God of Shuratan

Chapter 2395: Two million strong!

Chapter 2395 Two million strong!

"Leader Yan, how are you doing recently?"

Qin Yang's faint voice sounded in Yan Wansheng's mind. Yan Wansheng was practicing. He opened his eyes instantly when he heard Qin Yang's voice.

"Friend Promise Daoist, thanks to you, it's a pretty good time!"

Yan Wansheng said that the powerhouse of the Death Alliance has risen from three million to six million, which is still very good.

But Yan Wansheng also has concerns.

The Holy Alliance now has five million strong players, and the Holy Alliance golden team has reached fifty. The Death Alliance has more people, but there are only twenty golden teams!

There are more than four thousand silver teams in the Holy Alliance, and only two thousand in the Death Alliance.

The gap between these two aspects can be said to completely wipe out the advantages of the Death Alliance in terms of numbers!

There is also a serious problem. The Death Alliance is now a lot behind in the speed of absorbing the strong. If according to the current trend, the number of the strongest in the Holy Alliance in the next year will exceed the Death Alliance, and the Holy Alliance will be fully ahead!

"Oh, since Leader Yan, you are doing well, then I will go to Daoist Fellow Raines to see if he needs help!"

"Don't, don't!"

Yan Wansheng hurriedly transmitted the voice, "Friend Wu Ji, although you have a good time with your help, our Death Alliance also needs help!"

"Friends Wu Ji, the development of the Holy Alliance now surpasses our Death Alliance, you have to pull our Death Alliance a hand!"

"We need gold tokens, the more the better!"

Qin Yang said: "Leader Yan, there is no problem with giving you gold tokens, and you can also give you a lot of silver team tokens! This time I don’t want treasures, if I am not a strong person from the world of death, the number is five. One hundred thousand, a stronger one will do!"

"In addition, there are 100,000 beasts that have reached the top level, and many of them have reached the top king, the top king level."

Yan Wansheng's expression changed and quickly said, "Father of the Promise Daoist, this won't work, you are asking for too many strong people!"

"And there are many fierce beasts!"

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Give you one hundred golden team tokens, two thousand silver team tokens, and guarantee that you will not trade with the Holy Alliance within three years, you consider it, if not, I will go to Holy Alliance Rains Dao friends chat."

Yan Wansheng's eyes lit up.

Although it was said that he was given a half-million strong ones, he was still the strong ones, which was a bit heartbreaking, but Qin Yang gave good conditions!

In particular, there are actually one hundred golden team tokens. This one hundred golden team tokens are enough to hold hundreds of thousands of strong players, and two thousand silver team tokens are enough to hold one hundred and hundreds of thousands strong players. They are very important to the Reaper Alliance.

"Friends Wu Ji, let's discuss it!"

Yan Wansheng immediately summoned some strong players in the Death Alliance and told the rest of Qin Yang's conditions.

"Leader, we are actually behind now. If we agree to the conditions, we will more than double the gold team, and we will not be behind the silver team. We have more numbers. We are fully ahead. I think this deal is fine!"

"Leader, half a million powerful powers are given to Venerable Wuji. If we take control of the situation and the Holy Alliance is brought down by us, these powerhouses may still return to our Death Alliance. Wuji gate is equivalent to giving us Train people!"

"Leader, although he has given a lot, if you don't agree, Venerable Wuji will definitely cooperate with the Holy Alliance, and we cannot bear the consequences!"


The powerhouses of the Death Alliance spoke one after another, and Yan Wansheng nodded slightly: "It seems that you have similar opinions with me, we should still agree!"

"Everyone, the 500,000 strong, we not only give, but also many very good ones. Some of them have even joined the Golden Team. What do you think?"

The others nodded.

They knew Yan Wansheng's idea. Letting many powerful characters join the Infinite Gate is equivalent to putting nails in the Infinite Gate!

Their Death Alliance will have to deal with the Promise sooner or later!

"Friend Wuji, we agree!"

"We will give you half a million strong players, because the transaction amount is large, this time we will trade in batches, how about?"

Yan Wansheng said that this transaction is extremely important to the Death Alliance, and he doesn't want problems.


Qin Yang replied lightly.

He had no plans to engage in ghosts at all, the strength of the Holy Alliance is now stronger, and of course he has to help the Death Alliance beat the Holy Alliance!

How else can you make money at both ends?

If it hadn't been for supporting the development of the Holy Alliance before, Yan Wansheng and the others would not be so easy to talk now!

Soon the first batch of transactions were concluded, and Qin Yang received one hundred thousand strong, twenty thousand extreme beasts, and gave 20 golden team tokens and 400 silver team tokens!

Two hours later, all five rounds of trading ended, Qin Yang and Yan Wansheng successfully completed the five rounds of trading!

For the time being, neither side intends to mess with it!

"Strict leader, happy cooperation."

"I will not cooperate with the Holy Alliance in three years. If you can act faster, there will definitely be a huge transaction with the Holy Alliance in three years. The Golden Team Token, the Silver Team Token, and the Great The probability exceeds you!"

"Of course, if the Holy Alliance does not plan to trade with this seat by then, this seat will continue to trade with your Death Alliance!"

Qin Yang finished speaking and left.


Many of the 500,000 powerhouses in the Death Alliance intend to find opportunities to make trouble, and it would be best if they could catch Qin Yang.

But when they entered the inner space of Prisoner Sky, they were a little dumbfounded.

It's too difficult to mess up.

Most of the 1.2 million strong Promise Gates joined the Golden Team, and many of them joined the Super Team!

They can only honestly complete the "loyalty" training first, and then seal the cultivation base and start special training!

"Cut!" "Cut!"

Qin Yang turned into a butcher with a touch of emotion, and he continued to kill 100,000 beasts at the highest level. Originally, Qin Yang didn't have a deep understanding of the law of killing, but after entering this, he killed many powerful people. , A large number of powerful beasts, and the law of killing are now quite powerful!

-Killing the strong, the law of killing will progress very quickly, killing trillions of ordinary creatures is not comparable to killing a powerful strong!

"The burst rate has dropped again."

All the fierce beasts had been killed before, Qin Yang sighed.

There were only 10,000 tokens of Team Silver, and the explosion rate had dropped to just over one-tenth!

There were only four to five hundred golden team tokens!

Super team tokens, about twenty!

Such an explosion rate made Qin Yang a little sad, but if the rest of the strong knew about it, they would probably be jealous!

"Adding the 500,000, there are only 1.7 million strong, and then trade with the rest of the forces."

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Yang quickly arrived near a stronghold of Cangyu Shenchao and asked the strong man in this stronghold to notify the leader of Cangyu Shenchao.

An hour later, Qin Yang and Cang Yu Shenchao completed the transaction.

Given thirty golden team tokens and one thousand silver team tokens, another 200,000 strong players were obtained from Cangyu God Dynasty!

Obtained a fierce beast of forty thousand top level!

Three hours later, Qin Yang made a deal with Nether Palace.

Given fifty golden team tokens and 1,500 silver team tokens, we obtained 300,000 strong, 60,000 supreme beasts from the Nether Palace!

But Qin Yang didn't stop, he found the other weaker forces.

In the next half month, Qin Yang gave out a total of two hundred golden team tokens and four thousand silver team tokens. From hundreds of forces, he obtained a total of one million strong players and 200,000 outstanding powers. A fierce beast!

With the addition of the things he exchanged with the three forces of the Death Alliance, Qin Yang has exchanged a total of two million strong powers and four hundred thousand extreme beasts!

Quite amazing!

It is also because his own power has grown now that Qin Yang blames him for playing this way, otherwise he would kill himself in minutes!

Death Alliance.

"Leader, Wujimen seems to have stopped receiving people."

The Reaper League has a report from the strong.

Yan Wansheng nodded slightly: "Unexpectedly, our Reaper Alliance has risen to 6 million strong people before, and the Holy Alliance has also reached 5 million. There will definitely be a wave of rise in the Promise Gate. After this rise, the number of Promise Gate's strong men should be More than three million."

Another strong said: "Yes, it should be between 3 million and 3.5 million."

"Considering that the quality of the strong people absorbed by the Infinite Gate this time is relatively good, if they support the Infinite Gate hard, plus the Infinite Gate team tokens, it is estimated that the strength will not be much weaker than the Holy Alliance, but it should be weaker than us. some!"

Yan Wansheng smiled lightly: "It may not be comparable to the powers of the Holy Alliance. The quality of the individual forces is good, but it is a question whether they can show their combat effectiveness. Many of them were still from hostile forces before. !"

"Haha, it's true, if Venerable Wuji can't control it well, there may be a huge problem inside Wuji Gate!"

Yan Wansheng nodded: "So our biggest opponent is the Holy Alliance, we still have to deal with the Holy Alliance!"


In the Death Alliance, Yan Wansheng and the others are in a good mood.

In the Holy Alliance, Raines and the others are in a very bad mood. The Death Alliance has been announced. The Death Alliance has more than 100 gold teams and 2,000 more silver teams. The strength of the death alliance has risen a lot!

"Asshole, having traded with so many forces, he didn't trade with our Holy Alliance!"

Rains yelled,

The Holy Alliance finally took advantage, and he was waiting to surpass the Death Alliance a lot, the Death Alliance actually ushered in a surge in strength!

Moreover, the Promise Gate has also accepted a lot of powerhouses, and the strength has also skyrocketed!

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