God of Shuratan

Chapter 2352: Venerable Wuji

"Everyone, shall we make a move?"

The leader of one of the great forces in Liuhe City sent a message, and they were very angry when they saw Qin Yang and the others digging under their noses.

"The Mad Sword Sect originally had six thousand strong people, and they had absorbed a lot from the Glacier Region."

"I am afraid that thousands of strong people have already been recruited here."

"What will happen to this will not be less than 8,000 people, and their strength can increase by 30%, how do we do it?"

"If they dare to come in, they are probably ready."

"Furthermore, if we fight with the Mad Sword Sect, if we win, it will be a terrible victory. When the strong from the Tianhu Gang comes over, will we still survive?"

The other strong retorted helplessly.

They are annoyed, but helpless.

"Fine, let them take some people."

"The Crazy Sword Sect originally had six thousand people, and he didn't collect too much!"

"The contradiction between us and the Wild Sword Sect is far less than the contradiction with the Tianhu Gang. Let's strengthen the strength of the Wild Sword Sect. Then let's do it with the Tianhu Gang. Then maybe we can still reap the benefits."

The leaders of several big forces spoke one after another, most of them didn't want to fight with the Mad Sword Sect.

The strong man who spoke at the beginning said solemnly: "Then we have to warn Sect Master Berserker, don't go too far!"

Speaking of which, this strong man tried to send a message to the Sect Master of Mad Sword, but the message failed!


With a secret curse in his heart, the strong man retransmitted the message, this time he directly sent the message to Bei Yao, and his voice rang in Bei Yao's ears.

"Frankie Sword Fellow, this side of Liuhe City is our territory, there is no problem for you to put people away here, but don't go too far!"

"The receiver will leave as soon as possible."

Bei Yao said in a voice transmission: "Your Excellency made a mistake, this seat is not the Sect Master of Mad Sword."

"It's alright, fellow Mad Sword Daoist, it's meaningless for you to do this. Could two golden teams appear in a short time?"

Liuhecheng, a strong man, doesn't believe it at all!

"This seat is really not the Sect Master of Mad Sword, but we will leave if we collect people here, and will not do anything to you."

"Let's do it, you're not a fellow mad sword daoist, hurry up!"

The powerhouse in Liuhe City told the other five of the situation, and the other five leaders did not believe that Bei Yao was not the Sovereign of Mad Sword.

Bei Yao denied that they also understood.

Crazy Sword Sect clearly came to accept people, and it was a bit unreasonable, denying his identity, everyone's faces were better.

"Everyone, don't open it up. It's embarrassing for Sect Master Crazy Sword."

"Yes, the strength of the Mad Sword Sect is not what it used to be."

The other leaders didn't bother to send Qin Yang and the others, it was embarrassing to ask what they were!

Five hundred, one thousand.

Two thousand, three thousand.

In just five minutes, Qin Yang and the others received three thousand strong men, and these three thousand strong men are all good.

Some of them originally joined the Bronze team or something, and left the original team directly!

The Golden Team is much stronger than the Bronze Team. It is safer to join the Golden Team!

"You guys, are there any strong people who want to join?"

"If not, stop here!"

Qin Yang raised his voice.

There are tens of thousands of people in Liuhe City, most of which do not belong to a few powerful forces, but many powerful Qin Yang looks down on it.

Although the people who enter it have the cultivation base of Tianzun level!

"My lord, let me join in."

"My lord, please!"

A large number of strong people requested to join, but if the strength was not enough, Qin Yang relentlessly refused. He only needs elites for the time being.

Moreover, if too many people are absorbed in the Liuhe City, the major forces on the Liuhe City may turn their faces!

——Although this possibility is very low!

"Several friends, goodbye."

In another two minutes, there was no strong enough power to stand up, Qin Yang sent a message to several leaders here, and then quickly left with Bei Yao.

A total of three thousand two hundred people were received.

In addition to the 1,800 people before it, the team controlled by Bei Yao can reach 5,000 by that time.

Except for the first five hundred people who had some miscellaneous fish, the ones behind were all relatively elite powerhouses. Even if neither side calculated the increase, the average strength of these five thousand people was higher than the average power of the powerhouses in Sky Tiger City.

Counting the increase, the average strength is higher!

As long as they settle for a period of time and train these strong men for a period of time, their strength can definitely surpass the Tianhu Gang!

"Husband, where are we going?"

Bei Yao informed that she would have entered the Qin Yang space treasure at this time, but she could see the situation outside, and Qin Yang was moving away quickly.

"Find a place to hide."

"In the next period of time, we have to settle down."

"If we expand frantically in a short time, it will be a blessing."

Qin Yang said.

Thousands of people should not attract the attention of top forces, but if they continue to expand wildly, they will definitely!

Moreover, there are too many people, and internal problems are prone to occur. They don't have a sense of belonging for the time being!

At present, Qin Yang and Bei Yao can still control this amount. No matter how much it is, ten to twenty thousand, or even more, it is not a joke to cause trouble.

Before long, Qin Yang was already far away, and he hid.

Five thousand strong men were also gathered by him, and the strong men recruited from behind had also killed the members of the Tianhu Gang!

"Everyone, the captain won't show up often."

"This seat is your deputy captain!"

Qin Yang swept his gaze over five thousand strong men, "If any of you are confident to win this seat, as long as you win, the position of deputy captain of this seat will immediately be released!

Qin Yang's voice fell, and many of the five thousand strong men's eyes lit up.

Especially the three thousand two hundred strong players who joined later, they have not seen Qin Yang make a move, and they don't know Qin Yang's strength.

"How do you call it?"

Someone shouted.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "This Lord Wuji!"


Many strong men took a breath. Venerable Wuji's name is quite popular recently, they all know it!

The explosion at Heiyao Fort killed two thousand strong people!

Some unruly guys immediately lowered their posture, no matter how Venerable Wuji did it, he is now ranked three hundred on the life and death list!

Yes, it is three hundred.

It was originally two hundred and ninety-eight, but recently two people's points surpassed him, and Qin Yang's ranking fell to the third hundred!

"Brother Wuji, are you sure that as long as we beat you, we can become the deputy captain?"

Just now the strong man said, his posture was much lower.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "You can definitely become the deputy captain if you win. You can rest assured, but if you lose, you have to be loyal in the future. Otherwise, you won't have to take the captain's shot, and you will be abolished!"

"it is good!"

"Brother Wuji, let me learn about your brilliant tricks."

This powerhouse stood up, and many powerhouses looked at him and had great confidence in him. Among the newly joined powerhouses, even if he was not the strongest, he could rank in the top ten!

"Let's enter the duel."

Qin Yang was indifferent, and next to him was the duel field. Qin Yang created it. There were powerful formations around the duel field, and some people provided power for the formation. It was okay even for figures of the highest level to fight in it.

"it is good."

The other nodded.

Qin Yang entered the duel arena first, and the opponent immediately followed up.


A very tyrannical aura erupted from the opponent. His original attack power was 33,000 and his defense power was 36,000. With a 30% increase, his attack power reached 43,000, and his defense power reached 47,000, which is quite good. .

However, Qin Yang's attack power was 51 thousand, and his defense power reached a terrifying 84 thousand!

"You can make a move. If you make a move, I'm afraid you don't have much chance to make a move."

Qin Yang is indifferent and authentic.


The opponent snorted and immediately shot, and the attack immediately fell on Qin Yang's defense, but Qin Yang's defense can be said to be motionless!

Compared with the defense of 43,000, the gap is too big!

"Too weak."

Qin Yang shook his head.


Hearing Qin Yang's words, the other party kept attacking like crazy, but after five minutes, Qin Yang didn't have any farts.

"It's my turn!"

Qin Yang said quietly, he said that the Hongmeng Sword appeared in his hand.


With a fifty-one attack, coupled with Qin Yang's good at formation, you can see where the opponent's weakness lies, and easily break the defense!

The opponent's defensive power was 47,000, because Qin Yang's weak attack actually only had a defensive effect of 40,000!

A powerful force entered the body of this strong man, raging in his body!

"Too weak, three swords can force you to use the forbidden technique, and within ten swords, you will undoubtedly die."

Qin Yang shook his head, he didn't make any more moves.

"I lost."

"Thank you for your mercy, Brother Wuji."

The strong man who fought with Qin Yang gave a deep respect, and Qin Yang raised his hand, and suddenly the chaotic power in his body retreated.


Qin Yang looked at the other strong men.

Soon the second strong came on the field. This strong was stronger and already had the strength of the top king, but his strength itself was much weaker than Qin Yang, plus Qin Yang’s strength increased by 100%. Forty percent, he only has 30 percent. How can he win Qin Yang?

One, two, three...

By the fifth, no strong person came forward.

The fifth strong man who stood up was already the strongest among the five thousand strong men, but he was quickly defeated by Qin Yang.

"Can anyone still challenge?"

"If you win, you can become the deputy captain."

Qin Yang said in a loud voice, no one from the strong said any more, and the eyes of the five thousand strong looking at him were very different!

The practitioner respects the strong.

Qin Yang has overwhelmed them with strength!

"Everyone, since no one has challenged, then this time, I will stop here. If you improve in the future, you can always challenge this seat!"

"Win, you are the deputy captain!"

"The next period of time will require special training for you. You are now just a mob, and you need to be trained as a Jagged Legion!"

"You have five thousand and thirty-three in total."

"Thirty-three as the death indicator, the 33 with the worst performance died!"

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