God of Shuratan

Chapter 2360: Half a year of development!

"Hall Master, don't get excited, you didn't do it if you didn't do it."

"Let's just ask casually."

"Hallmaster, we believe in you!"

Venerable Nether was furious, and the other strong men spoke, but Venerable Nether felt that they were still suspicious in their hearts!

"The Sacred Alliance and the Death Alliance are much stronger and richer. They are less likely to do it. The Cangyu God Dynasty has the highest possibility! If we fight against the Hydra, the Cangyu God Dynasty will It is likely to surpass our Nether Hall!"

Venerable Nether forced himself to calm down and think carefully.

The more he thinks about it, the more likely he feels.

"Everyone, I think that 60 to 70% of this matter should be done by the Cangyu God. The trillions of resources are also a large number for the Cangyu God. Their funds are not as rich as the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance, and they I hope we will fight with Hydra!"

Venerable Nether said solemnly.

Another strong man said: "Hall Master, but Emperor Cangyu, the leader of the Cangyu God Dynasty, is a relatively straight person, what would he do?"

Venerable Nether glared at the talking powerhouse.

Emperor Cangyu is relatively straight, meaning he can do such a thing?

"Everyone, Emperor Cangyu can control the Cangyu Divine Empire. Apart from his background, his abilities are also inseparable! If you treat him purely with such a person, waiting for you will definitely not have good results."

"The benefits of trillions of dollars, coupled with the possibility that Hydra will fight against us, it is not uncommon for Emperor Cangyu to take such actions!"

Venerable Nether said coldly.

It is even possible for the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance to have such actions!

It was just in his judgment that the possibility of the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance was only one to two percent, and the possibility of Cangyu God Dynasty was much greater.

There is even the possibility of losing it, it is simply Hydra's self-directed and self-acted.

Maybe it's just to separate the relationship and make people think that the newly recruited golden team is definitely not their Hydra.

The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance got the news, and the high-level powerhouses gathered together and talked a lot.

This matter is no small matter.

The result of their deliberations is that the Nether Palace is most likely to engage in ghosts. If the Nether Palace receives trillions of dollars, it can narrow the gap with them.

The powerhouses of the five superpowers now have no doubts about the other forces.

Because Qin Yang's behavior is too bold. If the other four giants play like this, Hydra will only suffer a dumb loss by then. Who will let Venerable Poison provoke people first?

But if it weren't for the four giants to do this, it was the other powerful forces who had obtained the super token against the Hydra, and the Hydra would be very angry by then!

And this not only offends Hydra, at least Nether Palace is also severely offended!

The Nether Hall and Hydra will probably work together to eliminate what they have done, and the Holy Alliance and others may also fall into trouble!

The powerhouse recruited sooner or later is to be revealed, and which force is doing this will naturally be exposed sooner or later, and the forces such as the Nether Palace don't think the other forces have such courage.

They never thought that there would be someone like Qin Yang.

Qin Yang belongs to the world and only he and Bei Yao have entered this. They are not afraid of being targeted by other forces. What's more, Qin Yang has a lot of powerful team tokens. He is confident that his power will increase quickly!

One month, two months...

As time passed, Venerable Nine Snake's mood became worse and worse.

He thought that someone would contact them Hydra soon, but no one contacted them after half a year, as if nothing happened!

Hydra has lost a golden team, which has a great impact on them.

If one golden team is missing for a long time, some of their existing advantages may not be able to hold.

The five super powers are not hello to each other, hello, hello, everyone, everyone enters here to kill!

It is worth mentioning that Qin Yang quietly ran a lot of places in half a year, and secretly attracted many strong people to join!

——The information of these strong men was informed to Qin Yang by the strong men who had already joined.

The strong who killed the Hydra, and those strong think that Qin Yang should be one of the other four giants, so they are actually very happy to join their friends, the strong ones they are familiar with, so that the power is stronger and they are in power. There are also friends inside.

The newly added 20,000 strong people recommended a total of 40,000 people to Qin Yang, and each strong recommended two on average.

Moreover, Qin Yang's requirements are high, and the strong people they recommend to Qin Yang are naturally strong.

In half a year, Qin Yang has silently absorbed half of the strong, the number is about 20,000!

For every one thousand of these strong men absorbed, Qin Yang would let them deal with the strong men who beheaded twenty or thirty Hydra.

Five thousand at the beginning, twenty thousand and twenty thousand later.

There are now forty-five thousand powerful people in Qinyang Space Treasures.

These people are divided into several areas for special training. In order to join the super team, they are very serious about special training.

"Husband, my treasure has been replaced."

Bei Yao's joyous voice reached Qin Yang's mind. Half a year has passed, and the time has accelerated by five million times. She has spent 2.5 million years under the acceleration of time!

This time is short for two powerful treasures.

On the one hand, Bei Yao has a lot of undead cells, and she recovers faster after she dismisses the original two treasures.

On the other hand, the two treasures that Bei Yao wants to exchange, Qi Ling knows that Qin Yang has many team tokens and that Qin Yang has a mountain of treasures. In this case, it is better to cooperate with Qin Yang and the others. s Choice!

Otherwise, using Qin Yang's means, it would be possible to destroy those two treasures.

There is a kind of liquid in a large number of treasures, which is extremely corrosive and can completely destroy those two powerful treasures.

The two treasures cooperated fully, and the fusion of the master was several times faster.

Normally replacing these two treasures, restoring them, and then re-recognizing the Lord, basically it will not be less than 20 million years, 50 million years or even hundreds of millions of years!

"Bei Yao, let's rest first?"

Qin Yang said that he has been running around hard for the past six months, and he has been holding back for six months...


Bei Yao said cheerfully, she quickly emerged from the treasure of time.

After one or two hours of the game ended, Bei Yao heard Qin Yang talk about the current situation, knowing that there were 45,000 people, she was shocked.

"Bei Yao, such a development for so long is normal."

"If it's not that I don't want to be stunned, and I want to absorb the strongest players of higher quality, let alone a super team, two super teams are already full."

Qin Yang smiled.

Bei Yao said sternly: "Husband, we really need to control the quality of the super team! Even if we control a super team by one person at that time, there will only be two people, and the two super teams together can hold seventeen or eighteen. Ten thousand people!"

"Husband, give your super team token to the other strong players, and then absorb the strong ones. This is risky!"

"The stronger the super team we control, the lower the risk!"

Qin Yang smiled and nodded: "That's why I will only let the elite of the elite join the super team, and the five super powers will also be very cautious in this regard!"

As long as their own strength is strong enough, a super team can hold up to 100,000 people, but according to Qin Yang's understanding, the number of super teams controlled by the other five super forces does not exceed 70,000 people. They need to reserve room for development.

The strong players in this period have only been in it for a few decades, and the longest period of each period is 10,000 years!

There will definitely be super teams in the back.

If the leader of a certain power is desperate to add people to the super team at the beginning, then the rest of the power within the power will have the super power, and the super power they control will be stronger, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Reserve some places, and then some of the most powerful players will be able to avoid such embarrassment.

It is worth mentioning that whether it is a golden token or a super token, after they recognize the master, they will determine the maximum number of places based on the strength of the master. After this place is locked, the number of people who join will be one less!

The person who joined has died, or joined a stronger team, the quota will not be added!

For example, the super team has 80,000 places, a total of 70,000 people have been added, and 40,000 deaths, and the remaining places are still 10,000, not 50,000!

The members of the golden team that Bei Yao now controls, if they join the super team, will also waste a spot in the golden team.

But Qin Yang and Bei Yao don't care about this!

Qin Yang and the others have completed the initial primitive accumulation.

"Husband, Hydra has suffered such a big loss, isn't there any reaction?"

Bei Yao curiously said.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Not yet, but there will definitely be a reaction. Then we will watch the show in secret!"

After holding it for half a year, Qin Yang estimated that the Nine Snake Supreme should have held it to the limit.

Asked directly at the door, Nine Snake Supreme shouldn't do this, other big guys will not admit it, there is a high probability that Nine Snake Supreme will act secretly!

If there is action, half a year is enough time for Hydra Supreme to be ready.


"A few fellow daoists, do you believe it?"

Nine Snake Supreme said that he was a few powerhouses in the space treasure, and they were the powerhouses of the Cangyu God Dynasty.

One of them is still a **** general of the Cangyu dynasty.

The boss who controls a golden team, and the other strong ones, come from the remaining golden teams in the Cangyu God Dynasty!

Two months ago, someone from Nether Hall came to find Nine Snake Supreme, and told him that the matter was definitely not done by Nether Hall, and raised doubts about Cangyu God Dynasty!

After that, some powerful people came to find the Nine Snake Supreme, and persuaded the Nine Snake Supreme to deal with the Cangyu God Dynasty together with their Netherworld Palace.

Nine Snake Supreme secretly contacted the powerhouse of Cangyu God Dynasty and informed the powerhouse of Cangyu God Dynasty of this situation, but they didn't believe it!

"I believe it."

The **** will reply murderously.

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