God of Shuratan

Chapter 2379: Whoever wins is the master!

Chapter 2379 Who wins, who is the master!

In two hours, all the remaining strong players in the Survivor League arrived.

A thousand or two hundred strong men are all staring at Qin Yang.

And these powerhouses look strange and strange.

"Friends, you can talk about it, what kind of power are you, and how do you plan to cooperate with us?"

The Grand Elder Road of the League of Survivors.

The Great Elder is a humanoid form, which is the more pleasing to the eye among all these strong men.

Venerable Phantom coughed slightly: "Grand Elder, there is actually one thing I didn't say. I have already joined the forces created by the sect master, and the sect master came here not to cooperate with our Survivor Alliance, but wants us to join him. Power!"


Venerable Phantom said this, and suddenly many angry eyes shot at him!


"Elder Phantom, what the **** are you doing!"

"It's impossible for our Survivor Alliance to join other forces!"

The hall was boiling.

Many strong men spit out fragrance and scolded Venerable Phantom with blood.

Venerable Phantom was silent. After everyone was calm for a while, he said: "Everyone, I have been in the Survivor League for a long time. I have spent more than a dozen frozen seasons. The Survivor League is now facing a lot of trouble. , I hope I can help everyone!"

"And the sect master said, no matter if we have someone now or someone in the future can defeat him, we can become the sect master!"

Many strong men were stunned.

If so, they won Qin Yang, wouldn't it be that their Survivor Alliance had annexed each other?

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Everyone, I want to invite everyone to enter my space treasure for a description. I wonder if you have such guts?"

The big elder's eyes narrowed: "Do you want us to see something? Since all the friends dare to enter us, why don't we dare?"

If Qin Yang's strength is really super strong, it really hurts them, it makes no difference whether they can enter Qin Yang's space treasure.

Besides, the strength of the Survivor League is very strong, and they are confident.

They immediately rushed out if there was a problem.

Here is their territory.

Even if they enter Qin Yang's space treasure, they believe that Qin Yang cannot leave easily in their territory, as long as they rush out, they will still be at home!

"Everyone, please!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, a wave of suction appeared. In a short time, all 1,200 strong men entered the Qinyang space treasures. Some of the space treasures of these strong men also included many strong men. The actual survivor alliance's The strength is not only one thousand or two hundred people.



Qin Yang brought these strong players from the Survivor League to the training area of ​​the Promise Gate strong players. This large number of strong players formed a fierce battle formation, and the strong ones that consumed a lot of time entered the time formation to restore their strength. .

The 130,000 strong, the scene is extremely spectacular!

And many of them showed extremely strong strength, of which 40,000 had an increase of 40%, and another 20,000 had an increase of 30%!

Venerable Phantom said: "The Great Elder, fellow daoists, the Promise Gate currently has 130,000 strong, one super team, nine golden teams, the super team currently only has 40,000, and each of the golden teams currently only has 4,000. people."

"There are many vacancies!"

Many powerhouses in the Survivor League were shocked. One super team and nine golden teams are not much weaker than the Holy League and the Death Alliance!

Venerable Mirage talked about some other things with the powerhouses of the Survivor Alliance.

"Friends of Wuji, if you leave, Wuji Sect will really be the deputy sect master to discuss and decide together? Also, are you sure that as long as you defeat you, you can become the sect master of Wuji?"

The elder asked.

After seeing the strength of the Promise Gate and listening to Venerable Phantom's explanation, he was already inclined to agree in his heart.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Great Elder, so many powerful people are training here, but the space here is still extremely stable. You should know what this means, I have a boundary weapon! Do you think I will stay here for a long time? "

"As for whether the forces behind me will send people over to control the Wuji Sect, you can rest assured that we can write one in the gate rules. As long as you are not a strong person in the five-star world, whoever joins the Wuji Sect can become the Sect Master. !"

"This one is valid now and it will also be valid in the future!"

"In addition, this seat can also promise you that the Promise Gate will fight for the first place, but the Promise Gate will not want to unify the entire hundred worlds of life and death!"

"Elder, our Promise Gate has a lot of resources and a lot of people, but our Promise Gate lacks high-level powerhouses! If your survivor alliance's strongmen join, then our Promise Gate will be as powerful as a tiger, and our strength will surely rise!"

The elder nodded: "Friends Wu Ji, let's discuss it."

Soon a large number of strong people in the Survivor League began to talk secretly, a small number of strong people were not willing, but 90% of the strong people agreed!

There are so many masters in the Survivor League, they don't believe that no one can beat Qin Yang!

And if no one can ever beat Qin Yang, it would be a good choice for the Survivor League to merge into the Promise Gate.

At least the League of Survivors and Wujimen have never conflicted.

"Wuji Daomen, we agree to join Wujimen."

"But you have to announce the terms you promised in public!"

The Grand Elder of the Survivors Alliance said solemnly.

The vast majority of the strong agree, and a small number of the strong must obey if they do not. The Survivor League also has rules!

Qin Yang smiled: "Great Elder, we have such a rule inside the Promise Gate, and this rule has already been told to the rest of the strong!"

"But since the elder, you have such a request, it's fine!"

Soon Qin Yang gathered the 130,000 powerhouses of Promise Gate.

"Everyone, these strong people behind this seat are members of the Survivor Alliance. From now on they will join us in the Promise Gate!"

Qin Yang raised his voice.

A large number of powerful players in the Promise Gate are excited. The Survivor Alliance knows that it is the tenth powerful force. There are many masters in the Survivor Alliance. The strength of a large number of experts in the Survivor Alliance will be even stronger!

"Everyone, I told you before that as long as one of you wins this seat, whoever can become the master of the Promise Gate."

"This is also suitable for the new fellow Taoists!"

"Everyone witnesses together!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, many strong men looked at the many strong men joined by the Survivor Alliance with weird expressions.

It is indeed such a rule, but if you want to win Qin Yang, let's go to sleep.

"Great Elder, you have high morals, and you will also be the great elder of our Promise Sect in the future, but the highest status in our Promise Sect is the Sect Master, then the Deputy Sect Master, and then the Elder. All elders are equal, and the Great Elders are equal. No privileges."

Qin Yang smiled.

The strength of the Survivor League is very strong, so it should be a little good!

"Thank you, the master!"

The elder nodded.

Qin Yang said: "Great Elder, our Promise Rules, the top ten on the God of War list can challenge this seat, and every year there is a chance to challenge! But when you joined, this seat promised your challenge. You are now You have the opportunity to challenge."

"How did you choose ten strong people?"

The Grand Elder nodded: "Yes!"

If none of the ten powerhouses selected can find Qin Yang, it means that none of their 1,200 powerhouses can beat Qin Yang.

Soon ten powerhouses were selected, all of whom were the strongest in the Survivor League, and the Great Elder was among them.

"Friend Phantom Daoist, you should have lost to the master."

"How long can you last in the hands of the master, can it be for a long time?"

A strong man next to Venerable Phantom asked, this strong man has a good relationship with Venerable Phantom.

"You think too much."

Venerable Mirage shook his head.

"Two hours?"


Venerable Mirage sighed, "You will know soon, there is actually no need to compare, I didn't compare before!"

In the duel arena, Qin Yang still demonstrated his defensive ability first.

But unlike before, he didn't drink this time.

For new friends, you have to show some face!

Qin Yang stood there with a smile, letting his opponent attack frantically.

The first strong player in the Survivor League is very strong, and the attack is stronger than the Phantom Venerable. The attack power exceeds 100,000 points, which is extremely powerful, but facing Qin Yang's defense of more than 150,000 points, such an attack is the slightest. It can't help Qin Yang!

The rest of the strong in the Survivor League were shocked, Qin Yang's defense was abnormal!

"See, is it necessary to compare?"

"The sect master's defense exceeded 150,000 points. Before a strong man in the Promise Gate used a forbidden technique, his attack power reached 140,000 points, and he couldn't break the sect master's defense."

Venerable Mirage sighed with authentic emotion.


The strong next to Venerable Phantom whispered, "However, for the defense of the sect master, the attack power should be much weaker."

"Ha ha."

Venerable Phantom smiled lightly, an attack of 140,000 points, is it weak?


After ten minutes passed, Qin Yang's opponent was breathing heavily. He was the attacker, but now he was tired, and Qin Yang had nothing to do!

"Sect Master, your attack is very strong and you are invincible."

"I'm afraid no one of us can beat you, but if it's just a strong defense, it's hard to convince us!"

"I want to see your attack from the sect master."

Qin Yang's opponent said in a deep voice, he stopped attacking, and then quickly strengthened his defense. His defense was not weak, reaching eighty to ninety thousand points.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Friends, you should go down to rest and let your defensive ones come up!"

The eyes of all the powerhouses in the Survivor League fell on the Great Elder.

"Elder, you come."

The strong man in the duel field immediately retreated. The elder nodded and went into the duel field. He became the main body, which was actually a huge mysterious tortoise.

Xuangui's body was shrouded in earthy yellow light, and it looked extremely heavy.

The greatest elder is defense!

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