundred years. When it reaches seven thousand years, the offensives of all forces will be much more terrifying."

"Sage Son Qianyuan is very strong. I think it is still possible in 7.5 hundred years, and it should be impossible for a long time!"

"I think it's probably the same!"

Many powerful people talked about it. Qin Yang was in the treasure of the Palace Jade Li Space, but he also heard the comments from the outside world.

"President, what kind of strength is this Qianyuan Shengzi?"

Qin Yang asked.

Gong Yuli said: "The top nine-star perfect cultivation base of the son of Qianyuan, he has powerful treasures, has the top ten-star late stage combat power, and can have such a combat power at the nine-star perfect level, which is quite powerful!"

Qin Yang was meditating in his heart. He has just reached the nine-star perfect level of cultivation now, but his combat power has also reached the late ten-star stage. This combat power is weaker than Qianyuan Shengzi, but if his cultivation is improved, he will gain some combat inheritance. , His combat power can definitely surpass Qianyuan Shengzi!

If he enters the Asura Ancient Realm, it is not impossible to survive for ten thousand years!

Although powerful men like Qianyuan Shengzi and others have obtained powerful treasures, how can such treasures be comparable to the Tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune?

Moreover, with the Great Fortune Tower, he can also get a lot of inheritance. Even if strong people like Qianyuan Shengzi and others can obtain the inheritance, they will be inferior to him in this respect!

"President, if a weaker character becomes the lord of Shura City, wouldn't it be easy to be killed?"

Qin Yang asked.

Gong Yuli said: "Not so. The rules were set back then. If a strong person obtains the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword and becomes the lord of Shura City, no force will be allowed to attack for 100 million years. After 100 million years, he will be able to obtain treasures. If the Xuanhuang Potian Sword cannot be recognized as its master, the Xuanhuang Potian Sword must be taken out!"

"Sura City can continue to be occupied."

"And as long as the opponent takes out the Xuanhuang Potian Sword, no forces can attack Shura City for a hundred billion years!"

Qin Yang knew this in his heart.

In this case, if he stayed in it for ten thousand years, it would be very good. For one hundred million years, he believed that he could definitely make the Xuanhuang Potian Sword recognize the master, even if he failed, it would be good to get Shura City!

Even if the Xuanhuang Potian Sword is in the hands of the powerhouses of other races, it is impossible for them to control the Xuanhuang Potian Sword!

"Qin Yang, there is one more thing. If the strong human race wins, the time is only one percent! The time for recognizing the master for 100 million years, the human race only has a million years, and even if it is taken out, the protection period is only one trillion years. !"

Gong Yuli hesitated for a moment and told Qin Yang about this.

Even if she didn't say it, since Qin Yang would know this sooner or later when he got here, this one was a great discrimination against the human race.

"Human race is only one percent?"

Qin Yang's face was gloomy.

Gong Yuli sighed lightly: "It is rumored that the Xuanhuang Potian Sword was controlled by the strong human race. It should be a lot easier for the strong human race to recognize the master, so the major forces have such rules!"

"Qin Yang, you must not think about entering the ancient realm of Asura. Based on your situation, you can safely become a creation-level powerhouse for more time. Then you can refine a creation-level pill. Status status will not be low!"

Qin Yang saw a man kneeling on the street at this moment.

A human elder.

Many powerful people passing by pointed at him.

"President, that's—"

Qin Yang asked.

Gong Yuli frowned slightly: "He is a pharmacist of the human race, and he has a perfect cultivation level at the creation level. It is very powerful. But a pill that was once refined has eaten to death a strong man of the Demon Dragon tribe. The punishment is to kneel here for a billion years to make amends."

"Is there a problem with the pill?"

"There is no problem with the pill. This is an accident."

Qin Yang was in a heavy mood. He was already a noble pharmacist at the creation level of Consummation, but his human strength was not good enough, so he was so insulted.

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