God of Shuratan

Chapter 2397: Amazing harvest!

Chapter 2397 Amazing harvest!

Not everyone has the limiter.

In the bounded tool trade, Rains suspected it was the Death Alliance for the first time, Yan Wansheng!

"The **** thing is much stronger than our Holy Alliance, and it actually took out the boundary tool for trading!"

Raines cursed in his heart, and he immediately took out the boundary weapon.

If the Death Alliance did not act, he could hesitate, but if the Death Alliance acted, he still hesitated. The consequences are extremely serious!

The Grim Reaper Alliance is already a lot stronger, and if they get a lot of team tokens, they still have a way to survive?

"Taling, deal!"

Rains said solemnly.

In the blink of an eye, his boundary weapon disappeared, and soon three super team tokens, one hundred golden team tokens, and three thousand silver team tokens appeared in front of him.

"How can this guy explode so many team tokens."

"Six Super Team Tokens have been taken out. I should have more. Wujimen will not all join the Super Team, right?"

Rains frowned secretly.

The Death Alliance.

The first transaction appeared, Yan Wansheng still hesitated, what if it wasn't the Holy Alliance transaction?

This way he doesn't need to take out the boundary device.

When the second transaction appeared, Yan Wansheng's face was black, and one of the two transactions should definitely be the Holy Alliance transaction.

And it is possible that both transactions are divine alliances!

"Taling, deal!"

Yan Wansheng gritted his teeth and said, he also took out a boundary weapon.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Wansheng's boundary device also arrived at Qin Yang.


Qin Yang took a deep breath, good fellow, actually got three world weapons in a short time.

"Prisoner, what is the level of the next two world weapons? Also, are they new world weapons that have been dismissed from their masters, or have they not been used for a long time?"

Both world artifacts were received by Qin Yang inside the prison.

"Qin Yang, the next two artifacts are just one star artifact, they are not newly used artifacts, they have been silent for a long time!"

Prisoner replied.

He obtained three realm artifacts in a short time, and Yu Tian was also very happy at the moment, two one-star realm devices and one two-star realm device, swallowing all of them can restore him about seven thousandths.

"Li Tian, ​​what kind of boundary devices are the next two boundary devices?"

Qin Yang asked.

Prisoner Tiandao: "One is an ice attribute, an offensive boundary weapon, and the other is a defensive boundary weapon."

Qin Yang said: "Prison Heaven, don't swallow these two world weapons first, see if you can let Lingna and the others fuse!"

Bei Yao has integrated a pretty good half-step control level treasure. For the time being, she can't integrate the world weapon. He has just integrated one, and can't integrate it again, but if Lorina and the others enter, they may merge. The world device is successful!

Xiao Junwan and Xiao Junying are more suitable for ice-type boundary tools.

"it is good."

Prisoner agreed, and the most important thing for him was the two-star artifact, which is more precious than two one-star artifacts combined!

"Of these two world weapons, nine out of ten are from the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance."

Qin Yang muttered.

The two world weapons have not been used for a long time, indicating that the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance should also have world weapons.

"I don't know if there will be a deal."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

The strong people who enter this come from hundreds of worlds, and every time there are basically strong people with bounding implements entering it, it is normal for other strong ones to take out bounding implements.

Somewhere in the Life and Death Prison of the Hundred Realms, a hidden force and many powerful people sat together to discuss.

"Everyone, if we want to change, let's hurry up."

One of the strong said in a deep voice.

This force is a force that has long been looking forward to it like the Survivor League. It is too difficult for them to leave now!

They have a boundary tool!

"I think we'll change it."

"Anyway, all of us have tried it, and no one can make that realm weapon recognize the master!"

Another strong man sighed lightly.

"It's changed. It's only a few decades now, and all forces have fought so fiercely. If we don't improve our strength, we're afraid we won't be able to survive this warm season!"

"Oh, change it!"

After arguing for a long time, most of the strong still agreed. This world weapon was obtained trillions of years ago. It is a bit reluctant to give it away, but the current situation is indeed more dangerous, and many forces have achieved great development!

Not to mention anything else, having a super team token can increase their strength and security greatly.


Qin Yang's eyes lit up, and there was no movement in the past half an hour. He was ready to leave, and he actually made another deal!

"Prisoner Tian, ​​what level?"

"one star!"

Qin Tian's answer made Qin Yang a little sad, but it was quite normal to get a star artifact in it.

In the past, it was not that the strong who had not obtained the two-star realm recognition master entered this, but such characters are very rare!

And the possibility of such a character dying here is very low!

"The sword-shaped treasure must be an offensive world weapon, this one is suitable for Lingna!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

As for whether Qi Ling would agree, and whether Luo Lingna could let these world weapons recognize their masters, Qin Yang was not worried, unless they were not afraid of death!

"Why is there another deal?"

"Four transactions, grass!"

The leader of the Holy Alliance and the leader of the Death Alliance looked very ugly. They only traded once. In their opinion, the other party probably traded two!

"Leader, the Death Alliance has probably traded twice, we only have one, and we are at a disadvantage—"

Zhou Yuan's deputy leader frowned.

Many powerhouses of the Holy Alliance gathered together, and they all looked at Rains. They knew that the realm weapon of Rains could be unrecognized.

"What do you guys look at this seat!"

Rains said angrily, "Do you want this seat to dismiss the realm device from acknowledging the master, and trade all the realm device that has been recognized as the master to Venerable Wuji?"

The rest were silent.

Zhou Yuan’s deputy leader smiled bitterly: “Leader, the Death Alliance is likely to have two trades, do you agree? Their strength is stronger than ours. If they trade twice, their strength will be stronger than us, and they can have seven. A super team, more than 200 golden teams, and more than 5,000 silver teams, almost all of their strong players can get an increase!"

"The winner is likely to take it all by then, and the four world weapons acquired by Venerable Wuji may all go to the Death Alliance!"

"Leader, your assault weapon can increase your strength a lot, but if our strength lags far behind and we will be besieged by the powerhouses of the Death Alliance, and millions of powerhouses in the Death Alliance, which one will you kill? Yan Wansheng He will definitely be well protected and it will be difficult to kill him."

Another strong man sighed softly: "Leader, the world weapon that has already been recognized as the master is given, which is really reluctant, but if we finally win, we can get more, and the world weapon you lost can also be returned!"

"Leader, it's all here. We have no way out. If we escape from the prison of life and death in a dingy manner, will we have a future in the future?"

At this time, the other strong men also began to persuade.

Rains's face was gloomy. There was another reason he didn't want to give. The Holy Alliance was not monolithic. If he gave it, his strength would be reduced a lot. At that time, it would be a question whether he could frighten the rest of the strong!

The deputy leader of Zhou Yuan once again said: "Leader, if you give a boundary tool, all of us must always listen to your orders in this, and we must not have the rest of our minds, otherwise the rest will punish it!"



The strong present nodded their heads.

Rains nodded with a gloomy face, all persuading him, if because of his strong disagreement, in the end the Holy Alliance was defeated, he would bear great responsibility, and he might be put to death when he left the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison!

After a good conversation with his own boundary device, Rains gritted his teeth and dismissed the boundary device's identity.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

Rains' mouth spurted wildly, and his face became extremely pale.

The world device's disapproval of the master had a great impact on him.

Fortunately, the degree of acknowledgment of the master is not very deep, otherwise the boundary device will cancel the acknowledgment of the master, and Rains may be half dead.

After taking several top-notch pills, Rains looked a little better, and he hurried to the trading tower to complete the transaction.

"and also!!"

Qin Yang looked at the realm weapon that appeared in disbelief, from the realm device he felt the breath of Rains!

"I'm afraid that Rains just released the realm of the master!"

Qin Yang quickly received this thing from Prisoner, and Prisoner quickly identified it. This artifact is only an astral artifact, but it is a relatively good one among an astral artifact!

"I'll drop a good boy, five worlds!"

"This wave of blood earned!"

Qin Yang was extremely happy.

Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult to get the five worlds!

On the Death Alliance side, Yan Wansheng also got the news, and his face suddenly became even more ugly. He traded five world artifacts, and the possibility that the Holy Alliance had traded two pieces would be 99% even if it was not 100%!

He still has a boundary weapon, but it cannot be traded.

What Yan Wansheng possessed was a defensive weapon that he could not disassociate himself from. There was only one way to disassociate himself from his master, and that was to die!

"Qin Yang, it seems that following you is not bad."

"Maybe following you can really recover a lot."

Prison Tian said.

Following Qin Yang's time to fully recover, Prison Tian did not dare to have such extravagant hopes, he was very satisfied to be able to recover 10%!

One percent recovery will be much better than now!

"Prisoner, there will definitely be strong people in the major worlds at that time, and there will definitely be more strong people with bounding tools to enter!"

"In addition, there must also be strong players with boundary tools, and you can definitely recover a lot!"

Qin Yang smiled.

For the time being, the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance should not have contacted the outside world, but as long as he allows the legendary token to recognize the master, they will definitely do so.

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