God of Shuratan

Chapter 2309: The shock of the strong

Explode, the top master can do the strongest attack, double and double!

Venerable Yan is considered the top master.

If he exploded directly at the beginning, his attack power could exceed 200,000, even if Qin Yang did his best to defend against death, the possibility was extremely high!

But this will consume a huge amount of power from Venerable Yan!

Reluctantly, his self-destructive attack power reached 150,000!

"Venerable Yan unexpectedly blew himself up. With such a terrible attack, Qin Yang should be dead, right?"

"High probability of death!"

"Qin Yang has once again become the shortest life in history?"

Many strong people talked secretly, and many strong people looked at Luo Lingna and their eyes were strange.

If Qin Yang died, it would be interesting!

Although Luo Lingna killed Venerable Yaoxian, many experts now suspect that Luo Lingna has increased her strength in a short time!

It's okay for Qin Yang, Qin Yang is dead, can Luo Lingna sit still?

Luo Lingna and Xiao Junwan were also looking at the battlefield with extreme nervousness, but they couldn't see anything for the time being.

Venerable Yan’s self-destruction has filled the battlefield with devastating power.

"Brother Chaos, do you think Qin Yang is dead?"

"It's hard to tell, it depends on the multiple injuries he has suffered before. If the injuries are already serious, it should be impossible to survive such a blew!"

Venerable Chaos and Venerable Hei Ming communicated secretly.

Extremely in the battlefield.

Qin Yang let out a long breath, with a smile on his face.

Venerable Yan knew his soul aura, so although the power of self-detonation spread to all directions, in fact, he also endured 60% to 70% of the attack.

The instant attack power is close to 100,000!

His defensive power was 83,000, and only more than 10,000 power poured into his body, which didn't put much pressure on him!

"Don't be silly."

"Directly explode, even if it can't kill me, it should be able to seriously injure me, and threaten to survive by exploding."

Qin Yang shook his head secretly.

Venerable Yan is still not cruel enough to himself!

But this is also normal.

It's not easy to get to the realm of Venerable Yan, and he is still hopeful, how would Venerable Yan want to die?

Maybe the threat of self-detonation will work?

The main reason was that Venerable Yan had misjudged Qin Yang's strength. Qin Yang's peak defense was not 60,000, but more than 80,000!

If Qin Yang's defense is only 60,000, and Yan Venerable is threatening like that, there is indeed a great probability that Qin Yang will make him an absolute top!

Qin Yang couldn't avoid it like that.

With a defense of 60,000 and withstanding the power of 150,000 self-detonation at close range, Qin Yang will undoubtedly die!


Slowly, Qin Yang waved his hand, and the terrifying destructive power in the battlefield of Jue Dian quickly fell silent, and the dust in the sky also fell to the ground.

"Qin Yang is still alive!"

A large number of strong men outside stared wide.

They couldn't believe that they looked at Qin Yang, even if Luo Lingna and the others were worried that Qin Yang might die, most of the other powerhouses actually thought that Qin Yang was dead!

Venerable Yan’s self-destruction is too strong!

More than half of Jue Dian felt that even if they were in their heyday, even if they used the forbidden technique to defend themselves well, they would probably die.

Like Venerable Shengguang, his defensive power is only 27, 000, and he is less than 60,000 for defense. He can't close the distance with Venerable Yan.

Withstand tens of thousands of attacks at close range, the probability of death exceeds 90%!

"We underestimated Qin Yang's strength!"

Venerable Hei Ming sent a message.

Venerable Chaos has an extremely dignified expression, which is what Venerable Hei Ming said.

This kind of self-detonation failed to kill Qin Yang, and Qin Yang didn't even seem to be seriously injured. The facts were before him!

"It seems that Venerable Wuji did not make a move at all."

"Hey, it's true that I heard you say that. Venerable Wuji didn't take any action at all. It was just a defense, but he killed a strong man like Venerable Yan."


"Venerable Yan can't kill Venerable Wuji when he blew himself up. Venerable Wuji is extremely powerful, I'm afraid he can rank in the top three!"

"it should be OK!"

The eyes of a large number of powerful people looking at Qin Yang were full of awe!

Although Qin Yang killed Venerable Yaoye, although he was also powerful, many experts felt that Qin Yang was not particularly bullish.

Maybe Venerable Demon Ye made a move, and the fatal flaw was revealed at that moment?

Perhaps Qin Yang used a special method to burst out a powerful attack!

With all the possibilities, Qin Yang's strength may not be as strong as it appears!

But this time is different!

Qin Yang abruptly withstood the violent attack of Yan Venerable for so long, and easily survived Yan Venerable's blew!

This is real strength!

Even if Qin Yang does have a powerful treasure, he is not powerful, it is absolutely impossible to reach such a level!

"Dear fellow Taoists, the strength of Yan Zun has actually increased by 50%."

Qin Yang came out of the battlefield of the absolute top, and his eyes swept across Venerable Chaos and all of them.

The rest of Jue Dian and Yan Venerable are not the same race, no matter what kind of treasure they use, it should be impossible to increase Yan Venerable's strength by 50%!

The Supreme Seal is a treasure of the human race, and only when it is in the hands of the most powerful human race to increase the power of the human race, will there be so much increase!

This illustrates a problem.

Venerable Yan should have been helped by two superpowers!

The probability of having two augmented treasures for the same superpower is extremely small. Two treasures of the same type may conflict with each other and bring great pressure to the owner!

"Daoist Qin Yang, do you suspect that two of us are extremely strong to help increase the strength of Yan Venerable?"

Venerable Primal Chaos said in a deep voice. He said that his gaze swept across the rest of Jue Dian, as if he was judging which Jue Dian would do such a thing!

"Friend Qin Yang, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"Friend Qin Yang, I am not familiar with Yan Zun!"

The rest have spoken.

With Qin Yang's strength now, even Venerable Chaos would not dare to be an enemy easily, and he had to plan well to act!

Qin Yang shook his head and said, "You fellow Taoists are too worried, I don't think so, I don't doubt everyone!"

"It should be that there are other strong people on Tianzun Island who have the ultimate strength!"

"Dear fellow daoists, first there was an accident in Jue Dian Manor, but now something like this happened again. It seems that there are many problems with Jue Dian City."

"Next, I suggest to allocate such things as Absolute Summit resources, don't worry, everyone first check the area of ​​Absolute Summit City!"

"After ten years, how about the tenth best selection?"

The rest of the super strong are not very happy.

But the problem Qin Yang said is really not a small problem, either they admit that there are other strong men with superb strength who are doing ghosts, or it is an internal problem!

If it’s an external problem, it’s normal to have other superpowers making trouble here. It’s normal to spend ten years on inspections!

If there are internal problems, you don't need to spend this time.

"Dear fellow daoists, does anyone object?"

Qin Yang asked.

Venerable Chaos, none of them said anything.

It doesn't make sense to stand up against it at this time.

Furthermore, standing up for opposition is likely to be targeted by Qin Yang, even Venerable Chaos must consider the consequences of being targeted by Qin Yang!

Qin Yang arched his hands and said, "No one opposes, then this matter will bother you fellow daoists. I am injured and need a period of rest!"

"If you fellow daoists find an enemy, please call me out and help immediately!"

After speaking, Qin Yang quickly took Luo Lingna and the others away. Venerable Chaos and the others, look at me and I look at you, all of them are more solemn.

Qin Yang's demonstrated strength made them all feel pressure.

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