God of Shuratan

Chapter 2356: Sixty-five trillion!

"Seven hundred and twenty trillion, a deal!"

"Seven hundred and ten trillion, a deal!"

"Six hundred and seventy trillion, a deal!"

"Six hundred and forty trillion, a deal!"


The 8 trillion yuan purchase of the Demon Zun Temple had just been completed, and nine consecutive transaction information burst out. These transaction information were not for a certain force, but a different force.

The highest is more than 700 trillion, and the lowest is 5 trillion!

If the same strong person has multiple quotations, after the highest price is traded, the remaining quotations are not counted, but if it is a different strong, some quotations will be 65 trillion, and some will be quoting seven trillion, even seven trillion It’s done, and it can be done for 650 billion yuan.

As long as someone can get something!

Of course, this has a time limit and is valid for one day!

Gold tokens are very precious, and some forces want to cheat the Demon Sovereign Hall, so they bid up the price one after another in order to make the Demon Sovereign Hall spend more money.

Even if someone took out the gold tokens, they would definitely choose the Demon Sovereign Hall to trade, they would have no loss!

Those forces never expected that someone could produce so many precious things like gold tokens!

That's right, Qin Yang made all of the next nine transactions.

Since many forces have participated and the prices are high, how could Qin Yang let go of this great opportunity to make money.

Even if the explosion rate is reduced, Qin Yang estimates that the following price will generally not exceed five trillion yuan, this price is already high, this time such a price is not normal!

"what's the situation!"

"What the hell, ten transactions in a row!"

"Are several forces taking the opportunity to make a deal, or are they all coming from the same force?"

"It's impossible for the same power, ten gold tokens, which power can come out?"

"One force may not be able to come out, but if three or four top forces act together, they should be able to come out. They sell at a high price first, and then buy it at a low price later to make a difference, isn't it good?"

The entire Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison was alarmed. The average transaction price of ten golden team tokens reached 650 trillion, and the total transaction price reached a terrifying 65 trillion!

This is an extremely scary number.

"Let's buy a gold token?"

"Seven hundred and twenty trillion bought a gold token, bastard!"

In a certain big area, the leader of a powerful force was vomiting blood. He wanted to pit the Demon Venerable Hall, but he actually pit himself in.

Although the 720 trillion yuan is a lot lower than the 8 trillion yuan in the Demon Sovereign Hall, it is also a very high price. You can buy seven yuan at the previous price!

"Who the **** can think of, so many gold tokens come out!"

"Which forces are involved, **** stuff!"

The rest of the strong around also cursed.

They offered the reward, after Qin Yang agreed here, the transaction was completed, the treasures they submitted had been transferred to Qin Yang, and the gold tokens had also come to them!

Usually they will be very happy if they see the gold tokens, but they are a little unhappy now!

Demon Zun Hall.

"I knew there were so many gold tokens coming out, so we won't bid anymore!"

"Who can think of it? Alas!"

"Gold tokens are very scarce. There is no auction for an average of three years. I don't think there is so much of this one, grass!"

The powerhouses in the Demon Venerable Hall were also so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood. They were the worst loser, eight trillion, three trillion higher than the lowest five trillion.

Gold tokens are all the same!

Moreover, they had recovered a lot of gold tokens originally, which can stabilize the situation, but in the current situation, many other forces have also photographed gold tokens. The strength of the other forces has increased, even if their strength has recovered a lot. The gap has not narrowed!

The Demon Sovereign Hall will still have a lot of trouble next, and the resources it possesses may not be able to hold it!

"These golden tokens weren't made by Venerable Wuji?"

Sect Master Mad Sword was horrified.

At the very beginning, he knew that the price of the gold token was soaring after the death of the Hallmaster of the Demon Sovereign Hall, he was very happy.

After reaching 8 trillion, he was shocked, and the price was too high!

Following nine more transaction messages, Sect Master Mad Sword was a little frightened.

If these golden tokens all come from Venerable Wuji, then the energy of the power to which Venerable Wuji belongs is too amazing.

But think about it carefully, the Sect Master of Mad Sword thinks that it should be impossible. There is a high probability that several strong players will come out with the golden token.

Some forces may want to make a difference.

Some weaker characters may have gotten the gold tokens long ago, but they have been hiding them, so they can only use this opportunity to exchange treasures!

"The development of the second golden team must be more careful."

"It is absolutely impossible for people to notice the abnormality in a short time."

Sect Master of Mad Sword secretly said in the heart of the other strong ones. There will certainly be people who wonder if they are from the same strong. If three golden teams emerge from them in a short time, more strong ones will come to investigate. , Sect Master Crazy Sword doesn't think he can handle the pressure at present!

If the second golden team develops, it will be much better, and then you can join forces with the Glacier League to resist!


"Husband, this is too amazing!"

Bei Yao stared at the treasures piled up in front of him, the various resources are endless!

Tens of trillions of resources are actually enough for hundreds of powerful people to practice a lot of time under accelerated conditions. Qin Yang and the others have 65 trillion of resources!

Big Tianzun is a level of power, 200 billion can already buy good treasures, one trillion purchases of treasures, it is also very good for the ultimate level of power.

Treasures like the Hongmeng Sword can sell for at most ten trillion Tianzun coins.

Sixty-five trillion yuan, enough to buy hundreds of treasures like the Hongmeng Sword!

"Bei Yao, I found that we were really poor before!"

Qin Yang sighed with emotion. Eliminating Prison Heaven, the total value of their previous possessions would not exceed one hundred billion Tianzun coins. This would bring 65 trillion yuan of various resources in front of him.

If Qin Yang sold some more gold tokens, it could actually be more.

Anything over 100 million is fine.

But Qin Yang didn't bother to sell the gold tokens for less than five trillion yuan. Even if they were sold later, the price would not be lower than this price. With the team tokens he controlled, he could completely control the market!

As long as he does not release water here, even if the other strong men want to sell gold tokens, they should not sell for less than five trillion.

Obviously you can sell at high prices, no one is stupid!

As for hanging up to five trillion yuan for a long time and no one bought it, it’s impossible. If the other forces don’t buy it, Qin Yang himself will sell the gold tokens.

"Husband, we are already very rich in our world. Some of the guys here are very rich! But even if they are very rich, 65 trillion should be a big number for them."

Beiyao is happy and authentic.

Qin Yang nodded. Even if the top powers in it can get so much money, it shouldn't be easy, and they have a high probability that a lot of strong people can unite to get it out.

Qin Yang has the final say on the money!

More importantly, he also has eight super team tokens, sixty gold-level team tokens, and hundreds of silver team tokens!

The team token here is hard currency.

Super team tokens, one piece is tens of trillions!

"Bei Yao, you can change two of your treasures."

Qin Yang said, he waved, and two powerful treasures came in front of him. The value of these two treasures reached ten trillion yuan, the same level as the Hongmeng Sword.

Baiyao now has two defensive treasures and two attack treasures. Two of the better ones cannot be replaced after recognizing the master, and the two worse ones can be replaced.

It will be more troublesome to change and re-recognize the master, but at that time it can increase Bei Yao's strength a lot, worth it!

It also takes time to recover quickly. This is not a problem for Qin Yang today.


Bei Yao nodded.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "When you change the treasure, then absorb this drop of immortal blood."

Qin Yang said that a drop of purple blood came in front of him. The price of this drop of blood exceeded ten trillion Tianzun coins. It was the immortal blood of a powerful half-step master.

According to the information Qin Yang has learned now, the immortal blood possessed by the strong half-step control level is not much, a few drops, and dozens more!

This drop of immortal blood is also very suitable for Bei Yao, if she absorbs it, her talent can be enhanced a lot, and the whole body can be re-baptized.

Exchange treasures, this will hurt Bei Yao.

By the time this drop of immortal blood baptism, Bei Yao should be able to recover quickly!

"Husband, we have fused undead cells before. Unfortunately, blood can be fused?" Bei Yao said with some worry.

Qin Yang smiled: "There should be no problem. With these immortal blood, the immortal cells may be stronger. They should complement each other!"

"Don't worry if there is something wrong, I am still at the level of alchemy."

"And we have many good things!"

With countless treasures piled there, Qin Yang is full of confidence!

Among them is a treasure that can even reminisce about time.

Even if Baiyao merges with immortal blood and dies, he can use that treasure to turn the situation back in time and bring Baiyao back to life!

It's just better not to use that thing.

That treasure is worth two trillion yuan!

It is estimated that there is a force to make trouble, and I feel that it will not involve myself at all to release such things. It is cheaper for Qin Yang!

Hongmeng swords are only worth ten trillion Tianzun coins.

The treasure worth two trillion yuan of Tianzun coins, without a doubt, has reached the half-step control level.

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