God of Shuratan

Chapter 2330: Break the prohibition!

One hundred and eight spirit mountains, each of them has a strong defense force because of the united formations, and it is difficult for the powerhouses of the five changes of heaven to sneak into.

But Xiao Junwan and the others did not need to sneak in.

Xiao Junwan is now quite good at the formation method, she can distinguish the weak points of the formation method, and then the three of them jointly use the means to let the poison enter the Lingshan!

"First of all."

Xiao Junwan picked a spirit mountain, and according to their understanding, this spirit mountain was not guarded by the powerhouse of the four changes of heaven and the five changes of heaven.


Xuanyuan Mingyue and Liuliyan nodded.

The three women formed a battle formation and hid their figures to a place very close to Lingshan. Their strength was so strong that the strong inside Lingshan did not find them.

It took half a day to carefully determine the weak points, and the three women let the power of twenty poison pills into the Lingshan one after another. Each of these poison pills was enough to poison the powerhouses of the Three Transformations of the Heavenly Dao, and poison this Lingshan. All alien powerhouses are fine.

"San Jie, let's find another Lingshan."

"If something happens to a strong person in Lingshan, it will not necessarily cause the entire defense to collapse."

Xuanyuan Mingyue Road.

"it is good!"

Xiao Junwan nodded, they now have a lot of poison pills, even if they use dozens of top poison pills at once, they don't feel distressed!

Soon Xiao Junwan and the others arrived at another Lingshan.

With the previous experience, this time it took a longer time to discover the weakness of the formation, and the power of the poison pill quietly entered the Lingshan.

"San Jie, there are four powerhouses with the five changes of Heaven's Path, and I think there should be more!"

"We can break the ban to return the spirit to the ancient battlefield of Fengtian, return to the sword imperial domain, so that the second sister and their lives will be much easier, but only kill the two enemies in the spirit mountain, most of the enemies are still there, the ban It will appear again."

Liu Liyan frowned.

Xiao Jun said gently, "Liu Li, do you have any good ideas?"

Liuliyan said: "Mu Jiutian must be a strong man who secretly supports. Mu Jiutian doesn't know this, but we do!"

"The powerhouse here is in Lingshan, we are not very easy to deal with, but Mu Jiutian we can actually deal with it!"

"The poison will explode here, and there will be problems with the restraint. When the news goes out, Mu Jiutian will definitely come out from the sect and rush here to help."

"Let's ambush and kill him!"

"Furthermore, we can let Fachen Tianzun take action when the time comes, and this black pot will be buckled on the body of the Chaos Race!"

Xiao Junwan looked at Liuliyan in surprise: "Liuli, this idea is okay. Mu Jiutian doesn't want to reveal his identity, so he probably won't bring the powerhouse of Jiuzhongtian! It should be no problem to win Mu Jiutian with our strength."

"And we have mental arithmetic and unintentional!"

Liu Liyan smiled and said: "San Jie, when we arrive, we can suppress Mu Jiutian's strength and leave the murder to Fachen Tianzun!"


Xiao Junwan nodded, "Then act!"

Two days later, the three girls arrived in a big city with a long-distance teleportation array.

If Mu Jiutian wanted to get to the Fengtian ancient battlefield as quickly as possible, he would definitely have to pass through the teleportation formation here. Xiao Junwan and the others would be the most suitable squatting here.

It is impossible to squat guard outside the Jiuzhongtianzong gate. There must be a powerful teleportation formation inside Jiuzhongtian. Mu Jiutian left directly through the teleportation formation, and can't guard it!

"The most powerful person here is a powerhouse with four changes in the heavenly path."

"It will not affect our actions."

Xiao Junwan and the others checked first, there are great people in this big city, but there is still a big gap compared with their strength.

Without alarming any powerful, Xiao Junwan quietly arranged an array in the teleportation array area.

Xiao Junwan has a very strong formation flag, and it is not difficult to set up the formation.

The formation and the three of them can form a powerful battle formation at that time, even if Mu Jiutian and Fachen Tianzun rush out together, it will be difficult to rush out!

"Fachen Tianzun, take this pill."

Xiao Junwan and their three daughters arrived in front of Fachen Tianzun, and Fachen Tianzun's cultivation base was imprisoned a lot.

If he is not imprisoned, he is the cultivation base of the late Five Changes of the Heavenly Dao, and Venerable Thunder is the perfect cultivation base of the Five Changes of the Heavenly Dao!

——Venerable Thunder's cultivation base was also imprisoned a lot.

On Tianzun Island, Xiao Junwan and the others are much stronger, but in the outside world, Venerable Thunder and the others are stronger now!

"it is good."

Fa Chen Tianzun nodded, he knew he had no choice.

They are not obedient, really when Xiao Junwan and the others dare not kill?

Xiao Junwan and the others on Tianzun Island eliminated many forces.

Soon Fachen Tianzun ate the black pill. He didn't know the pill, and he didn't know what the pill was.

"Fachen Tianzun, you know that the strength of our husband's alchemy is okay. This is a pill made by the husband, and the effect should be okay."

"We will restore your strength. If you are obedient, there will be an antidote for you after a while. If you don't obey, the consequences may be slightly more serious."

Xiao Junwan smiled.

Xiao Junwan is very beautiful, and looks better when she smiles, but she can't appreciate it at all.

"Three don't worry, I am sure to be obedient."

"The patriarch is still on Tianzun Island. If you send someone to Tianzun Island, what should you do with Daoist Qin Yang and the others?"

Fa Chen Tianzun looked honest and authentic.

Xiao Junwan smiled and said: "My husband said that such a thing cannot be trusted, he still trusts the pill he has refined!"

"Fachen Tianzun, we will restore your strength."

Soon Xiao Junwan and the others restored the strength of Fachen Tianzun, and at the same time all three of them exuded a frightening atmosphere.

Xuanyuan Mingyue said: "Fachen Tianzun, don't mess around, otherwise, even if there is no pill, the three of us can kill you!"

"rest assured."

Fa Chen Tianzun nodded, he had no intention of making a move.

He felt that Xiao Junwan and their cultivation bases were lower, but one-to-three, he was completely unsure of winning.

Xiao Junwan and the others are already very strong in their own right, and they must have various treasures on them!

"Fachen Tianzun, you have to rest first, it won't take long for you to go to the outside world, you need to kill someone!"

Xiao Jun said gently.

After speaking, their three daughters disappeared.

Fa Chen Tianzun's eyes flickered. When he reached the outside world, he was of course unwilling to be restrained, but for the time being he could only listen to Xiao Junwan and the others.

Seven or eight days passed quickly.

During the training, the strong in the two spirit mountains unknowingly absorbed the toxins emitted by the twenty poison pills. The higher the cultivation level, the faster the training speed and the more toxins absorbed.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, in one of the Lingshan Mountains, a powerhouse with a changed level of heaven clutched his chest, and he felt a sharp pain in his heart.


This strong man cried out for help, his voice spread throughout the spirit mountain, and immediately many strong men in the spirit mountain came to him, but the rest of the strong men were too late to rescue. This strong man had already stared wide-eyed and bleeding from his seven orifices. death!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Everyone, be vigilant!"

This powerful person headed by Lingshan roared, and he also sent a message to the other powerful people in Lingshan.

Immediately, the powerhouses in this spirit mountain used their power with all their strength.

It's okay not to move. With this movement, the toxins in their bodies suddenly exploded wildly. They already had toxins deep in their souls, and the toxins exploded, killing them one by one.


"It hurts, it hurts!"


There are dozens of powerhouses in this spirit mountain, the most powerful one is a figure of the Three Great Perfection levels of the Heavenly Way, and they are all poisoned.

The terrible toxin quickly took their lives.

The whole Lingshan shook violently.

There are one hundred and eight spiritual mountains, each of which is a node, forming a powerful prohibition together.

A problem with one node will affect the effect of the entire ban!

"There is a problem with Lingshan on the 37th, hold on!"

"Support Lingshan No. 37!"

The other strong people in Lingshan immediately felt the abnormality here, and a powerful force surged over, and they remotely helped stabilize the Lingshan here.

But at this moment, another Lingshan also had a problem!

The strong man in that mountain of spirit was poisoned behind, but the toxin had also penetrated into their bodies very much. They hadn't died yet, but at the same time they used their strength with all their strength, and the powerful toxins in their bodies immediately exploded like crazy.

"Everyone, we have the same problem on Lingshan on the 69th."


The strong man in charge of Lingshan immediately sent out the call, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. He gave up the control of Lingshan and desperately stabilized his situation.

The rest are too.

But even if dozens of people in this Lingshan died quickly, the poison given by Qin Yang was very overbearing!

"not good!"

The complexions of the four powerhouses at the five change levels of the heavens changed drastically.

They are presiding over the formation, and a spirit mountain has a problem, they can barely stabilize it, and it will not take long for a strong person to come and help.

But two Lingshan had problems at the same time, and they couldn't stabilize it!

Moreover, the two strong men in Lingshan quickly died of poisoning, and the other strong men in Lingshan were panicked one by one.



Many places in the void continue to explode!

The four powers of the five changes of the heavens and the thirty-six powers of the four changes of the heavens desperately maintained, but the strong prohibition that had been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years still quickly collapsed.

The two Lingshan that Xiao Junwan and the others were targeting directly exploded!

"Enemy attack, everyone be careful."

"Find the enemy!"

The four powerhouses at the five change levels of Heaven's Path are extremely angry!

The guarding of their Heavenly Path Five Change level cultivation base is uncomfortable here, hundreds of thousands of years of guarding, and now they have done useless work!

As the restriction broke, endless auras quickly poured into the Fengtian ancient battlefield, into the Sword Emperor Realm!

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