God of Shuratan

Chapter 2349: Super token!

"Friend Promise Daoist, thank you for choosing our Crazy Sword Sect for trading."

Sect Master Mad Sword is grateful and authentic.

Even if a lot of fierce beasts were given, in his opinion, they still took a big advantage in this trade, and the value of gold tokens was much higher!

And if there is no new gold token trading for a relatively long period of time, the market price of gold tokens will rise.

The Bodhi clone smiled and said: "Sect Master Berserker, hurry up to improve. After the strength is up, the fierce beast can find a way to catch more. In this regard, my deity may still have a demand, and you also need more teams. Token!"


Sect Master Mad Sword's eyes brightened.

It's easier to catch the beast after the strength is improved. In this regard, it only takes time and energy, unlike the team token that depends on luck.


The avatar of Bodhi left soon, the Sect Master of Mad Sword didn't follow anything, and the consequences would be serious if found.

In the judgment of Sect Master Mad Sword, Qin Yang is now from a top power. Although he does not know why he has to deal with the Tianhu Gang and does not want to show his face, this is not a problem!

If it weren't from the top forces, how could Hei Yaobao be bombed?

How can it be possible to easily take out the gold token?

Such things are rarely used by forces, and they are basically used by themselves!

"Our Mad Sword Sect is really developed this time."

The Sect Master of the Mad Sword was excited, and he immediately ordered all the people of the Sect of the Mad Sword to gather, a total of six thousand people.

The Sovereign of Mad Sword made blood to the gold token to recognize the master, and then let the soul aura of the other strong men imprinted into the gold token.

In this way, the increase of the remaining strong can reach 30%!

"Golden Team!"

"We actually joined the Golden Team haha!"

"The increase in strength has reached 30%. If I meet that guy again, I can hammer him to death!"

"Sovereign is mighty!"

Thousands of powerhouses cheered excitedly soon, their strength increased by 30%, and their strength has increased a lot!

Sect Master Berserker nodded in satisfaction, as long as the strength is enough for the gold token to support up to 10,000 people, thousands of people all join the same team, he is the captain, and his control over the strong inside the sect is much improved!

In the sect, there may have been strong people with strange intentions, but now they have suppressed the thoughts in their hearts.

"Immediately invite some strong people to join our Mad Sword Sect!"

"Tell the other party that we are already the golden team!"

Sect Master Mad Sword quickly arranged.

There are many strong people who hadn't planned to join the Wild Sword Sect before. Given the current situation of the Wild Sword Sect, they should be excited to join.

The strength of the Mad Sword Sect can be enhanced a lot in a short time!


"Puff!" "Puff!"

The Bodhi clone returned to Qin Yang's deity, and of course the space ring containing more than a hundred beasts was brought back by him.

Qin Yang quickly beheaded every beast.

Pieces of team tokens burst out.

The burst rate is indeed 100%!

Before long, only the last two beasts of the highest king level were left. The fifteen beasts of the highest king level had been dealt with. Only the 15 beasts of the highest king level burst out for fifteen yuan. Gold level team token.

If the Sect Master of Mad Sword knew this, it would be frightening.

"Even if the explosion rate of the Supreme Emperor is not 100%, there should be 50%."

Qin Yang muttered in his heart, two fierce beasts of the supreme emperor rank, it should be possible to burst out a super team token.


Qin Yang shot, and soon the first fierce beast of the highest emperor level was killed by him.

The colorful light flickered, and a colorful token burst out.

Naturally it is the super team token.

There are a large number of powerhouses in the Hundred Realm Life and Death Prison, but now there are only five super teams in the entire Hundred Realm Life and Death Realm, which means that there are only five super tokens exploded in the front, which is more than the high-level team tokens. Rare is much more precious.

There has never been a transaction in the trading tower.

Someone has estimated that if there is a super team token transaction, the price is likely to exceed three trillion Tianzun coins! (There is a price gap in the last chapter, and I missed a million, ——!)

——If someone is in urgent need of high-level team tokens, the price can reach three trillion Tianzun coins. Super team tokens are extremely scarce. Three trillion Tianzun coins are still a bit conservative!


Qin Yang laughed, beheading the first one to get a super team token, even if the latter one didn't harvest, he was already satisfied.


Soon the second fierce beast of the highest emperor level was also beheaded by Qin Yang, and another colorful token burst out!

The second super team token also arrived in Qin Yang's hands.

"Hey, the explosion rate of tokens of this level is 100%!"

Qin Yang was incomparably surprised.

Although Prisoner Tian was relatively cold, the benefits that Prisoner Tian brought to him this time were really great, and the explosion rate of the other top powerhouses was definitely not so high.

Maybe there is no one percent burst rate.

Otherwise, it won't take so long for the super token to appear at a mere five dollars!

"Acknowledge the Lord!"

Qin Yang quickly dripped blood into one of the super tokens. The super token released a colorful light and fell on Qin Yang. Soon Qin Yang felt that his strength in it had increased a lot, with an increase of 100%. Forty percent!

"Tsk, the super token is really much better than the bronze token."

Qin Yang was very happy.

"My basic attack power is 38,000 and my basic defense power is 60,000. After an increase of 40%, my attack power will exceed 53 thousand, and my defense power will reach 84,000. If I use the forbidden technique again--"

Qin Yang smiled.

With his previous strength, he would definitely suffer a loss against the top-notch insiders, but now with a 40% increase, Qin Yang's confidence has greatly improved!

With his own strength, Qin Yang believes that even if the team can't be full, there is no problem with more than nine thousand.

It's a pity that he is still only a polished commander!

The 30 or so members of the previous Bronze Token team have not yet been transferred.

"Next, grab some powerful powers as their vote of fame!"

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

After thinking about it, Qin Yang decided to catch the strong man of the Tianhu Gang, and it was a bit wrong to offend two powerful forces at once.

It took a while for Qin Yang to return to the Qingyan Domain.

On the Qingyan Territory side, the Tianhu Gang has gone crazy to investigate everywhere in recent days.

"Helper, it's not good!"

A strong member of the Tianhu Gang hurried to Pang Tianhu.


Pang Tianhu's face was gloomy, and there was no good news these days.

"Guardian, there is news from the Glacier Region. The Wild Sword Sect does not know where to get the gold-level team token. All the six thousand strong players from the Wild Sword Sect have joined the gold team, and many other strong players have joined. Mad Sword Sect!"


Pang Tianhu was shocked.

His eyes were big and he couldn't believe it.

He always wanted to get the gold token, but he didn't succeed.

The chances of killing the beasts are very low. Sometimes the trading tower will have gold tokens, but they are too expensive.

Although Pang Tianhu also came from the intermediate world, from the four-star world, he was not from the top power among them.

One hundred billion Tianzun coins are too much for Pang Tianhu!

Even if many other members of the Tianhu Clan gather together, it will be difficult to gather one hundred billion Tianzun coins!

"How is it possible, how can Mad Sword Sect possess the golden token, is it—"

Pang Tianhu thought of the news he had received before, that the Wild Sword Sect was rejecting the beasts of the highest level. Could it be that the Golden Token of the Wild Sword Sect burst out by himself?

But how dare Mad Sword Sect do this.

The burst rate is not high, it is likely to burst out lonely.

The beast of the highest level borrowed from the other forces is to be repaid, and some additional benefits must be given.

"My lord, the Wild Sword Sect may have obtained a treasure that can increase the success rate!"

The military teacher next to Pang Tianhu.

Pang Tianhu nodded slightly, I'm afraid so.

A power once obtained a secret treasure in a secret realm. After using it, the explosion rate can be increased within a certain period of time. The big brother of that power did not borrow the best beasts, but slowly caught a lot of the best beasts. , And finally successfully burst out the gold token.

Venerable Tyrant said with a gloomy expression: "The Mad Sword Sect is so anxious, he should have felt the pressure brought by us."

"Hei Yaobao may have been done by the Wild Sword Sect!"

"The Mad Sword Sect is afraid that we will deal with them, so he hastily improved his strength. Now the Mad Sword Sect's strength is not weaker than ours!"

The Tianhu Gang originally had 8,000 strong men, and the Wild Sword Sect only had 6,000, but today the Tiger Gang died of one to two thousand strong men, leaving only more than 6,000.

Moreover, only half of the strong of the Tianhu Gang increased by 20%.

The remaining increase is only 10%!

Mad Sword Sect is now all increased by 30%.

And in a short period of time, there will be many strong people joining the Mad Sword Sect, and the strength of the Mad Sword Sect will increase a lot!

Venerable Tyrant's words are actually too euphemistic, and now the strength of the Mad Sword Sect has definitely surpassed the Heavenly Tiger Gang!


Pang Tianhu gritted his teeth, the strength of Sect Master Crazy Sword was originally weaker than him, but now it has increased by 10%, even if his strength is not lower than him!

Pang Tianhu was very annoyed by the accident in Heiyaobao, and now that he knew the news, he was even more depressed.

In this case, forget about the previous annexation plan!

"Fang Lord, Mad Sword Sect is likely to continue to target us at that time."

"The strength of the Mad Sword Sect is constantly improving, shall we fight with them now?"

There is a strong murderous said.

Pang Tianhu was silent for a while and shook his head. At present, their strength is not dominant, and they even ran to the territory of the Mad Sword Sect to start their hands. There is a high probability of failure!

"The order continues, stop the expansion plan, shrink the defense!"

Pang Tianhu said in a deep voice, "Elder Tyrant, you go to the Glacier League. They are now the number one force in the Glacier Region. Do you want to watch the Crazy Sword Sect grow?"

The Ice League has eight silver teams, but like the Sky Tigers, there is no golden team.

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