God of Shuratan

Chapter 2322: All three women shot!

"We won't talk about Dan Yuer first."

The mysterious strong man replied.

"Yes, my lord!"

Venerable Thunder replied excitedly, his strength increased by 20%, he believed that he would definitely win Dan Yuer!

"Friend Dan Yuer, let's start!"

Venerable Thunder instantly flew into the battlefield.

Qin Yang was a little surprised, the feeling Venerable Thunder gave him seemed to get stronger.

"Yu'er, be careful, there may be a strong person who secretly increased the strength of Venerable Thunder." Qin Yang sent a message to Dan Yu'er.

Dan Yu'er nodded slightly and entered the battlefield. She knew the original combat strength of Venerable Thunder, even if it increased by 40%, she couldn't be her opponent.

"Yu'er, if the strength of Venerable Thunder becomes much stronger, you should do your best to prevent Venerable Thunder from feeling that there is not much difference between you and you."

Qin Yang thought for a while and wanted to remind again.


The side where Venerable Thunder is turned into the Thunder Realm, countless lightning and lightning roam in the area where he is, and every lightning and lightning contains amazing power.

"Dao Fellow Dan Yuer, you should not be my opponent. If you lose, you will surrender to avoid injury!"

Venerable Thunder is full of confidence.

Many experts who are familiar with Venerable Thunder are a little surprised. With the strength that Dan Yuer showed before, Venerable Thunder should not be an opponent.

Qin Yang paid attention to the expressions of Venerable Primal Chaos and their expressions, but each of the seven superpowers seemed a little surprised.

"Cunning old fox!"

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

In the battlefield, Dan Yuer chuckled and said, "Venerable Thunder, although my strength is not strong, I will not give up casually."

Venerable Thunder's eyes flickered: "Then you can do it!"

"it is good!"

Dan Yu'er nodded, and she shot out with a palm, still the same as before, with an attack power of about thirty-one.


Venerable Thunder took Dan Yuer's blow abruptly. With more than 29,000 defenses, it was not a big problem to withstand such an attack, and the remaining attack power had little influence on him!

"Friend Dan Yuer, you are careful!"

Venerable Thunder shot, a hammer in his hand swung, and suddenly countless thunder and lightning rushed towards Dan Yuer!

Venerable Thunder did not keep his hand, and his attack power of nearly 35,000 broke out!


Dan Yu'er was completely overwhelmed by lightning, and the terrible lightning seemed to wipe out her whole body instantly!

But Venerable Thunder's face changed.

Others can't see through, he himself can clearly know the Thunder and Lightning Center, Dan Yuer has nothing to do.

The violent thunder and lightning did not break through Dan Yuer's defense!

"Venerable Thunder, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

"In this case, I have to be serious, you be careful!"

Dan Yu'er rushed out from the endless thunder and lightning, bathed in terrifying thunder and lightning, but the defense around her was still very stable and undamaged!


A pill cauldron appeared on Dan Yu'er's head. She was very powerful in alchemy. This pill cauldron was what she used for alchemy and was also her weapon. There was an extremely powerful alien fire inside.

Danding opened, countless flames turned into flame spears and shot at Venerable Thunder.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The flame spear attacked, and the complexion of Venerable Thunder changed drastically. His more than 29,000 defenses were quickly blasted by Dan Yu'er. Dan Yu'er's attack power was stronger than his defense power, and it was much stronger. !

Dan Yuer's attack was 38 thousand!

Venerable Thunder's attack close to 35,000 is weaker than Dan Yuer, not to mention his defense is only more than 29,000.

Many different fires entered the body, and Venerable Thunder immediately felt extremely uncomfortable!

It's not that only a small part of the power entered before, after breaking the defense, Dan Yuer's attack power still has 9,000 points!


Venerable Thunder gritted his teeth and endured the attacking power in his body, and he shot again.

But the attack was easily resisted by Dan Yuer!

"Venerable Thunder, be careful!"

Dan Yu'er said that countless flame spears blasted over, and Venerable Thunder's face changed drastically. He quickly resisted part of Dan Yu'er's attack power with his attack, so Dan Yu'er's attack did not break Thunder Zun this time. Defense.

However, Dan Yuer's third and fourth attack came immediately!

It’s fine for Venerable Thunder to take both attack and defense into consideration in a short time, but it’s absolutely impossible to keep both attack and defense in mind!

And using attack power to resist the attack, the effect is very poor!

A defense of 20,000 can withstand an attack of 20,000, but its own attack power of 30,000 may not be able to block the defense of the two enemies!

Even if Venerable Thunder can both attack and defend at the same time, he will not last long, and his consumption will be much faster than Dan Yuer!

In just ten seconds, Venerable Thunder was already in a panic.

He also made sure that Dan Yu'er could not only burst out with such a strong power, the 38 thousand attack was a normal attack for Dan Yuer!

"I surrender!"

Venerable Thunder yelled suddenly, and if he didn't surrender, he estimated that he would be severely injured by Dan Yuer.

Although the benefits of being a pinnacle are tempting, it also depends on whether you have this strength!


Dan Yuer smiled and said, she reached out her hand to guide the flames that had entered Venerable Thunder's body, which made Venerable Thunder much easier.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Dan Yuer."

"You are very strong!"

Venerable Thunder handed his hands. He knew in his heart that Dan Yuer would definitely increase his strength, but even if it didn't increase, Dan Yuer was afraid that he would have the ultimate strength!

The attack power is 38, and the defense power seems to be stronger!

Even if it increased by 50%, Dan Yuer's original attack and defense power exceeded 25,000!

And there should not be an increase of 50%.

Dan Yuer's original combat power was stronger.

If there is no increase, maybe there will be great combat power!

Dan Yu'er smiled and flew out of the battlefield without a word. She smiled and went to Qin Yang's side. Seeing her relaxed appearance, she knew that the first battle was nothing to her.

Venerable Chaos, their eyes were extremely solemn.

Dan Yuer's strength is much stronger than they estimated!

Venerable Thunder's own strength increased, and even with a 20% increase, he was easily defeated by Dan Yuer!

"Brother Chaos, do you think Dan Yu'er is so strong, or Xiao Junwan and the rest of them are so strong?"

Venerable Hei Ming sent a message.

Venerable Chaos said through a voice transmission: "Dan Yu'er followed Qin Yang. If she has such strength, Xiao Junwan and the others should be no worse than her! You can propose it, and let Xiao Junwan and Xuanyuan Mingyue take action at that time. Try it!"

Venerable Hei Ming flickered in his eyes.

"Daoist Qin Yang, Daoist Dan Yuer's strength is really strong, let us open our eyes!"

"Daoist Qin Yang, it seems that Daoist Dan Yuer must be the top position, and the rest of them probably won't be able to compete!"

Venerable Hei Ming raised his voice.

The other ten powerhouses were a bit dissatisfied, but thinking of the strength Dan Yuer had just shown, they knew that they would definitely not be able to beat it!

If you don't accept it, you have to accept it!

"Friend Qin Yang, didn't you say that Xiao Junwan and the others are stronger? I don't think the other strong people need to compete against each other. They will compete with Xiao Junwan and others, and the results will be produced in the shortest time, so there is no need to waste everyone. time!"

Qin Yang looked at Venerable Black Ming, Venerable Black Ming wanted to try Xiao Junwan's strength.

This would be because Dan Yu'er increased his strength, or Xiao Junwan and the others increased their strength. The result was very different!

Qin Yang smiled and said authentically: "If everyone has no opinion, I don't have any opinion either."

Venerable Chaos smiled and said: "With the strength demonstrated by Daoist Dan Yuer, she is the one who is the best, and she has no suspense. This seat agrees to do this, and see the strength of Daoist Xiao Junwan and others!"

"I have no opinion."

"No comment."

The rest of the strongest also spoke.

"call out!"

A strong person has entered the battlefield of the absolute peak, a strong person in the power of Venerable Holy Light. He raised his voice: "Venerable Wuji, I challenge Xiao Junwan!"

Qin Yang looked at Xiao Junwan, and Xiao Junwan nodded and flew into the battlefield.

Five seconds later, the strong man who challenged Xiao Junwan shouted surrender.

His strength has been increased, with an attack and defense of around 30,000, which is still relatively strong, but weaker than Venerable Thunder!

Xiao Junwan's strength is slightly stronger than Dan Yu'er!

"Who else?"

Xiao Jun Wan Yang said.

"I come!"

The second strong man rushed into the top battlefield, he hid his figure when he entered, tried to hide for a while and then attacked Xiao Junwan.

But Xiao Junwan's strength is much stronger than him, and his hiding is invalid for Xiao Junwan!

After suffering two attacks from Xiao Junwan, this strong man quickly surrendered, and after a few more attacks, he would be hit hard and he would have to spend a lot of resources to recover!

"I come!"

"I will try too!"

The third and fourth strong also challenged Xiao Junwan one after another. There is a gap in strength, Xiao Junwan wins easily!

"I challenge Xuanyuan Mingyue!"

The fifth strong is the disciple of Venerable Hei Ming, Venerable Hei Peng.

After his increase, his strength is much stronger than that of Venerable Thunder.

The attack power and defense power have reached 38, the attack power is no longer weaker than Xuanyuan Mingyue, but Xuanyuan Mingyue's defense power has reached forty thousand, which is a large part, plus Xuanyuan Mingyue's combat experience is also strong, Venerable Black Peng After barely holding for five minutes, he was defeated by Xuanyuan Mingyue.

With so many defenses, Xuanyuan Mingyue can have more energy to attack, Venerable Black Peng can't do it!

"Attacks more than 38,000, and defense should be 43,000!"


Venerable Chaos, Venerable Hei Ming, etc. secretly communicated, and their hearts were shocked.

Xiao Junwan and the others are really so strong!

In such a situation, many powerful people feel that many of the schools that have been destroyed before should have been done secretly by Xiao Junwan and the others!

But this will, who dares to say this?

The nine extreme powerhouses had been qualitative before, and there were extreme battle corpses in the Monster Night Family, and they did not refute them.

This would accuse Qin Yang and the others, it would be deadly!

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