God of Shuratan

Chapter 2431: Everything has me!

Chapter 2431 everything has me!

Qin Yang shook his head secretly, his hypnotic ability was still not enough.

The strength is much stronger than the dark left envoy, and she can't actually hypnotize her.

But as long as he waits, he can transform Prison Heaven again, and Prison Heaven becomes a treasure of hypnosis. Hypnotic Dark Envoy will definitely be fine.

"It seems that you can't say anything if you ask me now."

Qin Yang said indifferently.

The dark left envoy said disdainfully: "Qin Yang, even if you catch me now, you will still have to let me go! Also, remind you not to use torture or anything, your parents are in our Skeleton and Bones, they may bear it. Can't afford to be tortured!"

The cold light in Qin Yang's eyes flickered: "The threat is good, I hope you will be tough now!"

"Hahaha, you can't help me!"

The dark left makes a big laugh.

Although Qin Yang's strength is extremely strong, far exceeding the Dark Left Envoy's expectations, she still has faith in Venerable Luo's strength, and more importantly, a large number of Promise Sect people such as Qin Yang's parents are in the hands of Venerable Luo!

Qin Yang went outside.

Since the Dark Left Envoy cannot be hypnotized at this moment, so will hypnotize in the future. Don't worry about it for a while!


Qin Yang slapped it out, and one of the 108 spirit mountains collapsed!

All the strong in Lingshan have been arrested by Qin Yang, and no one maintains it. Even the collapse of one Lingshan quickly triggered a chain reaction. The rest of the Lingshan had problems, and the ban on this side was completely lifted in a short time!


The strong wind in the shape of aura immediately blew into the Fengtian Ancient Battlefield.

The situation in Fengtiangu battlefield was not as miserable as Xiao Junwan and the others had been here before, but the situation was not very good either, the grass was withered and withered!

Nowadays, a lot of spiritual energy poured in, and many withered grasses quickly grew young leaves.

"Wife, I'm back!"

After the ban was broken, Qin Yang could easily send the message, and he immediately sent the message to Hua Wanrou and the others.

In the domain of the Sword Emperor, Hua Wanrou and the others were practicing, they immediately opened their eyes when they received a message from Qin Yang!

"Husband, is that you?"

"Husband, are you really back?"

Hua Wanrou and the others couldn't believe it.

"Second sister, my husband really came back, and we are here too!"

Xiao Junwan and the others also sent the message to Hua Wanrou and the others, and Hua Wanrou and the others immediately confirmed that they were extremely ecstatic.

They hadn't seen Qin Yang for a long time.

And they are under great pressure this time.


Nalan Ziyue, Yu Xiaoman all cried, Hua Wanrou, Wei Shiyun and the others also had tears in their eyes. They were so excited!

Soon Qin Yang arrived in Fengtian Ancient Battlefield, and through the teleportation formation in Fengtian Ancient Battlefield, he reached the Sword Emperor Realm.


Seeing Qin Yang and Hua Wanrou, Wei Shiyun also burst into tears.

"Stop crying, stop crying."

"My husband is back, I have everything!"

Qin Yang embraced Hua Wanrou and the others one by one, and each gave them a deep kiss. Finally, Long Youmeng stood in front of Qin Yang with great expectation.

"Brother Qin, what you said before, if you still have you in my heart, you will accept me."

"You can't speak, don't you count?"

Long Youmeng said nervously.

Qin Yang stretched his arm around Long Youmeng's fragrant body, and then he kissed Long Youmeng's delicate lips.

After a while, Qin Yang let go of Long Youmeng, his breathing became rapid, his face flushed.

"Husband, we are not dreaming, you came out at this moment."

Yu Xiaoman murmured.

They have been looking forward to Qin Yang's return for a long time. Sometimes when they fall asleep, they will dream of Qin Yang's return.

But when I woke up, it was just a dream.

"Little Man, of course it's not a dream."

"I am back!"

Qin Yang said softly, "Speaking from another place, each of you is not in good physical condition now, you need to make it up!"

Qin Yang asked Hua Wanrou and the others to enter the Prison Sky, and then Qin Yang arranged for them to enter the treasure of time.

In the prison of life and death, Qin Yang's best time treasure is only five million times faster, but now it is far more than that.

The time acceleration of Wanzu Academy can reach 100 million times.

The time pagoda that Qin Yang has now is a half-step control level treasure, and it is still a very powerful half-step control level treasure. The time acceleration can reach one billion times, but if it accelerates like this, it consumes a lot of resources.

If Qin Yang was still his previous net worth, he couldn't afford it even if he could accelerate so fast.

But now there is no problem at all!

A billion times the time acceleration, plus Qin Yang gave Hua Wanrou and the rest of the things, Hua Wanrou and the others quickly recovered, but Hua Wanrou and their strength did not rise so quickly, so there is no need to worry. .

After all, Hua Wanrou and the others were weak for a long time, so it would be better to increase their strength after they stabilized!

——Now Hua Wanrou and the others are not in the mood to improve their strength. What they hope most is to snuggle in Qin Yang's arms and talk to Qin Yang.


Qin Yang also knew that Hua Wanrou and the others had no intention of practicing. They slowed down and Qin Yang let them out of the treasure of time.

"Second sister, how do you feel?"

Xiao Junwan asked.

Hua Wanrou smiled and said: "If you haven't broken the Lingshan ban before, our situation is estimated to be very serious, and we may not even be able to survive until now, but now the problem is not big, and the power to absorb the pill has been completely relieved."

Wei Shiyun and the others also nodded.

"Husband, eldest sister, what about Xiyu and the others?"

Wei Shiyun is puzzled and authentic.

Hua Wanrou and the others also looked at Qin Yang worriedly. At this time, Luo Lingna and the others did not have an accident, and Bie Luo Lingna and the others had an accident.

"Lingna and the others are now in the prison of life and death."

"Do you want me to tell you the situation in the life and death prison of the Hundred Realms, or do you want to tell you slowly?"

Qin Yang smiled.

"Speak slowly."

The women said in unison. Seeing Qin Yang's appearance, Luo Lingna and the others shouldn't have any problems, so they won't be anxious, they hope to hear Qin Yang speak slowly.

"Okay, let's eat something and talk while eating."

"Only when you are full do you have the strength to exercise."

Qin Yang smiled authentically.

Hua Wanrou and their faces were reddened, and Long Youmeng said in a dazed manner: "Big Brother Qin, why do you have to eat before you have strength?"


Hua Wanrou laughed out loud.

Although Long Youmeng had no experience in that aspect, seeing Hua Wanrou and their narrow smiles, she also reflected what exercise Qin Yang was talking about.

Long Youmeng's heartbeat accelerated.

I don't know if she wants to participate in sports.

Qin Yang smiled. Sooner or later, she was going to eat Long Youmeng, but she was not in a hurry for today. It was the first time for her.

"Jun Wan, since you left--"

Qin Yang and Hua Wanrou enjoyed a table of delicious delicacies together. Qin Yang also told them a lot about Tianzun Island and the situation in the prison of life and death in the Hundred Realms.

When you know that Qin Yang actually created the Promise Gate in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, and there are more than 33 million Heavenly Venerate level powerhouses in the Wuji Gate, among which there are many superpower level powerhouses, Hua Wanrou and the others can hear it. Stunned for a while.

"Husband, your strength is very strong, but the eldest sister and others did not come out, nor did the other strong ones. You are the only one, and Fairy Su Xin has also come out. Will Lord Luo be obediently obedient?"

Xiao Junwan was a little worried about being authentic.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It is Fairy Suxin who came out together. Fairy Suxin is from the Chaos Clan, so I rushed over."

"Now that the Dark Left has caught many of them, it's not that we have no chips at all."

"Furthermore, with my current strength, all the powerhouses of the entire Chaos Clan are my bargaining chips, Lord Luo will not let anyone go!"

With such an important bargaining chip as the dark left ambassador, and his own strength is there, Qin Yang believes that it should be no problem to rescue people.

But they probably wouldn't be so easy to kill Venerable Luo, Fairy Suxin would definitely protect it!

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