God of Shuratan

Chapter 2366: Tianhu help!

Chapter 2366   Tianhu help!

Tianhu Gang, Pang Tianhu is having fun.

He was able to establish the Tianhu Gang and make the Tianhu Gang the most powerful force in the Qingyan Region, and he was naturally a man of great class.

It's just that he is a bit decadent lately.

The Wild Sword Sect brought him more and more pressure, and the Lions of the Glacier League opened their mouths, and the money they had smashed into the Glacier League was already a lot. Moreover, even if they signed an alliance with the Glacier League, their Heavenly Tigers would be in a subordinate position.

Pang Tianhu was naturally unwilling. He tried to kill some fierce beasts and wanted to explode gold tokens, but let alone gold tokens, no silver tokens were exploded.


Just when Pang Tianhu was playing with a woman at a critical moment, a violent explosion sounded in Pang Tianhu's ears.

Pang Tianhu's divine consciousness spread out instantly, and his face changed drastically.

The teleportation array actually exploded!

"Leader, enemy attack!"

"Helper, we are surrounded by many strong men!"

Two hurried voices rang in Pang Tianhu's ears, and Pang Tianhu's divine consciousness spread to farther places. He saw many powerful men, which added up to tens of thousands, and surrounded them the whole Tianhu gang.

In the sky, pieces of forbidden treasures released a powerful aura, and it was impossible to escape.

"how come--"

Pang Tianhu's face changed wildly, and he recognized the strong man who came over.

One part is the strong of the Berserker Sect, and the other is the strong of the Glacier League.

Moreover, the strong of the Wild Sword Sect and the strong of the Glacier League know a lot more than him, and the aura of those strong is also very powerful!

"Tianhu help everyone listen, and give you ten breaths of time to surrender, otherwise there will be no mercy!"

Sect Master Berserker's murderous voice sounded.

"We have two golden teams from the Wild Sword Sect, and one golden team from the Glacier League. In addition, we have more than a dozen of our Wild Sword Sect and the Glacier League silver team. There are also a large number of strong bronze teams, whose strength is more than five times yours!"

"Surrender, be annexed by us, or we all die, think about it!"

"By the way, don't destroy the things that belong to us in your space treasure, otherwise it will be found out and killed!"

The rest of the powerful Sword Sect, the Glacial Alliance to the strong here also exudes a strong killing intent.

The strong man of the Tianhu Gang was terrified.

How to fight this?

The Sect Master of the Berserker Sect is not exaggerating. The powerhouses of the Berserker Sect and the Glacier League are definitely more than five times the strength of the Tianhu Gang.

The Tianhu Gang does not have a golden token, and only 3,000 or so powerful players can increase their strength by 20%.

The three gold tokens of the Wild Sword Sect and the Glacier League add up to 20,000 people, and the strength of these 20,000 people can increase by 30%. In this respect, they are more than five times stronger?

There are more than a dozen silver teams, and they add up to more than 10,000 people!

"Ice Leader, how can you do this!"

Pang Tianhu had a dark face. They had been talking with the Glacier League. They thought they would pay more, and then they could join hands with the Glacier League.

Glacier League lord said indifferently: "Pang Tianhu, you have also seen that there are two golden teams in the Wild Sword Sect, and our Glacier League has only one gold team. The strength of our Ice River League and the strength of the Wild Sword Sect are also in the middle."

"Under such circumstances, is it a bit silly for this seat to join you to deal with the Mad Sword Sect? If you win, it will be a terrible victory!"

"The United Mad Sword Sect has swallowed you, it's easy!"

"Pang Tianhu, surrender, you will die if you resist!"

"If you don't resist, we will keep your life, so that you can be more obedient!"

Sect Master Berserker said with murderous aura: "Leader of the Glacier, we have said that they will not surrender within ten breaths, kill them all!"

The glacier leader nodded: "Yes."

"There is still time for four breaths!"

Pang Tianhu's face was very ugly, he didn't want to drop, but now there is no chance of winning in such a situation, even if he does not drop, his men will drop!

His status is good, and he is very likely to survive.

If you don't fall, you will die!

"Three breaths!"

"Two breaths!"

Sect Master Mad Sword said coldly.

A large number of strong players in the Wild Sword Sect and Glacier League are ready to take action, and many strong players in the Wild Sword Sect are also ready to descend!

"Everyone listened to the order and stopped resisting."

Pang Tianhu was dejected and authentic.

He said that he quickly imprisoned his own cultivation base, and the other powerful members of the Tianhu Gang also imprisoned his cultivation base, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They don't want to die.

Was annexed, but when the time comes, just change to another power, isn't it the same as receiving money?

Even if the pay is less, it is much better than dying here!


The Sect Masters of Mad Sword and the others took action one after another, adding a layer of restriction to all the strong, and then Sect Master of Mad Sword received all of them in a space treasure.

The Sect Master of Mad Sword didn't notice that a strong man in the Death Alliance had also quietly entered that space treasure.

The strong man from the Holy Alliance has also arrived here, but the strong man from the Holy Alliance did not enter it. He felt that it was better to act outside!

"Friends Wu Ji, we have captured everyone from the Tianhu Gang alive, and the Tianhu Gang members are now gathered at the headquarters, and we are all at once!"

"The total is about twelve thousand!"

Sect Master Mad Sword sent out a message.

If these two thousand powerhouses were killed, their ranking would immediately rise, but Sect Master Berserker would not do this. Strength is even more important!

They didn't even think about competing for the top ten!

As long as they don't compete for the top ten, it is enough to kill a thousand strong people and leave when the time comes. This is not difficult for them!

"Very good, the transaction is completed, your benefits will not be less."

The Bodhi clone sent the message to the Sect Master of Mad Sword, and a few minutes later, the clone of Bodhi arrived at their side.

The strong man in the Death Alliance within the space treasure of Sect Master Berserker did not find it, but the strong man in the Holy Alliance here immediately discovered the Bodhi clone.

"Hiding among the space treasures, stupid."

"How nice to be outside."

"The benefits in this regard belong to our sacred alliance."

The strong man hiding in the Holy Alliance is excited.

Bodhi's avatar arrived in front of the Sovereign of the Wild Sword and the Lord of the Glacier.

"Friends, they are here, you can check, all their treasures are still on them, we haven't moved."

Sect Master of Mad Sword Road.

The Bodhi clone took the space ring.

With the divine consciousness penetrated, the Bodhi clone immediately confirmed that there were indeed Pang Tianhu and their 12,000 strong people, even if Qin Yang and Bei Yao killed half of them, their killing points could be greatly increased.

"Good job."

"But the things for you are not on this seat, but on this deity. How about this space ring to this deity, and the things will be delivered to you immediately?"

Bodhi avatar.

The strong man of the Holy Alliance was about to stand up, and when he heard the Bodhi clone say this, he immediately held back.

It's just a clone!

Sect Master Mad Sword hesitated for a while and nodded. Thanks to Qin Yang's help, he could smoothly manage the Tianhu Gang. Even if there is no benefit, he has already earned it!

Although the Glacier League lord is a little unhappy in his heart, everything has already been in the hands of the Bodhi clone. Can he still ask to come back?

Qin Yang had given out three gold tokens before, and such a force could not be offended by the Glacier League.

"Friends, when?"

The glacier leader asked.

"Soon, today!"

Bodhi clone said with a smile.

The glacier leader nodded: "Then thank you fellow daoists, we are here waiting for fellow daoists."

The Bodhi clone nodded and disappeared, and the strong man hiding in the Holy Alliance immediately followed Qin Yang's Bodhi clone.

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