God of Shuratan

Chapter 2387: The two strong fight!

Chapter 2387 Two strong **** battle!


Knowing that the Reaper Alliance powerhouse increased by hundreds of thousands, Rains smashed many things in the room.

The Holy Alliance also accepted people, but only 20,000 to 30,000.

Not even one tenth of the Death Alliance!

And as the strength of the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance expands, Rains knows that there will be fewer strong players joining their Holy Alliance.

The gap will be even greater!

At present, the Sacred Alliance dare to show up to recruit the strong, but the strength gap behind is even greater. I'm afraid that the Sacred Alliance will not show up clearly!

If this is the case, how does the Holy Alliance determine the safety of its own strongholds?

If there are not those strongholds to provide resources, how can the consumption of a large number of powerhouses of the Holy Alliance can afford, then the strong people who have joined the Holy Alliance may be lost!

Day by day, Rains' worries inevitably become reality, and more and more powerful players are joining the Death Alliance.

Gradually, the Death Alliance had three million strong players.

Almost twice the number of strong people in the Holy Alliance!

What's more, the strong people within the Death Alliance have gained more than twice the strength of the Holy Alliance. The Holy Alliance is already facing a very serious crisis!

"Leader, if we continue to show up in public like this to recruit the strong, the strong of the Death Alliance may appear against us at any time!"

"Leader, let's hide."

The rest of the strong in the Holy Alliance advised that they were already worried!

Raines looked tangled, and they avoided it, which meant that they bowed their heads. The rest of the strong would not even consider joining the Holy Alliance or forming an alliance with them!

The Death Alliance will further accelerate and become stronger!

Rains didn't know that the powerhouses of the Death Alliance were not far from them at this moment!

On the bright side, the strong of the Death Alliance is still on the Julanzong side, and there is still quickly recruiting the strong, but secretly the Death Alliance has taken action.

In fact, Yan Wansheng didn't want to target the Holy Alliance at this time. He wanted to take the shot after he became stronger and grasp the bigger one.

But Qin Yang contacted Yan Wansheng. If Yan Wansheng's strength has improved so much and he does not act, he will turn to support the Holy Alliance!

"Everyone, you have joined our Death Alliance."

"You have no retreat."

"Later, all the strong will use the forbidden technique to kill with all their strength. Who dares to deliberately release the water, then this seat will let him know how great!"

Yan Wansheng's murderous voice resounded in the space treasure, and there were close to three million Death Alliance powerhouses in his space treasure!

Super teams, golden teams, and silver teams basically have as many strong players as they can accommodate.

There are only tens of thousands of people left in the Julanzong!


"All right, let's leave!"

Rains bitterly and authentically, this is a difficult decision. The Holy Alliance has never been far behind the Death Alliance in such a short time!

Regardless of the objective reasons, Rains knew that if he couldn't reverse it, he wouldn't have a good future when he returned!

If you enter the Hundred Realms Prison of Life and Death, if you perform well, it will greatly increase your points.

If you don't perform well, you will lose points seriously!

In the past most of the time, it was basically a bonus, because the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance, rarely performed very poorly!

"Leader, let's leave now."

"Although the Death Alliance probably won't come over at this moment, I'm not afraid of ten thousand just in case!"

The rest of the strong said.


Rains nodded, and he and the many powerhouses of the Holy Alliance allowed a large number of powerhouses to quickly enter their space treasures.

Here they have arranged a defensive formation, but as a large number of strong people enter the space treasure, the effect of the defensive formation decreases.


When Yan Wansheng got here, he saw the decrease in the formation, and he was overjoyed!

"It's now!"

"God bless my death alliance!"

Yan Wansheng immediately let the nearly three million powerful people in the space treasure go outside. They have all used the forbidden technique and are ready to take action!


Three million powerhouses went outside and immediately burst out their most powerful attacks one by one.

The heavens and the earth were eclipsed, and the defensive layers arranged by the Holy Alliance quickly collapsed.

"Enemy attack!"

Rains and the others were terrified, and the powerhouses of the Death Alliance actually killed them at this time!

They immediately let a large number of strong men gathered outside.

Being besieged, if they don't rush out of the encirclement, it is impossible for them to leave by means of teleportation, here it will be impossible to teleport!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Rains and the others just let the strong ones that had been put away to the outside, so that they were ready to take action, the defense has been broken by 70% to 80%!

Even if they are fully defensive, the remaining defensive formations will not allow them to resist the attacks of the Death Alliance!

"Kill out."

"Everyone is desperate, or they will all die here!"

Rains' murderous voice resounded in the ears of all the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance.

The strong of the sacred alliance didn't care about the defense anymore, and their one and hundreds of thousands of strong like a sharp knife stabbed out in one direction.



The three million powerhouses of the Death Alliance, and the one and a hundred thousand powerhouses of the Holy Alliance immediately fought together.

The strong of the Death Alliance desperately besieged and killed, while the strong of the Holy Alliance broke through with all their strength!

Every second, there are many strong deaths on both sides!

"Yan Wansheng, this seat possesses a curse realm, since you have appeared, you die here!"

Rains snapped.

"This seat has defensive devices, afraid of you?"

"Everyone kills with all their strength!"

Yan Wansheng shouted violently. He said that he was not afraid, but he still stopped attacking and defended with all his strength. There were many strong men around him forming a defensive battle!

"Hmph, since you have a defensive device, then the rest of you are unlucky!"

"One by one, the captains of the golden team, all die to this seat!"

Rains said coldly.

The captains of all the Golden Teams in the Death Alliance were a little panicked, and couldn't help confining some attacks and strengthening their defenses.

This allows the strong of the Holy Alliance to take the opportunity to break through a lot!

"Asshole, everyone, kill with all your strength!"

"Rains may not have such an attacking weapon!"

Yan Wansheng roared.

The Death Alliance’s attack suddenly became more fierce, but the little advantage that the Holy Alliance took just now has not disappeared. The Holy Alliance’s breakthrough is still a lot easier!

Half a minute later, the strong of the Holy Alliance finally broke out of the siege.

But breaking the siege doesn’t mean it’s safe. Rains is afraid to take the rest of the people into the space treasure and take them away. The Death Alliance is always ready to curse him. As long as he gives this opportunity, the Death Alliance You won’t be polite.

"Follow it all!"

Yan Wansheng said sharply.

The strong of the Reaper Alliance went all out to chase and kill, and the strong of the Holy Alliance fled with all their strength, while the Holy Alliance threw out many treasures to prevent the strong of the Death Alliance from chasing and killing.

It didn't take long for the strong of the Holy Alliance to escape into a chaotic area, where it is suitable to get rid of the pursuit!

"Yan Wansheng, if you pursue and kill again, I will die with you!"

Raines' murderous voice sounded in Yan Wansheng's mind.

"Everyone, continue to hunt down!"

Yan Wansheng ordered.

The powerhouses of the Death Alliance continued to chase and kill and killed many powerhouses in the Holy Alliance, but most of the powerhouses in the Holy Alliance escaped!

The Holy Alliance originally had 1.5 million strong people, but 400,000 died in a short time!

The strength of the Reaper Alliance is stronger, with fewer casualties, but more than 200,000 strong people have died, and the loss is not low!

But to Yan Wansheng, this is nothing!

The Death Alliance originally had only one and a few hundred thousand strong, but now there are three million strong, two hundred thousand deaths, and many more, and after this battle, Yan Wansheng believes that there will be more strong soon. Join the Death Alliance!

"Leader, all the corpses and treasures of the enemy are gathered."

The Death Alliance has a strong way, and the Holy Alliance has many strong bones, but there are also many corpses that have not been completely destroyed!

There are also many treasures.

Among the 400,000 powerhouses who died, there were a lot of powerhouses from the Golden Team and the Super Team. They were taken care of!

The Holy League came from the super team, and the strong of the golden team died forty to fifty thousand.


Yan Wansheng broke open the space treasure of one of the strong men, a smile appeared on his face, it was not empty inside, there were many good things inside.

In the war, when dying, the strong of the Holy Alliance had no time to destroy the things in the space treasure!

In addition, they were beheaded, not blew themselves to death, and they believed that the damage to the Lord's treasure was not so great, and the value was much higher!

Of course, many of the 400,000 strong people came from the Silver Team, the Bronze Team, or even did not join the team at all. Although most of them are strong in the sacred world, they have few treasures and there is not much oil and water on them.

"Pile up all the corpses of the Holy Alliance, spread the news, and invite the strong from the other forces to visit."

Yan Wansheng flickered in his eyes.

With the current strength of the Death Alliance, the news comes out, the rest of the forces will definitely send people over, dare not save face!

Seeing a large number of corpses in the Holy Alliance, there will be fewer strong people joining the Holy Alliance!

"Yes, leader!"


"Tsk tut!"

There was a smile on Qin Yang's face. Although he had not yet received news of the war, he would have seen many powerhouses in the Death Alliance rise in the trading tower!

Yan Wansheng was originally ranked second, behind Rains, this will already be first!

The rankings of many other strong players in the Reaper League have also risen.

It is extremely possible that the Death Alliance has broken out with the Holy Alliance, and the Holy Alliance must suffer a lot!

Between the two forces, the feud is even deeper!

Qin Yang must make sure that their hatred is as deep as the sea, otherwise if both parties sell their treasures, they discuss not to fight, and discuss first to find him and kill him, wouldn't it be a cup?

"I don't know how many people died in the Holy Alliance."

Qin Yang muttered.

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