God of Shuratan

Chapter 2374: Trading Immortal Blood

Chapter 2374 Trading Immortal Blood

"Leader, we don't have enough silver tokens. It is definitely impossible to knock down the price. If the Death Alliance has obtained many silver tokens, we can only improve our strength as much as possible!"

"Leader, someone offered a reward for exchanging immortal blood for silver tokens. I think this can be exchanged, but I don't know how many silver tokens the other party has!"

"It's not good, someone has exchanged immortal blood for silver tokens!"

The powerhouses of the Holy Alliance spoke one after another, and the leader of the Holy Alliance was hesitant to change. There have been several successful deals!

"Let's trade immortal blood!"

The leader of the Holy Alliance said solemnly, and couldn't wait any longer.

If at this time the immortal blood is exchanged for the silver tokens are also strong in the Death Alliance, the strength of the Death Alliance will be even stronger!

There may have been less than 30,000 strong.

Mad Sword Sect, Glacier League may also join the Death Alliance.

Someone just bought one or two hundred silver tokens!

If the Holy Alliance does not act, it may be really late!

Even if there are some doubts in their hearts, the Holy Alliance has to act, anyway, in their opinion, it is not a loss to exchange a drop of immortal blood for a silver token!

Before the price increase, the price of silver tokens was higher than the price of immortal blood!

In the first batch, the Holy Alliance took out fifty drops of immortal blood. In his opinion, the other party might not be able to take out so many silver tokens, but the transaction was completed immediately and fifty silver tokens appeared in the leader of the Holy Alliance. before!

"Everyone, is it possible that the Death Alliance did not do it, there are other enemies secretly, and the other party wants to obtain immortal blood?"

The leader of the Holy Alliance.

If so, they exchange a lot of immortal blood for each other, which is equivalent to fulfilling each other.

"Leader, in any case, the Death Alliance will be our primary enemy. We won’t lose money when we change to many silver tokens! With the current burst rate, even if the price of silver tokens is reduced, it will drop to 30 trillion. The look of Tianzun coins!"

"Immortal blood, this has many forces."

"Leader, someone has traded dozens of drops of immortal blood!"

The leader of the Holy Alliance quickly checked and found that the number of transactions had exceeded one hundred.

The Death Alliance is in action.

There are also strong players in the Reaper Alliance paying attention to the situation of the trading tower. At first they bought a lot of silver tokens. Later, some strong players exchanged immortal blood for silver tokens. The Reaper Alliance also panicked, and they must quickly improve their strength!




The powerhouses of Hydra, Cangyu God Dynasty, and Nether Hall also started to act. They also exchanged immortal blood for some silver tokens.

Some of them have already absorbed Immortal Blood, and the re-absorption effect is not good. Silver tokens can enhance their power!

The actions of the other forces, in turn, stimulated the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance, and they purchased more silver tokens.

In just ten minutes, Qin Yang received three to four hundred drops of immortal blood, and he traded hundreds of silver tokens!

A drop of immortal blood is worth 30 trillion, and the value of these immortal blood exceeds one hundred immortal coins.

Many forces have photographed the Silver Token, and soon there will be many Silver Teams in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, and the balance between many forces will be broken.

Fight, Qin Yang will gain more!

"Taling, stop trading silver tokens."

Qin Yang ordered.

Immediately Taring stopped the transaction, the transaction information message disappeared, and a few strong people who were waiting and watching suddenly regretted it.

"I'm a good boy."

"Almost four hundred drops of immortal blood!"

Qin Yang was amazed. One drop of this thing is very valuable. Qin Yang first thought that it would be good to get dozens of drops, but he didn't expect to get so many!

Originally, some forces didn't plan to take it out even if they had such a thing, but they were afraid!

There are so many trading tokens for Team Silver. What if the opponent buys a lot? At that time, it might be easy to be harvested.

"Nine-tenths of these immortal blood are not suitable for me and Bei Yao to absorb, and only 30 drops are consistent."

Qin An secretly said in his heart.

For them, thirty drops is enough for the time being!

Soon Qin Yang left the trading tower.

Having obtained a lot of immortal blood, Qin Yang doesn't want to toss here anymore, he just wants to improve his strength quickly!

When he arrived at a safer place, Qin Yang entered the prisoner sky.

He gave Bei Yao a dozen drops of suitable immortal blood, and entered the time circle with Bei Yao.

Time continues to pass.

On the headquarters side, the powerhouses of the Death Alliance and the Holy Alliance quickly absorbed the powerhouses, and on the Qingyan Territory side, the powerhouses of the two sides searched for them.

Many other forces are also recruiting!

There are many forces that have obtained the Silver Token.

In the entire Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, the atmosphere became a lot tense because of Qin Yang's release of the Silver Team token.

The special sacred alliance and the death alliance, it can be said that the sword is at war!

Qin Yang is very peaceful here.

He and Bei Yao have been practicing in the treasure of time, and a large number of new experts from Promise Gate are conducting special training under the acceleration of time.

Many of the strong people who have been specially trained in the Promise Gate will continue to train for a while.

It turned out that the Wild Sword Sect, the Glacier League, and the powerhouses who joined the Promise earlier to disrupt the special training can make them more familiar with each other!

Gradually, more than two months passed to the outside world.

The original strong of the Promise Gate, as well as the strong ones who joined later, have been trained for 20 years under the acceleration of time, and their discipline and obedience have been greatly enhanced!

"Everyone listens to the order, and then you have to train with the battle formation."

"Don't fall behind the challenge of God of War!"

"One year is up, the top ten on the God of War list can challenge this seat!"

Qin Yang went out of the gate and the Elder Kuangjian said, and then he continued to retreat, naturally someone was responsible for the training of the Promise Gate!

Battlefield training is not carried out under time acceleration, it takes more time.

Gradually, a year passed, and time accelerated for five million years. Qin Yangxin merged five drops of immortal blood. These five drops of immortal blood came from strong people who were good at the laws of space.

Five drops of immortal blood increased the number of immortal cells in Qin Yang's body. The immortal cells he had grown up by himself were already more than the immortal cells he had absorbed before. The original immortal cells accounted for less than one-third of Qin Yang's body!

There is no doubt that Qin Yang has strengthened a lot!

The combat power is stronger.

More importantly, Qin Yang felt that his fit with Prison Tian had improved a lot.

"Prisoner Tian, ​​what is your current level of recognition?"

Qin Yang opened his eyes and asked. The time is almost one year, he has to suspend his training, and the top ten in the God of War list will challenge him!

"About 15%."

Prisoner said indifferently, "The defense can be doubled, which is equivalent to three defensive treasures. If you change to the rest of the form, you can change back faster, and the defense against long-range attacks is stronger. In addition, you can enter the first level with your mind. Cage."

Qin Yang said in astonishment, "Prisoner Tian, ​​is the first-level cage where the one-star realm master is held?"


Qin Yang said: "My mind has entered, is there any use? Their strength should not be imprisoned, my mind should not be destroyed by them in minutes?"

Prisoner Tiandao: "Although their strength is not imprisoned, they can't attack you before they come out. They are the masters of the world, they may have good things on them, and they know more information, how much benefit can they get from them? look at yourself."

Qin Yang hurriedly said, "Is there anything in the cage that can deal with them?"

Prisoner Tiandao: "No, if you have a deeper recognition of the Lord, you will have the authority to do this. There is not yet!"

Qin Yang nodded slightly, and could only enter his mind to see if he could benefit from it, it would depend on God's will!

"Prisoner Tian, ​​if you become an attacking treasure, your attack power should also be tripled?"


A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face, which was great!

After the previous upgrade, Qin Yang’s basic combat power has reached more than 16,000, and now the basic combat power has reached 18,000. The saint of merit, the other defensive treasure, can double the defense. Days can enhance three times the defense.

Before the increase, Qin Yang's defensive power had reached one hundred and eight thousand points!

His strength can be increased by 40%, and his defense power after the increase has reached an astonishing 151,000 points!

Among the current one or two hundred million strong people in the Realm of Life and Death, Qin Yang estimates that his current strength should be in the top three without a problem!

"Prisoner Tian, ​​is the space more stable?"

Qin Yang arrived outside the Time Treasure, and went to the place where many of the strong masters of Sect Master Crazy Sword were training. Their 130,000 strong were constantly making moves, but the space was still stable!

"Yes, the stability of the space has doubled!"

Prison Tian said indifferently, "But because your strength has improved, the time for the world masters imprisoned in to come out has also been shortened a lot!"

"They still can't get out in a short time, let's not talk about this."

Qin Yang preached, thinking about the problems of 81 realm masters, it was a headache.


"Sect Master, all Tianjing Cannons have been installed."

Several powerful people reported in front of Qin Yang that it would take a lot of time for Qin Yang to install the thousands of celestial cannons by himself, so it would be easy to confess his staff to install them!

"Good job!"

Qin Yang smiled and nodded.

Elder Crazy Sword, Elder Glacier and they soon arrived in front of Qin Yang.

"Sect Master, it's almost a year. When do you think it will be convenient for us to challenge?"

Sect Master Crazy Sword flickered in his eyes, he was quite confident in his own strength, thinking that he might not be able to defeat Qin Yang!

Even if it couldn't be beaten, wouldn't it be enough to support it for half an hour in Qin Yang's hands?

As long as you support half an hour, you can be promoted as the deputy master!

If Qin Yang had an accident in the future, they might be able to become the master of the Promise Sect and pick up a big deal!

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