God of Shuratan

Chapter 2358: Disguise giants!

"Brother, come to the third trading tower, there is a powerful force recruiting people! I don't know which force, but the other party took out the gold token. It must be one of the big forces that bought the gold token recently. Either one is good!"

"Shenyang Daoist, come to the third trading tower."

"Boss, hurry up to the third trading tower!"

On the No. 3 trading tower, many strong people immediately spread out, and the news that there are powerful forces recruiting people quickly spread!

Many powerful people in other places quickly rushed here.

The news also reached several top forces in the Purple Moon Region.

"Sect Master, there are people on the third trading tower who are blatantly recruiting people, what shall we do?"

"What can we do? The other party took out gold tokens to recruit people. They must be the gold tokens they just bought. The lowest cost was 5 trillion. We can afford such a force?"

The suzerain of this force looked helpless.

Those who can spend more than five trillion yuan to buy gold tokens are all bigwigs, and no one of their forces in the Purple Moon Region can't afford it!

One is not good, maybe the other party is a super power.

It's just to keep the opponent from knowing his own situation, so it conceals it.

If you make trouble in the past, you might kick it on a big iron plate!

"Anyway, it won't have any impact on us, this matter, when I haven't seen it!"

The strong of this family did not act at all.

The other powerful forces do the same!

Since the other party dared to recruit people like this, he would definitely not be afraid of them asking for trouble.

In the past half an hour, tens of thousands of people have gathered in Qin Yang!

"You guys, those with average strength are not eligible to join, I only recruit two thousand people here!"

"The people who are led by the power of this seat come to the front!"

Qin Yang said that a torrent of force drove two thousand of them to the other strong people, and their eyes showed excitement.

"Everyone, congratulations, you can leave with this seat, and there will be a review for you at that time. After you are sure that you have no problems, you can join the Golden Team."

"Next, you enter this space treasure!"

Qin Yang said indifferently. He waved his hand as he spoke, and immediately the two thousand strong disappeared, and they entered the Qin Yang space treasure.

"The rest, go back wherever they came from."

"Here we only have two thousand people!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, he left quickly, and an hour later, he appeared in another domain, still recruiting people in the same way!

After running five domains like this, Qin Yang has already recruited 10,000 people.

They have all sealed their cultivation bases, and a hundred strong men who have joined the super team have given them special training.

The strength of these one hundred powerhouses is relatively strong, and with an increase of 40%, any one is better than all of the ten thousand people!

But there are actually many powerful experts among the 10,000 people. After all, these are the elites selected from the five regions. If they increase their strength by 40%, many are better than the 100 instructors!

"Gold tokens can hold up to 10,000 people. I'll pick 20,000 people, right?"

Qin Yang muttered in his heart, if others asked, he could say that the 20,000 people he singled out would definitely be eliminated by that time!

Qin Yang continued to act.

Two hours later, Qin Yang recruited 6,000 people.

"Friends, no matter what force you are from, you recruit 16,000 people, that's enough."

"If we continue to recruit people, we will have opinions at that time!"

Qin Yang was about to leave to go to the next place, a dozen strong men stopped in front of Qin Yang, and each of them had a strong aura.

And they have a Hydra badge on their chests.

"Superpower, Hydra."

Qin Yang's eyes flickered.

Super powers refer to powers that have super teams. At present, there are only five super powers in the entire Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison!

One can imagine the power of Hydra.

However, according to Qin Yang's understanding, the strength of Hydra certainly does not rank in the top three, and the strength should be fourth and fifth like this!

"Just you guys, come over and take care of my business?"

Qin Yang's expression was indifferent and authentic, Hydra was very powerful, stronger than the Demon Venerable Palace, but he couldn't behave as if he were afraid!

The strong men of Hydra said that if they recruit more people, they will have opinions.

But if he is counseled, I'm afraid that the powerful Hydra will immediately take action against him!

"Friends, you have recruited people from eight domains in succession, and you have recruited a lot of elites. There is no problem at all when it comes to making up the strong players that a golden team needs."

"Hydra is not the only one who continues to be dissatisfied!"

The strong headed by Hydra said coldly.

More than a dozen strong men stared at Qin Yang fiercely.

Qin Yang sneered and said: "The five superpowers, your Hydra is the bottom level, who gave you courage?"


In the next second, nine thousand strong men appeared, and all the strong men of a golden team appeared here, fierce flames!

"Your Excellency apologize immediately, otherwise you won't want to leave easily today!"

The leading powerhouse said coldly, he said that he instantly became a powerful powerhouse of Hydra, and he was the captain of this golden team!

"Hi, it's Venerable Ten Thousand Venomous Serpent!"

"Team Ten Thousand Poison is here, and Venerable Ten Thousand Poison Snake must be there!"

"What's the situation with Hydra?"

Many strong people were shocked.

Venerable Ten Thousand Poison Snake’s eyes flickered. The main reason why he came here was actually because he suspected that Qin Yang did not come from a few super powers. It is possible that Qin Yang came from a power much weaker than Hydra!

They may be able to get great benefits today!

The power that can buy gold tokens must be rich!

"You are threatening this seat?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

Venerable Wan Poison Snake said coldly: "If your Excellency understands this way, it's okay, we threaten you, how?"

Qin Yang said indifferently: "This seat gives you a chance to kneel and kowtow to apologize. This seat can let you leave safely, otherwise you will all follow this seat obediently, and then you will find this seat to redeem it. people!"

"Kneel to apologize, I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

"Grass, something, let us kneel down!"

"There is a kind of report on your name!"

Many other strong players in the Wandu team cursed.

Qin Yang sneered, and a token appeared in his hand, a colorful Super Team token, which exuded a special atmosphere.

"Hi, Super Team Token!"

There are now tens of thousands of strong people gathered here, and a large number of strong people took a breath, and they looked at Qin Yang's super team token in disbelief.

In their cognition, there are only five leaders of super powers in this thing!


Everyone in the Wandu team was frightened. Qin Yang would definitely not be their suzerain, Nine Snake Supreme, and Qin Yang's identity should be one of the other four super bosses!

"Big, my lord forgive me."

Venerable Wanpo said in a trembled voice. He originally estimated that even if Qin Yang was a tycoon of a certain super power, it would be fine to offend a little bit.

Qin Yang actually took out the super team token.

Qin Yang said with an indifferent expression: "Do you need this seat to summon other people to discuss with you? Or you obediently imprisoned your cultivation base and walk with this seat, there is no one trillion, you Hydra don’t want to take you from this seat. Redeem here!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yang showed a smile on his face: "After spending tens of billions, I can get back 100 billion. This trip is not in vain!"

Venerable Wanpo cursed in his heart, such a big man is so cheating!

"This seat gives you three breaths time to consider."

"The three breaths time does not imprison the cultivator, die!"

"Those who try to escape, die!"

Qin Yang smiled authentically.

Venerable Poison smiled bitterly. Among the five superpowers, Hydra is likely to be the bottom. Facing the leaders of the other four superpowers, how dare he resist.

The Golden Team can only hold 10,000 people at most, and the Super Team can hold 100,000 people!

The leaders of the other four superpowers acted. Among the space treasures, there are few tens of thousands of strong ones, and there is a high probability that they will exceed one hundred thousand strong ones!

"Everyone can self-control cultivation."

"My lord, we are offended, and our power should redeem others at that time."

Venerable Wanpo said that he had imprisoned his own cultivation first, and the rest of the Wandu team also imprisoned his own cultivation.

No one tried to escape.

In this case, if you run away, you should definitely die. Moreover, if one escapes, maybe ten and a hundred will be killed!


Qin Yang waved his hand, Venerable Wan Poison and their 9,000 powerful men disappeared.

Many other powerful men looked at Qin Yang with scorching eyes.

"My lord, do you still pay?"

"My lord, you have earned hundreds of billions. I'm afraid that others won't be fooled. It doesn't make much sense for you to go to other places, my lord. Why don't you recruit more people here."

"My lord, can you wait for a while? I know a few great people, and they are coming."

"grown ups--"

There are tens of thousands of strong people here, many of them have opened their mouths, and one after another, the light is coming quickly, and there are other strong people rushing to it.

Some powerful players didn't want to join, but the super tokens showed up. There are many strong players in the top forces here!

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I will be in a good mood here, and we will recruit 4,000 people here. Ten minutes later, the quota will be determined. If you want to join, hurry up!"

Many strong people with good strength and hiding well got news and quickly came out from where they were hiding.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yang already had 300,000 strong people, and the proportion of the strong ones was still relatively high!

"Only four thousand of you!"

With a movement of Qin Yang's thoughts, a wave of power caused some of the four thousand strong to fly, and their average strength was higher than the previous two thousand.


In the blink of an eye, these four thousand strong men disappeared, and Qin Yang quickly disappeared.

Qin Yang did not accept the remaining hundreds of thousands of powerful people, nor did he kill any of them.

What he will pretend is a giant.

A giant must look like a giant.

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