God of Shuratan

Chapter 2487: Competition exchange?

Venerable Duan Kong nodded: "Friend Qin Yang, I don't know about others, but I'm sure I want to join the Wuji Sect and be loyal to you."

Qin Yang said: "Friends of Duan Kong, I will give you two choices. The first is that you can simply join the Promise Gate. At that time, you can also join the Super Team, but not the Legendary Team."

"In addition, I will not provide you with any resources, but I will not restrict your development. It will be a lot difficult for you to go back."

"Second, you join the Promise Gate and have allegiance. It is possible to join a legendary team in the future. You can provide a lot of resources to improve your strength in the future. As long as you perform well, you will have a chance to return."

"But if you choose the second type, the consequences of betrayal will be extremely serious, not just your own death!"

"You guys think about it!"

Qin Yang glanced over, and among the tens of thousands of powerful people to join, there were also many powerful people from the Chaos, Snake, and Black Spirits.

"In addition... You should simply join the Promise Gate if you are strong in the Chaos, Black Spirit and Snake Clan."

"You can stay here to practice, this seat guarantees your safety!"

The powerhouses of the Chaos Race, the Black Spirit Race, and the Snake Race smiled bitterly in their hearts, saying that they were protecting their safety, but it was actually house arrest...

But there is no way, they still deliver it to the door.

"Friend Qin Yang, I have considered very clearly, I want to join Wuji Sect and be loyal to you."

Venerable Duankong said again.

He thought about it a lot. The Promise Gate is a dominant power here, and even if Qin Yang and the others can't stay here to return, Qin Yang and the others are strong enough.

Loyal to Qin Yang, you can get more support.

At that time, you can become stronger, you can become a quasi-immortal powerhouse, or even a powerhouse of immortality level!

As for the world master, Venerable Duankong has no extravagant hopes at this moment.

If it reaches the quasi-immortal level or even the immortal level, the lifespan can be greatly extended, and allegiance to Qin Yang is not a bad thing for their race, the human race is strong, and it will not target them at that time!

"We volunteered to be loyal to the master!"

Except for the powerhouses of the Chaos Race, the Black Spirit Race, and the Snake Race, the powerhouses of the other races once again said loudly.

Simply joining the Promise Gate is under house arrest. There are not many resources to improve the cultivation base. It is estimated that he will not be able to return in the future. It is much better to directly loyal to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's strength is tyrannical, and the Promise Gate is so strong, they will not have any psychological obstacles to their allegiance to Qin Yang.

"Since you are sure, this seat accepts your allegiance."

Qin Yang said solemnly.

"Thank you, the master!"

Venerable Duankong and their tens of thousands of powerful said in unison.

The strong people of the Chaos Race, the Black Spirit Race, and the Snake Race were bitter in their hearts. Venerable Duankong and a large number of strong people have been loyal to Qin Yang, but they did not. They felt worried for themselves and the future of their race.

"Get up!"

"Your strength is too weak. If you don't adapt to the environment in the next time, adapt to the environment here first."

"For those who adapt to the environment, I will give you some benefits first, so you can practice hard."

Qin Yang said that a pill appeared in front of everyone, treasures, and other good things.

"The medicinal pills in front of you are of great benefit to you, but they have added some other things to this seat."

"This kind of pill is addictive. If you don't take it again after a long time, you will be extremely uncomfortable, and you will even choose to explode and die!"

Qin Yang calmly said, "The pill is precious, and it is a unique pill. With the level of the pill, even if you find an immortal-level powerhouse, the other party may not be able to refine such a pill for you."

"Even at this level, it can't be refined without some of the special resources here!"

Venerable Duankong was the first to take the medicine and ate it.

Not to mention that the pill is great for them, even if there is no benefit, the pill will be eaten immediately by Venerable Duankong.

The rest of the strong ate one after another.

"Don't worry about training, continue to watch the battles of the rest of the Promise Sect."

Qin Yang smiled.

There are only four or five million strong people in one batch, and a total of 35 million strong people in Promise Gate, and they have only completed several batches of them!

The exchanges of each group of strong people have opened their eyes to Venerable Duankong.

There are too many powerhouses in Promise Gate.

The battle formations they formed are also very strong and cooperate well.

Even Venerable Duan Kong, a figure of the highest level, felt a big blow after watching the battle.

Being able to enter it, they are all very powerful characters in the original world, but when they arrive here, they are not worth mentioning.

Even Venerable Duankong is too much stronger than him!

"Husband, our Promise Gate is pretty good now. Do we want to take action against the Five Realms Alliance?"

The daughters of Luo Lingna arrived in front of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang considered that with the current strength of Wujimen, it would be possible to win the Alliance of Five Realms, but I was afraid that he would not be able to win!

The Five Realms Alliance is not a vegetarian, and it has 30 million strong people!

On their side, he and Luo Lingna, Su Xiyu, Xiao Junwan, and Bei Yao are both extremely powerful and possess boundary weapons, but the Five Realms Alliance must have more boundary weapons than them, just because the increase is not that much, they 'S strength is weaker.

Moreover, if they attack, they are the attacking side, and the Five Realms Alliance is the defensive side, and the defensive side will be more dominant.

Occupy the geographical position!

Xiao Junwan and the others will have to participate in the battle one by one, maybe they died in the battle!

"There must be action for action, but what kind of action it is, we have to consider."

Qin Yang said.

At present, he does not intend to start a war hard, otherwise he would kill one thousand enemies and harm himself eight hundred.

It is best to allow division within the Five Realms Alliance and let them collapse internally.

"Holy Alliance, Death Alliance, Nether Hall, Hydra...Which one is better to make a breakthrough?"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

These four forces actually have powerful contradictions within them, and it was under the pressure of the Promise Gate that they gathered together.

Su Xiyu said: "Husband, Venerable Chaos and they are not there, shall we find a way to find them?"

The Promise Gate is so powerful that it is possible to find them or even threaten them to come directly!

But if you do this, it is tantamount to telling the Five Realms Alliance that there are still people who have not joined the Wujimen.

They may offer higher conditions, and Venerable Chaos may also join the Five Realms Alliance!

"Leave them alone."

"If they join the Five Realms Alliance at this time, they may still become our nails in the Five Realms Alliance in the future."

Qin Yang said.

"Wife, do you think we release the news and want to have a contest with the Five Realms Alliance to deepen our understanding and increase mutual trust, how about?"

Qin Yang smiled.

Luo Lingna and the others looked at Qin Yang in surprise.

"Husband, can they agree to this? Our people have joined the legendary team, an increase of 60%!"

"They are only super teams at best!"

Lorina said.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "They should agree. Although we have increased by 60%, they come from a powerful world and their strength is stronger. Don't their people have this confidence?"

"Furthermore, as long as we announce the news, it will not be easy for them to disagree!"

"Wujimen, in addition to the Five Realms Alliance, there are tens of millions of scattered strong people. If the Five Realms Alliance dare not communicate, it means that they have no confidence in their own strength. Then the number of strong people who join us will increase. less!"

"Anyway, let's not lose!"

"In this process, maybe we can still think of ways to provoke some contradictions between them."

Luo Lingna and the others nodded. Since Qin Yang was sure, they naturally supported it.

Soon the Wujimen side spread the news, hoping to have a contest with the Five Realms Alliance!

"Competition and exchange, Wujimen thought that many of their strong players joined the legendary team, are they stronger than us?"

The news spread to the Five Realms League, and many powerful people in the Five Realms League were angry.

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