God of Shuratan

Chapter 2466: Use desperate life and death

Venerable Luo left, and many powerful people of the Chaos Race looked at Qin Yang viciously.

Losing the territory of the five palaces is a huge blow to the Chaos Race, and the interests of all of them will be damaged!

But Venerable Luo was defeated by Wei Shiyun, no matter how angry and unwilling they were, they could only accept such a result.

"Elder Hunyuan, I choose Shengyuan Mansion, Qingxuan Mansion..."

Qin Yang smiled authentically, he can choose at will. He naturally chose five very powerful and rich palaces. Any of these five palaces is much better than the two palaces currently owned by the human race. One palace is at least equal to an ordinary palace. Three!

Venerable Hunyuan took a deep breath and said, "I hope the gambling will be soft, our Chaos clan won't be unable to lose!"

"But it will take us a year for our Chaos Clan to withdraw in an orderly manner!"

Qin Yang shook his head: "One year is too long, don't think about taking advantage of this time to reap the benefits! If you do this, or damage, you will bear the consequences at that time! This seat only gives you half a month. !"

"In the five palaces, all the powerhouses of your Chaos Clan have withdrawn, and all the various industries you control are unconditionally transferred to us Promise Gate!"

"The powers of the other races in the five houses will not affect your interests at the moment, but if you secretly accept the properties transferred by the Chaos Clan, you will violate the regulations and help the Chaos Clan to hold some industries. The properties that originally belonged to you will be directly confiscated. !"

"If the circumstances are serious, kill!"

The expressions of many powerhouses present have changed, and they really have this idea in their hearts, isn't the chaotic clan's industry going to be transferred to Wujimen?

They might be able to grab some properties at low prices!

Now that Qin Yang said so, they quickly dispelled the thoughts in their hearts, otherwise Qin Yang ordered them together and they would have their heads fallen!

"Master Qin, half a month is too short!"

Venerable Hunyuan said with a black face.

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Venerable Hunyuan, as long as your people take the initiative and be more active, half a month is definitely enough. Procrastination and ten years will not work!"

"After half a month, if there are still strong players who haven't completed the transfer, this seat will send the strong ones to kill, and there is no need to transfer the others, this seat will kill them all!"


A large number of strong men took a breath.

Qin Yang is so domineering.

And it's still so overbearing against the Chaos Race!

"The surname Qin, don't be too arrogant, do you dare to kill, thinking that our Chaos Clan is afraid of going to war with your human race?"

Hun Lie said angrily.

Their family's territory is in one of the five residences, which has a huge impact on their family's interests!

Hun Chong died at the hands of Wei Shiyun, and he was extremely angry.

"Hun Lie, you haven't called me a father yet!"

"Did you forget about this?"

Qin Yang said indifferently.

"The surname Qin, you killed my father, and you are still so rampant, do you really think our Chaos Clan has no one?"

Hun Lie furiously said.

He was not happy to ask him to be Qin Yang's father in full view.

Qin Yang said solemnly: "Everyone, you should have heard what Hun Lie said before, and Venerable Hun Chong also said, as long as he defeats him, Hun Lie will call this seat father. Now Hun Lie speaks nothing, Ben You have to do something to protect your own interests!"

"Hun Lie, give you three breaths time to call this seat father, and this seat will spare you."

"Otherwise, I will let you go with your father!"

Many powerhouses of the Chaos Clan immediately protected the Huo Lie layer by layer!

He sternly said: "The surname is Qin, if you want to kill me, it depends on whether you are capable of it! This is the place of our Chaos Clan. You can try a large-scale conflict with our Chaos Clan's powerhouse. Who suffers at that time!"

Venerable Hunyuan said in a deep voice: "Qin Yang, you can attack Hunlie, but if you attack the rest of our Chaos Clan, we won't be polite!"

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Hun Lie, the three breaths are not long, it will end soon, are you sure you don't call this seat a father?"

"I call you uncle!"

Hun Lie scolded.

More chaotic clan powerhouses stopped around Hun Lie, and many of their weapons appeared in their hands, ready to counterattack at any time.

The three breath time will come soon.

A large number of strong men looked at Qin Yang, to see what Qin Yang would do.

If you deal with Hunlie, you may have a war with the Chaos Race. If you don't retreat, it will also be a blow to the human aura!

"Everyone listens, as long as the strong human race attacks you, immediately fight back!"

Venerable Hunyuan said murderously.


Many powerful chaos clan roared in unison.

"Qin Yang, you are so capable, you will kill Laozi if you have a seed!"

"I won't die, I will definitely deal with the strong human race in the future!"

Hun Lie sneered and said, there were many chaotic clan experts around him, and he didn't panic at all.

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Hun Lie, you could have lived, but if you choose to die, this seat will make you perfect!"

Many strong people in the Chaos Race are even more nervous!

In the next second, a small book appeared in Qin Yang's hand. It was a desperate life and death. There was a strange and terrifying atmosphere on this thing!

Venerable Hunyuan looked at it and felt chills in his heart.

Qin Yang opened the small notebook and a pen emerged out of thin air. Qin Yang held the pen and wrote Hun Lie's name easily on it.

The name has the spirit of Hun Lie.

"Pretend to be a fool!"

"You want to kill Laozi with this stuff, you dream!"

Venerable Hun Lie cursed.

Qin Yang looked at Venerable Hun Lie, as if looking at a dead person!

Desperate life and death can kill the strongest immortal level. Venerable Hunlie is only the cultivation base at the beginning of the Five Transformations of Heaven, and it is impossible for him to resist the power of Venerable Hunlie!

As for the powerful people of the Chaos Race who protect him, it cannot be said that their protection has no effect at all, but the effect is very ordinary!

Desperate life and death attack is strange.

Their defensive interception effect is poor.


Suddenly, Venerable Hunlie covered his head, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and his soul power was quickly dying!

"what happened?"

Venerable Hunyuan and many of the powerhouses' complexions changed drastically. Some of their divine consciousness quickly entered Venerable Hunlie’s body, trying to help him resist unknown attacks, but as soon as their divine consciousness entered, they found the soul of Venerable Hunlie A lot has died out!

"Quick, help!"

"Help now!"

Venerable Hunyuan and they quickly used their power, but there was not much effect. Venerable Hunlie's soul power completely disappeared in just a few seconds.

His body is fine, but his soul is gone.

Naturally became a dead man!

And his face was distorted, and he was in pain before death!

"Qin Yang, you!"

Venerable Hunyuan roared in anger.

Qin Yang said indifferently: "This seat didn't attack the rest of your Chaos Clan. Venerable Hunlie broke his words. If you don't keep your promise, you will have to bear the consequences!"

"This one in this seat is a deadly treasure, a top immortal treasure, which can kill the strongest immortal!"

"And you don't need to know where the target is, know the soul of the target, just write the name of the target!"

"Very convenient!"

Venerable Hunyuan and the others were frightened, Qin Yang actually possessed such a treasure!

If Qin Yang directly took out this thing and said so, they would not believe it, but Hun Lie's bones are not cold now, and he has used his life to prove the effect of the treasure in Qin Yang's hand!

"Venerable Hunyuan, remember, half a month!"

"Venerable Luo is now recovering from retreat. You should be responsible for the matter, Venerable Hunyuan. If you don't get it done in half a month, your responsibility is not small."

"If you do poorly, I will write your name on it!"

Qin Yang said coldly.

Venerable Hunyuan looked very ugly.

But Qin Yang and the others are powerful, and there are such treasures, Venerable Hunyuan and the others dare not go head-to-head with Qin Yang and the others!

"let's go!"

Qin Yang said quietly, and the strong human race left quickly.

Venerable Hunyuan, although their eyes seemed to be emitting fire, they did not act.

"Having treasures that can kill immortal-level powerhouses, even if there are immortal-level powerhouses, the Chaos Clan's deterrence to the human race is much lower."

"The position of the sole overlord of the Chaos Race is gone."

"The Human Race is now estimated to be on the same level as the Chaos Race. Even before the two immortal powers of the Chaos Race appeared, the Human Race was even stronger!"

"The relationship with Human Race needs to be adjusted."

Many powerful people communicated secretly, and some of them looked towards Venerable Hunyuan and their expressions were a little agree.

The Chaos Clan suffers too much these days!

Three powerhouses of the Five Change Level of Heavenly Dao died, ceding the territory of the five palaces, and Lord Luo was defeated by Wei Shiyun.


In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and under the threat of death, the strong of the Chaos Race showed great efficiency and order.

Within the five mansions, the forces of the Chaos Clan, one by one, all the strong withdraw.

All the properties, including their houses in the five palaces, were owned by Wujimen, and they were not destroyed before they left.

In the presence of Venerable Hunyuan and many of them, Qin Yang dared to kill Hun Lie. They didn't think that Qin Yang dared to kill them!

Although Hun Lie ranks last among the powerhouses of the Five Transformations of the Heavenly Dao, he is also a powerhouse of the Five Transformations of the Heavens, and the top powerhouse of the Chaos Race!

Many people from the human race rushed to these five palaces from the rest of the palace.

With a better environment and more resources, the people of the human race can develop faster in these five houses, and countless human creatures are grateful to Qin Yang!

Qin Yang's merit saint has absorbed a lot of merit power!

"Wan Rou, don't practice anymore."

"Meet my father and mother!"

Qin Yang sent a message to Hua Wanrou and the others. After all the things were done, he finally got free to get together with his parents and others.

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