God of Shuratan

Chapter 2325: Ye Lao's Interpretation

"Lao Ye, why are you always here?"

Qin Yang asked with a smile, he was about to talk to Ye Lao, and then went around Tianzun Island with Luo Lingna and the others.

By the way, look for the strong guardian of the family!

There are Snake Race, Black Spirit Race powerhouse, in fact, Qin Yang didn't even think about how to deal with them, they have no perfection!

Coupled with the current strength of the Human Race, even if Qin Yang does not make a move, the rest of the forces will make them sad!

The guardian family is different.

Catch and kill the strong guardian of the family, he can make the saint of merit absorb power and become stronger!

Now the saint of merit has reached the nine stars of Tianzun here, but if it goes to the outside world, the saint of merit may not have the level of the five changes of heaven!

Even if the Five Changes of the Way of Heaven have already occurred, at most it will be the beginning of the Five Changes of the Way of Heaven.

It's still a lot short of the Five Great Changes of Heaven!

Ye Lao pointed to Ye Xinlian and smiled: "Xiaolian told me that you are out of customs, Xiao Qin, let me tell you something!"

Qin Yang greeted Ye Lao to sit down and soaked top-notch spiritual tea for Ye Lao.

This tea comes from Venerable Blue Lotus. It is definitely a top-grade spiritual tea, and a cup is worth tens of millions of Tianzun coins.

"Lao Ye, you say."

Ye Lao whispered: "Xiao Qin, there should have been three superpowers who destroyed our Supreme Hall. The death of Venerable Yaoye and the death of Venerable Yaoxian are enough to comfort their spirit in the sky. Forget the last one, don’t check. Up!"

"Things have passed for so long. If we cling to this hatred, it is not a good thing for our entire human race."

Qin Yang looked at Ye Lao, he knew what Ye Lao meant.

The third place is the highest, most likely one of them will be Venerable Chaos, Venerable Black Ming, their strength is much stronger than Venerable Monster Night.

After killing them, the Human Race will probably die a lot!

"Lao Ye, this hatred is not small."

"The strength of our human race was extremely strong back then, but it has been declining since then."

Qin Yang said solemnly.

Ye Lao nodded slightly: "Yes, but since ancient times, all races have killed. You kill me and I kill you. If you care too much, every race has hatred."

"Your strength is now very strong. If the strong are concerned about everything, then many forces may panic, and they will unite when they panic. Then our human race will be in great trouble!"

"If you want to make a move, you can find out who will target you in Jue Dian City by that time. This can be done. Don't forget the old accounts."

Qin Yang nodded slightly, but what Ye Lao said made sense.

They are very powerful, and the rest of the strong have already felt strong pressure. If they are aggressive, they are forcing the other races to unite.

"Lao Ye, my alchemy aspect has now been promoted, and I plan to take Lingna and the others around, and then practice medicine in the world, what do you think?"

Qin Yang smiled.

Ye Lao's eyes lit up: "This is okay. If you have helped many powerful people, even if powerful people like Venerable Chaos and Venerable Hei Ming want to contact the powerhouses of other races, they will not dare to contact them. They sold it!"

"And in this way, the fear of other races will be greatly reduced."

"Be overbearing and suppress it for a while, the kingly way can last long!"

Qin Yang said: "Lao Ye, if you didn't figure out what happened in the Supreme Palace back then, will you always have a knot in your heart?"

Ye Lao waved his hand: "I'm a person who is about to enter the soil. Is it important to be heartbroken? Besides, I want to see the human race stronger!"

"Venerable Yaoye and Venerable Yaoxian are already dead, and our Supreme Palace also died that year, two of the most outstanding, it is also considered revenge!"

Qin Yang nodded lightly, as long as Ye Lao was able to get by and put an end to what happened back then, he had no opinion.

Venerable Chaos, Venerable Hei Ming, they should not be underestimated.

Chaos Clan, the Dark Shrine is extremely powerful.

The Monster Night Clan all have war corpses of the highest level. If you are in a hurry, the Chaos Clan and the Dark Temple Qin Yang will probably have more powerful trump cards!

"That's all I have to tell you."

"You guys go out and go around, Xiaolian has long wanted to go out and around."

Ye Lao smiled authentically.

Ye Xinlian's cultivation level has now reached the eight stars of Tianzun. He thinks it was really a wise choice to let Ye Xinlian follow Qin Yang before.

If Ye Xinlian's previous talents were used, even if he got a lot of resource improvements, it would definitely not be so strong right now!

"Alright Ye Lao."

"Lao Ye, you always take care of yourself."

Qin Yang smiled.

Soon Qin Yang and the others left Jue Dian Manor, and when they were outside, Luo Lingna and the others followed him.

Immediately many powerful men noticed Qin Yang and the others.

"Friend Qin Yang, long time no see."

"Senior Promise, it's been a long time!"

"Meet Senior Promise."

In a short period of time, many strong men came over to greet Qin Yang, salute or something, one by one was very polite.

Qin Yang and the others have been in retreat for thirty years.

Before Qin Yang and the others were extremely strong, they had obtained a lot of resources, and they had been in retreat for such a long time, everyone knew that Qin Yang and the others might be stronger!

"You fellow Taoists don't have to be polite."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "In the next time, I want to go around with Lingna and the others. There is one thing to tell you. Most of the time we will hide our identity and play, but sometimes we will show up."

"The level of the alchemy in this seat is good now, and you will know more about difficult and complicated diseases. Some Yuer and others are also good at alchemy. They show up in some places, and those who want to treat can come to us."

"But those who kill innocent people will not look for us!"

"People below Heavenly Sage also don't look for this seat. The problem of low cultivation level will not be so serious. The rest of the alchemy power should also be able to solve it!"

Many powerhouses have bright eyes, Qin Yang is powerful, and they believe that Qin Yang's pill will definitely be very powerful!

They had heard before that Qin Yang had inherited ten powerful alchemy experts!

"Daoist Qin Yang, are we predestined to meet you now? Can you show me the old problems?"

A blue-robed old man stood up, he looked normal, but since he stood up, there must be a problem.

With Qin Yang's current strength, who would dare to stand up and entertain them?

"Look at ten."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Those who want to be treated may come forward, and I will order ten people at random to try!"

At the moment Qin Yang spoke, tens of thousands of powerful people had gathered, and many of them had physical problems, and hundreds of people immediately stood up.

"From one to ten thousand, everyone report one by one."

"I want to count, the ten closest to get a chance!"

"Don't get together from the same force!"

Qin Yang smiled, so that others would not think that he deliberately clicked certain people.

Even if you deliberately take care of it, you can only take care of one of them.

Hundreds of strong people who came out soon reported a number, and people of various races and various forces reported very messy, and they did not get together without a certain force.

"The number in this seat is 8888!"

Qin Yang said.

Ten of them immediately stood up in surprise.

The rest of the strong are not too disappointed, if Qin Yang is sure that the level is extremely high, there will be opportunities in the future!

"Everyone, I will show you this seat now, and don't stop the consciousness of this seat."

Qin Yangdao, he didn't ask these people what the problem was, the divine sense entered these people's bodies directly.

If they have problems, Qin Yang believes he can find out!

His current level of alchemy is much better than the ten powerhouses who passed on his alchemy!

On the one hand, he has obtained the inheritance of ten strong alchemy, and he has also gained a lot of alchemy experience from the outside world, and he has also achieved a thorough understanding!

On the other hand, Qin Yang is strong!

The rest of the Alchemy Dao powerhouses have reached the number of Tianzun Nine Stars, and their talents are far from Qin Yangqiang!

Qin Yang's basic strength is 15,000 points, and the rest of the Alchemy Dao powerhouses basically do not exceed 10,000 points.

There are even less than nine thousand points.

The basic strength is low, the divine consciousness will naturally not be so strong, Qin Yang's divine consciousness is much stronger than them!

For some problems, Qin Yang's spiritual consciousness may be found in an instant, and the rest of the alchemy powers may not find the problem for a lifetime.

Soon, Qin Yang's eyes lit up, and he had discovered the problem with one of the strong men.

"Friends, you get a headache every once in a while, and it hurts extremely badly, right?"

Qin Yang pointed to the strong man and asked.


The strong nodded again and again. He was a person of the Tianzun level, "I came up with this problem inexplicably about five trillion years ago. I checked with a powerful alchemy expert later, but I couldn't solve it."

"It hurts once every other time, and it is usually a little uncomfortable. It makes me hard to retreat and practice. There has been no improvement in my strength in these five trillion years."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Your problem will be difficult to find the other strong alchemy. It will be difficult for others to find your disease, but as long as you can find the problem, your disease can be solved easily!"

Speaking of Qin Yang waved his hand and entered this strong body, Qin Yang regained his power within half a second.

"Okay, your problem is solved, it should not hurt anymore!"

"Thank you, Daoist Qin Yang, and Daoist Qin Yang."

The strong man was extremely surprised, and he felt that the whole person was a lot easier.

The problem has been resolved all of the time!

"You don't have to be polite."

Qin Yang smiled lightly.

"Friend Qin Yang, it is a simple task for you, but for me, it is a great kindness."

"Friend Qin Yang, there is a little bit of my heart here."

This strong man took out a space ring with a lot of good things inside.

Qin Yang waved his hand: "If I didn't take one pill, the fee will not be charged! If the pill is used, a raw material will be charged at that time. If you leave in the future, you will read this seat. It’s just a little bit better for the strong human race."

"Friend Qin Yang, how did this make--"

"Stop talking, that's it."

Qin Yang said solemnly.

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