God of Shuratan

Chapter 2344: Qin Yang is in action!

Venerable Decepticons quickly searched for clues, but how easy was it?

Qin Yang's defense was 60,000 points, and his ability to cover his breath was extremely strong.

"My lord, I didn't find it."

After five minutes, he reports.

"Expand the scope, find, and dig a lot of ground to find out the bastard."

Decepticon Tianzun roared.


The Decepticon Tianzun’s subordinates immediately expanded their scope to search, and three of them went to another trap area arranged by Qin Yang. One of them had a soul aura that Qin Yang knew, and immediately triggered the trap on this side!


The earth broke apart, and the violent power destroyed everything around. The three powerhouses focused their energy on searching with all their strength, and the defense was not at its peak.

The terrifying explosion made them desperate.

The explosion here is more powerful than the other one. The power at the center of the explosion exceeds 300,000 points. The three powerhouses have a full defense of about 30,000 points, but this will only be 80% of the defense, and the defense is only about 24,000. .

How can such a defense withstand an attack of 300,000 points!

"Puff!" "Puff!"

There were two other strong men nearby, and the terrifying energy rushed over. They were all rushed far away, blood was vomiting out of their mouths, and blood was dripping all over.

Venerable Tyrant's face changed wildly, and he immediately discovered that he had died of three more subordinates after passing the intermediate team token.

"My lord, there was another explosion in area 57864."

The news came over immediately.

Venerable Tyrant and they hurried over.


Venerable Tyrant looked up to the sky and roared, his body exuded a terrifying killing intent.

Three of his subordinates died unexpectedly, and one of them was his favorite!

All three of them were bombed to the point of no bones, only a few of their treasures survived!

The rest of the strong people present were equally angry.

At the same time they were also terrified.

There were two such explosions in a short period of time. Five of them died and two were seriously injured. Could there be powerful traps here?

"My lord, the explosive power of the center should be stronger this time. It is estimated that it has reached 350,000 points!"

"My lord, this is definitely not something a little treasure can do. The other party has used a lot of powerful bombs!"

Venerable Tyrant's military commander's face was solemn and authentic.

"The 39th area is likely to be there!"

"The other party has brought out so many powerful bombs, and they are almost ready to come. They should be coming towards us!"

"It might be done to irritate us!"

Venerable Tyrant gradually calmed down: "These bombs are of great value. Killing a few people and using so many powerful bombs is not worthwhile!"

"Yes, my lord, if the opponent is a strong alone, wouldn’t it be better for him to use such a bomb on the other strong? And since he has escaped to this side, it means that he has escaped our blockade long ago. , He doesn’t need to offend us by doing this again."

The military division continued to analyze.

"Having so many resources, and being so courageous, it's not like the actions of a single strong man, it should be a planned action against us!"

"My lord, we must act more carefully!"

"It's best for many strong people to form a battle formation, and check them slowly, not to rush!"

Venerable Tyrant took a deep breath and nodded. He didn't learn a lesson when he exploded for the first time, but he had to learn a lesson for the second explosion!

If you do it again, he will be crazy!

"Attention everyone, a group of ten forms a battle formation!"

"Stay steady!"

Venerable Tyrant said in a deep voice, he changed the order, before he only asked for speed!

As time passed, Lord Tyrant and the others slowed down, and they continued to search in Area 39.

Qin Yang has already left far away, but he has not left the Qingyan Territory for the time being.

Qin Yang approached a huge castle.

This castle is a stronghold of the Tianhu Gang, a deputy gang leader of the Tianhu Gang is here, and he controls a mid-level team.

The reason there is a team here is because there are resources here!

Many places in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison have powerful resources. The resource here is a black flare stone, which is an excellent material for making celestial cannon shells. The black flare stone contains amazing energy, the celestial cannon The power is comparable to an absolute shot.

Qin Yang looked at the castle from a distance. There were turrets of the Celestial Cannon in many places in the castle. The length of each Celestial Cannon's barrel was more than one kilometer, which looked terrifying.

"There must be forty or fifty sky crystal cannons."

"If the cannon is fired at the same time, it is equivalent to forty or fifty shots, terrible!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

Because Hei Yaoshi is very important, this team of seven or eight hundred people is guarded here all year round, and there is also a powerful teleportation formation here. As long as this side is attacked, the rest of the Tianhu gang will be strong within half a minute. Will come over!

"Black flares contain amazing energy. There are black flares veins here. If the black flares veins are detonated--"

Qin Yang's eyes flickered, he is not good to bully!

In the thirty-ninth district, the Decepticon Tianzun was half-dead with anger, but Qin Yang was also angry. He practiced well there, and did not provoke the Tianhu Gang. The Tianhu Gang actually hunted him down!

It also made him waste a lot of resources!

"Black flare is not that easy to detonate, but if the energy of the explosion is strong enough, the black flare can be detonated completely."

"As long as it detonates, the strong guards here will die!"

Qin Yang showed madness in his eyes, killing the powerhouses of the Tianhu Gang one by one. There was no effect, and there was not much deterrent effect.

If you want to do it, do a big vote!

Qin Yang took a deep breath. He approached the huge castle cautiously. There were a lot of traps around the castle, forbidden, one bad thing would be forever!

Qin Yang waited for two days without any strong people coming in or out.

The strong inside this castle is strictly forbidden to enter and leave at will, so as to avoid problems to the greatest extent.

"It seems I can only sneak in!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

It is very difficult to sneak into such a heavily guarded castle, but now that he has made a decision, Qin Yang quickly took action!

One day, two days...

Qin Yang carefully passed through layers of restrictions and traps.

The powerhouses who set up those prohibition traps are also quite powerful, but there is still a gap between Qin Yang's strength and Qin Yang can find loopholes to pass.

On the seventh day, Qin Yang finally successfully entered the castle.

Looking at the defenses from the outside, the inside of the castle is not so strict. After all, it is very hard to maintain a high level of vigilance.

Once inside the castle, it was much simpler, and Qin Yang soon hid into the body of a strong man who was about to enter the mineral vein.

"Everyone, slowly pass the inspection!"

"Don't worry."

Half an hour later, hundreds of strong men who were about to enter the mining area passed through a detection channel in turn. There was a powerful detection array in this detection channel. Qin Yang used a forbidden technique to make his defense power reach a terrifying tenth. Twenty thousand points!

The detection array method is designed to detect a small area, the detection ability is stronger than the large array outside, and the detection intensity reaches 100,000 points!

Even the strong with 50,000 points of defense is unlikely to escape detection by using forbidden techniques!

The defense of 50,000 points is extremely amazing, and the defensive points of strong people of this level are not 50,000 points.



Without any trouble, Qin Yang hid in a strong man and passed the test smoothly. After a few minutes, the strong man entered the mining area.

The mineral vein is under the huge castle!

The mineral veins are not very big, but it is not easy to dig. Hei Yaoshi is special. Although it is not easy to explode, it is easy to destroy!

Every black flaring stone is extremely precious.

"Listen, everyone, if you dig out a hundred black shining stones, you can rest on it and drink spicy food!"

"Dig more, and there will be extra rewards!"

The leading powerhouse shouted loudly, and the hundreds of powerhouses who came in soon scattered and entered small mines. Everyone digs their own, without interfering with each other!

"Half of success!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that as long as he sneaked into it, he would be half done!

Leaving from the hidden powerhouse, Qin Yang cautiously escaped into the ground. It is extremely difficult to escape here. It is impossible for characters below the absolute top level, and it is also difficult for ordinary people at the top level, but Qin Yang can definitely do it. To!

"come out!"

Qin Yang took out a lot of bombs. These were all obtained from the side of Tianzun Island. They used a small half on the thirty-ninth area. Qin Yang took out most of the remaining bombs and piled them all up. Inside a timed formation.

When the time is up, these bombs will explode and detonate the entire vein!

The power of the explosion is conservatively estimated to increase a hundredfold!


A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face, he carefully dived out of the vein, and the exit was guarded by the strong, but the guard was not very strict.

The entrance and exit are not the same.

The entrance to this meeting has been closed!

Strictly in, wide out, the exit does not need to be guarded particularly tightly, the strong inside should go out and check the Hei Yaoshi he got.

"I heard that there was a problem with the elder Tyrant, and it was dead."

"I'm afraid there is a powerful force targeting our Tianhu Gang!"

"Fear of a fart, there will always be such a thing every time, but isn't our Tianhu Gang still good?"

"That's true."

At the exit of the mine, the two strong men chatted easily, and they did not find Qin Yang left under their noses.

Entering the castle is more difficult, leaving the castle a lot easier, Qin Yang has left the huge castle two hours later.

"It will explode in another hour!"

"Stay away!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that he left far away, even the 33rd district where this huge castle was located!

"Everyone, I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy."

"Something happened to the elder Tyrant. The news may come across a powerful enemy. Is the enemy's target actually us?"

The fort master here has gathered many strong men together, his expression is solemn.

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