God of Shuratan

Chapter 2508: Medicine King Competition

Soon, Qin Yang inquired clearly about Qi Tiancheng's situation.

Although Qitian City is only the fourth-rank main city, it covers a huge area and has a population of more than 100 billion.

Qitian City is dominated by strong monkeys, but there are also many strong humans and other races.

Although the city lord Thousand Changed Realm Master is currently only a two-star realm master, he possesses a purple immortal soul fire, and the probability of becoming a five-star realm master in the future is very high, and the probability of becoming a six-star realm master is not low.

Originally, this side was not the site of the strong monkey clan, nor was the city lord of the Thousand Change Realm. When the Thousand Change Realm Lord broke through to the quasi-immortal level, he exposed his own purple immortal soul fire, and he was quickly caught by a powerful force. Absorbed by a five-star realm master as an apprentice!

Qitian City is just a gift from the five-star realm master!

"If people know that I have the purple immortal soul fire, it is estimated that I can also join a powerful force soon, but besides the top powerhouse, the secret of my golden soul fire is likely to leak out. It is no problem to have the purple immortal soul fire. The golden soul fire is a sin."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

With the purple immortal soul fire, others are only afraid that your talent is good, such a person may not have a powerful treasure.

But if you have a golden soul fire, if you don't have a powerful background, you must have a powerful treasure.

Not to mention that the golden soul fire itself has a strong attraction, even if it is just a treasure that you may have, it is enough to make a powerful person kill and win the treasure.

It is not feasible for Qin Yang to join a powerful force like the Lord of Thousand Changes.

"For me, the best thing is to join Yaozungu."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that Yaozun Valley is the top power in the Golden Lotus City, and the Golden Lotus Realm Master is the Honorary Valley Master. Today’s Valley Master is the youngest son of the Golden Lotus Realm Master. For the people of Yaozungu, turn your face with a brother!

As long as you don't do things that endanger Yaozun Valley, the master of Yaozun Valley does not strictly control the people of Yaozun Valley. If you want to leave Yaozun Valley, you can always do it.

It sounds like Yaozungu is perfect for Qin Yang!

As long as you enter Yaozun Valley, you have a certain status in Yaozun Valley, even Prince Shengyuan dare not deal with him easily!

But there is a problem.

Yaozungu cannot actively join!

Yaozungu has always been an invitation system. Only a pharmacist who shows a strong talent in refining medicine can be invited to join Yaozungu.

"In the estimation of Prince Shengyuan, I must still be in the safe zone right now, and I will be there for hundreds of years!"

"But for hundreds of years, it would be difficult to show enough talent for refining medicine under normal circumstances and to get the invitation of Yao Zungu!"

Qin Yang said inwardly, his brows frowned slightly.

They must be strong, have a small influence on themselves, and be able to cover themselves when things happen. Such forces are extremely rare.

Yaozungu is the most suitable one.

But if you can't join Yaozun Valley, it's useless if Yaozun Valley is suitable for him.

"This time in the Yaowang Hegemony competition, it seems that Baihua Yaowang is likely to win the first place."

"That's not necessarily, I think the King of Pill Xiong Yao is more likely!"

"You have been thinking too much. I heard that this time the Yaowang Hegemony Tournament is not ordinary. The final winner may join Yaozun Valley, and there are hidden alchemy geniuses born!"

"No? The medicine king competition is held once every ten thousand years. Although the scale is not small, the first medicine king who appears is eligible to join the medicine king valley?"


Qin Yang heard some of the strong talk, he was taken aback and approached the strong.

"You fellow daoists, please, what's wrong with this Yaowang hegemony competition? Is it really possible that the final winner will join Yaozungu?"

Qin Yang arched his hands and said, "Dear fellow daoists, why don't we talk to the side?"

Next to it is a top-notch restaurant. The consumption is not low. The eyes of a few strong people in front of Qin Yang light up. It is rare for them to consume such a top-notch restaurant.

"Friends, you are asking the right person. We will tell you everything you want to know."

Soon Qin Yang and the others arrived in the restaurant. Qin Yang ordered a few pots of wine and a lot of spiritual food. The other people looked at them secretly, ho!

The consumption of this restaurant is really not low, but it is like that for Qin Yang.

Although many things were given to Luo Lingna and the others, Qin Yang also had a lot of good things on his body, and the money for wine and food was not worth mentioning.

"A few fellow daoists, I came from a different place. Is it really possible to join the Yaozun Valley in the Yaowang Hegemony Tournament? Can outsiders participate?"

After a few glasses of wine, Qin Yang asked.

A strong man with a long neck and four hands said: "Friends of Taoism, outsiders can participate in the Yaowang Hegemony Tournament, but the highest level of cultivation can only be immortal. Even the strong at this level is not too powerful. For those who may join Yaozun Valley, the minimum requirements for Yaozun Valley are immortal powerhouses!"

"This time it is highly likely to be true. It should be Yao Zungu's kind of favor to the city lord."

"Although the city lord is still a two-star realm master, as far as we know, it is almost a three-star realm master. The chance of the city lord becoming a five-star realm master in the future is almost 100%, and the probability of becoming a six-star realm master is not low. Give some face."

"Before the city owner has fully grown up, it is obviously the most cost-effective."

Qin Yang nodded slightly, the other party's analysis made some sense.

"Several fellow Daoists, if a strong Alchemy Dao from another place wins the first prize, what is the advantage of Lord Thousand Change Realm?"

Another strong man laughed and said: "Friends, you still don’t understand the rules. If you want to participate in the Yaowang Contest, you must first become the citizens of our Tianqi City, and the citizens of the rest of the city, unless you leave the original city. You cannot join two cities at the same time!"

"If the other party does not have confidence, they will not become a citizen of Tianqi City for this opportunity; if the other party is confident, it means that the other party is strong in this respect and absorbs the powerful Medicine King to join our Tianqi City. It is a good thing for Qi Cheng."

"At that time, the other party has grown up, how can you still remember the love of the city lord?"

"Besides, the strength of the city owner is getting stronger and stronger, and the other party may not choose to leave our Tianqi City in the future. Will the strength of our Tianqi City increase?"

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "In this way, whether it is an outside powerhouse or the original Tianqi City powerhouse who wins the title, it will be of great benefit to Lord Thousand Transformation."

Several strong men nodded.

"The stronger Qitian City is, the more benefits for the Lord Lord of the City will be; even the more powerful people going out in the Qitian City, Lord Lord of the City will be happy. This is also part of the strength!"

"What will happen to Qitian City in the future, the strong man who has walked out of Qitian City, can he come back and help?"

Qin Yang raised his glass: "Thank you for the explanations of fellow Taoists. I have some understanding of Alchemy. I want to participate in the Medicine King Competition. I don't know what the specific process is?"

"Friends of Tao, it's like this—"

Several powerful people said a lot of things in a word, this is not a secret, and Qin Yang's mouth is soft.

After half an hour, Qin Yang not only learned a lot about the Medicine King Competition, but also about the entire Qitian City.

Qin Yang already knew what powerful forces were in Qitian City and who could not be offended.


In the safe zone, for decades, the two powerful men who chased Qin Yang had searched the entire safe zone several times, but their compass did not respond.

"How to do?"

"It feels like we may not be able to find it anymore. How will we explain it?"

The two powerhouses discussed, their faces were very ugly.

I thought it was a simple task, and I earned the credit while lying down, but I didn't expect to enter it for decades without finding a goal.

"Brother MiG, the two of us can go out and report the news."

"Yes, now the adults above think that we have completed the task, and then regain our strength here. If they know that we have not found the goal for decades, we will not complete the task at all, I am afraid we are in trouble!"

Crushing an ant is just a small task. If Prince Shengyuan forgets this, it's okay, I'm afraid that Prince Shengyuan will ask!

"Let's draw lots and go out one."

"it is good!"

The two began to draw lots nervously. At this moment, they didn't want to go out. When they reported outside, they were likely to endure the anger immediately.

In the end, MiG left the safe zone bitterly.

It took two months for MiG to reach the third district, and he found the strong man who had issued the task to him.

"What? You haven't completed such a small task?"

The strong man in front of MiG roared, he was the one-star realm master. At this moment, he was angry, and the terrifying aura broke out, and MiGoth trembling.

"My lord, the other party has some strength, or has a relatively powerful escape treasure. We traced him at first, but let him get rid of it."

"We never found him again."

MiG is bitter and authentic.

"Incompetent bungler!"

The strong man in front of MiG said coldly, his face was gloomy, MiG and the two of them were his subordinates, and his subordinates were not doing well, and he was also responsible!

If Prince Shengyuan is in a good mood, it would be better if he reports the matter, and Prince Shengyuan may just say something casually to make him work harder!

But recently, Prince Shengyuan is in a bad mood.

The marriage is not going very smoothly!

Other powerful competitors appeared, and the marriage was put on hold, even if the chance of Prince Shengyuan was higher, he was very upset!

"His Royal Highness, I have something to report to you."

This realm master didn't dare to hide it. He thought about it again and again, but he went to Prince Shengyuan and knelt down on one knee.

Prince Shengyuan frowned. The subordinates at the master level don't need to kneel often. Generally, kneeling is bad news!

"what happened?"

Prince Shengyuan said solemnly.

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