God of Shuratan

Chapter 2368: The Holy Alliance is also planted!

Chapter 2368 Holy Alliance is also planted!

"Friends, our patience is limited. If you don't show up yet, we will be welcome!"

Outside, one of the big guys from the Holy Alliance screamed.

In a quarter of an hour, they searched carefully for their spiritual consciousness, but they didn't find it.

But the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance are still convinced that Qin Yang and the others have definitely not left!

"Friends, we will give you the last ten breaths again. If you still don't show up, we will curse you! You must be in our encirclement, and we can curse all the creatures in the encirclement!"

The other big man threatened.

Among the 30,000 powerhouses from the Holy Alliance, many are good at cursing attacks. If they carry out cursing attacks, they will be powerful.

During the prison days, Qin Yang heard outside voices, but he didn't mean to go out, just let the strong of the Promise Gate form a powerful battle defense.

Ten interest time passed quickly.

"Hmph, your Excellency seems to be toasting and not eating fine wine. If you die later, you are looking for it yourself!"

Thousands of powerhouses in the Holy Alliance stepped forward, and they were all good at cursing attacks, and soon they took action.

Curse all the creatures in the glass cover!

The cursing force will launch an attack as long as it senses any creature. After the target is killed, the remaining cursing force will not look for other targets.


A strange wind blew in the glass cover, which was a curse storm.

The cursing power went wherever it was scraped. In a short time, Cursing Storm swept the entire space inside the glass cover several times, Cursing Storm did not find any targets!

"Does the other party really escaped?"

"It should be impossible!"

The two big bosses secretly discussed that they passed the order and strengthened the curse. Soon they used all kinds of cards, but they still didn't find it!

"Use a forbidden technique!"

One of the big guys said in a deep voice, thousands of powerful immediately used the forbidden technique, and their strength can be greatly enhanced when the forbidden technique is used, and the curse storm is also greatly enhanced.

In the beginning, if it was only a level 7 or 8 wind, it is already a level 12 typhoon, and there are a lot of horrors!

Before long, the terrifying curse storm reached Qin Yang's side.

This time, Cursing Storm seemed to feel the breath of life, and the cursing force formed a tornado around the area where Prisoner Sky was located, but the curse force was only sensed, and they could not invade the Prisoner Heaven.

——The difficulty of intrusion is much higher than the difficulty of sensing!

"A discovery!"

"Go around!"

The glaze shroud immediately shrank, covering only a hundred kilometers around the Heilongjiang Prison Sky, and the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance also immediately gathered.

"Friends, come out, you have been discovered!"

"We won't leave if you don't come out. It won't be long before many strong men from our Holy Alliance will come!"

"You come out at this time, we can still consider your attitude good, if we wait for our Holy Alliance to come over in the army, we will not be so easy to talk, and by then the Death Alliance must have been eyeing you!"

One of the leaders of the Holy Alliance whispered, with a smile on his face, he thinks he has succeeded for most of the current situation!

"If you leave, you will be given a benefit to the Holy Alliance at that time, otherwise you will now give the benefit to the powerhouse of the Death Alliance!"

Qin Yang's voice sounded outside Prison Heaven.

The eyes of many powerhouses in the Holy Alliance brightened, and sure enough, the goal was here!

Another big brother of the Holy Alliance sneered: "Your Excellency would make a very wrong choice if you awaken the strong of the Death Alliance!"

"It only benefits us. Your Excellency pays less, and you can join our Holy Alliance, maybe you can become the deputy leader of our Holy Alliance!"

"If your Excellency awakens the powerhouses of the Death Alliance, there will never be such a gain! Our two families are also prone to uneven harvest, and the harvest may not be enough. It will be a big trouble for you at that time!"

As time passed, Qin Yang didn't speak any more, and the over a thousand powerful men who carried out curse attacks gradually stopped attacking, and their faces were a little pale.

It's not easy to use forbidden attacks!

"Prisoner, lower the defense so that they can find you and invade, can it be done?"


Prison Tian said indifferently, it was not difficult for it, and he would not refuse Qin Yang for this little thing.

Qin Yang's eyes flickered: "Then slowly lower, so that they can be found to be embarrassed. They will immediately increase their defenses when they invade. Don't let them run away!"

Prisoner Tian did not speak, but he silently did what Qin Yang said.

Outside, there are powerful people who are good at searching using forbidden techniques to search, so they can focus their search on such a small range.


Suddenly, one of the strong men's eyes lit up, and he had discovered!

"Captain, I should have discovered where the enemy is hiding."

This strong man immediately told his captain the information, and soon the other strong men also knew.

With the exact position, several other strong men quickly determined that there should be no problem.

"Everyone, let's discuss it."

"Shall we enter directly, or notify the headquarters so that more powerful people can come over?"

One of the two big bosses said, "If we enter directly, we should be able to kill them by surprise!"

Another big boss said: "If you notify the headquarters, it will take time for many strong people in the headquarters to come over. The other party may really give benefits to the strong people of the Death Alliance and reach an agreement with the Death Alliance!"

"Probably before the strong from the headquarters came over, the benefits had already been obtained by the strong from the Death Alliance and were taken away by them!"

The other strong men also spoke up, basically agreeing to act immediately.

The risk of waiting is not low.

And they still have confidence in their own strength, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, they don't believe that they can't win!

"Then let's invade!"

"Everyone, get ready!"

The 30,000 powerhouses of the Holy Alliance turned into rays of escape light and shot towards the hidden place of Prisoner Tian. The impact of the 30,000 rays of light was not low. In addition, Prisoner Tian deliberately lowered the defense, so they entered directly. Inside prison days.

They appeared not far from Qin Yang and them.

"Everyone, don't do it!"

The first two big men who invaded immediately warned the other strong men, and they found Qin Yang and the others.

Qin Yang and the others, sixty-five thousand powerhouses are standing by, and one by one is already ready to take action.

More importantly, in front of them and Qin Yang's 65,000 strong people, there are a large number of dead bodies of the Death Alliance!

"Break the space, let's rush out!"

All the 30,000 powerful players entered, and one of the leaders of the Holy Alliance immediately spread the message.

Qin Yang and the others here are more powerful and stronger. Under this circumstance, fighting with Qin Yang and the others is more fierce than good.

The strong of the Holy Alliance already knows that he has been pitted!

"Everyone, don't run away?"

Qin Yang said indifferently, a super token appeared in his hand, and the super token was shining with colorful rays!


The 30,000 strong of the Holy Alliance bombarded a certain place, but the space was not torn apart by their attacks!

"Damn it."

The face of the strong of the Holy Alliance is very ugly, Qin Yang actually possesses a super team token, and there are not all the 65,000 strong ones that may appear.

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Dear fellows of the Holy Alliance, the powerhouses of the Death Alliance did not listen to advice before, so after we shot, they left so many corpses and surrendered. I wonder if you will be smarter!"

Qin Yang said that the 20,000 or so strong men who had caused the Death Alliance to surrender had all appeared. These strong men were old opponents of the Holy Alliance, and they certainly knew each other.

"In such a short time, the powerhouse of the Death Alliance is dead, and the alive captured are captured alive."

"We are afraid that we are not opponents. The opponent's strength is stronger, and we are on the opponent's territory!"

The two bosses of the Holy Alliance secretly communicated.

Qin Yang smiled lightly and said: "Everyone, give you ten breath time to consider. If the ten breath time is not self-controlling, we are not welcome."

"Being caught alive, as long as the Holy Alliance is willing to give enough ransom, you can still go back!"

"This seat advises you, because you don't want you to use up the good things that belong to this seat in your space treasures!"

"By the way, you must not destroy some good things in the space treasure. If this seat finds it out, you will kill you!"

"Everyone at Promise Gate listens to the order."

"Ten Breath Time has no self-restraint to cultivate as a surrender, kill!"

In the next second, the sixty-five thousand powerhouses of Promise Gate shouted in unison: "Yes, the master!"

Sixty-five thousand powerhouses burst out with murderous intent.

"Everyone, the strong of the Death Alliance did not run out of here, even if we use the forbidden technique, I am afraid it is impossible to escape!"

"Let's drop it."

One of the leaders of the Holy Alliance sent the message to some others, he didn't want to die, his status was noble.

The strength of the Sacred Alliance is very strong. As long as the ransom is in place, Qin Yang should still release people. After all, they are not dead.

So many people died in the Death Alliance, and the ransom money may not be able to redeem them!


"If you fight, you will die, there is no need."

"Stay useful."

The rest of the high-level powerhouses sent messages one after another, and the other big man also reluctantly agreed, and they couldn't escape. In this case, they could not see the hope of victory at all.

When the nine breaths time came, all the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance had imprisoned their cultivation.

A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face, and he waved his hand, and the powerhouse of Promise Sect suddenly imposed a new restriction on them.

The expressions of individual Promise-powered men are a little bit complicated.

They were spies of the Holy Alliance.

This sacred alliance unexpectedly planted thirty thousand strong in the hands of the Promise Gate.

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