God of Shuratan

Chapter 154: Fed up

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"Yes, Madam Yan."

Cheng Hui clenched his fists and said, taking a step forward.

Instantly, Xie Hao felt as if a evil tiger was coming towards them.

And it is still the kind of killing countless evil tigers!


In a squeak, Xie Hao hurriedly avoided them. They basically reached the state of condensed gas, but in front of Cheng Hui, they were weak.

Cheng Hui kills a lot, and they cannot bear the murderous anger released!

"Boss, Mrs. Yan, please!" Cheng Hui stepped aside.

The carriage continued to move forward, Xie Hao and they returned to God, each one looking ugly.

"Xie Yan, you are wanton!"

"Are you kidding us to thank nobody?"

The cold voice sounded, Xie Hanzhe appeared with some people.

Today is Mrs. Xie ’s birthday. Xie Hanzhe is not on duty.

The matter of last night has not been dealt with yet.

"Xie Hanzhe, I didn't come here to find you, let it go!" Xie Yan said in a deep voice.

Yesterday Xie Hanzhe ordered the shooting to kill them. Xie Yan looked in his eyes, but he did not have the idea of ​​rebuilding the relationship with his second brother.

Xie Hanzhe angered: "Crazy!"

"Xie Yan, who do you think you are? This is Xiefu!"

"Break through Xiefu, believe it or not, kill you immediately!"

Xie Hanzhe, there is a strong breath released from the strong, Yuanhu realm.

Yesterday Xie Hanzhe did not have a strong person in Yuanhu realm. Suddenly, he had no time to mobilize such a strong person!

Moreover, Xie Hanzhe didn't think that the strong man in Yuanhu Realm needed to take a shot!

Today is different.

Knowing that Qin Yang was likely to come, Xie Hanzhe was ready.

The strong people around are two Yuanyuan Realms, three Real Yuan Realms, and the lowest strengths all have Seven Yuan Real Yuan!

Xie Hanzhe himself is also the ninth floor of True Yuan Realm!

Xie Hanzhe is now full of two Yuanhu realms and four true Yuan realists.

"Dad, kill them!"

Just then, someone came out of Xie Fu, and the voice of resentment reached Qin Yang's ears!

Xie Rui came out!

Xie Rui was abandoned by Qin Yang for repairs. He asked a lot of strong men to help, but did not recover.

This time to Shengjing City, one is He Shou.

The second is to participate in the Grand Master Banquet!

Xie Rui is certainly not a guru, but at the banquet of the guru, some special invitations will be given. These invitations can be obtained at a relatively large price.

It is rare to see a guru character. If you want someone to help, you often need to make an appointment for a long time.

Attending the Grand Master Banquet, you can meet many Grand Masters at one time.

Maybe Xie Rui's problem can be solved!

Xie Hanzhe said: "Xie Yan, Qin Yang abandoned Ruier ’s practice. Today, my mother ’s birthday, I will not kill him. He knelt down and confessed his mistakes. I abandon his practice. Otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering my previous feelings! "


Xie Yan said coldly: "Xie Hanzhe, you were ordered to shoot us yesterday, but what is your sentiment?"

Xie Rui resentfully said: "Dad, just abolishing his practice, it is too cheap for him! What is his identity, what is my identity, what is his garbage strength, and what is my strength?"

"If it weren't for him, I might have reached the realm level at this moment, and I would definitely be a Sipin Imperial Beast Master!"

Qin Yang said with a smile: "Xie Rui, you have only been on the seventh floor of Ningyuan before. Can you really reach the realm of true Yuan now?"

Xie Rui stared at Qin Yang fiercely, his heart burning.

"Dad, catch him, I want him to do everything!"

Xie Rui trembled. He was not afraid, but excited, and trembling.

In today's situation, Xie Rui believes that Qin Yang cannot run away!

Xie Yan looked towards the door.

It was so fierce outside, the rest of Xie's family still didn't show up.

"Does your mother know?"

"Or know, got stopped?"

Xie Yan muttered to herself.

"Xie Yan, Qin Yang, give you ten seconds, don't kneel and scratch your head, confess your sins, and do not obediently abolish the practice, let your blood splash on the spot today!" Xie Hanzhe sternly.

Xie Yan said angrily: "Xie Hanzhe, do you want to be so cruel!"

"Our mother and son were deported. Xie Rui took someone to come and bully. Later, he wanted to kill Yang Er, and Yang Er abolished his practice. He didn't kill him, he was already merciless!"

"I have no intention of returning to the Xie family to take advantage of you. Come here today, just look at your mother. Don't bully people too much!"

Xie Hanzhe said indifferently: "What mother, there is no your mother here!"

"You have been evicted from Xie's house!"

Xie Yan Shen said: "Let me see my mother!"

Xie Rui exclaimed: "Dad, ten seconds have come! Kill them!"

"Tiger King, your strength is good. Following Qin Yang, they missed you. It is better to return to Xie Yang from now on!"

Xie Hanzhe looked to Cheng Huidao.

"You guys, not qualified!"

Cheng Hui was arrogant and authentic.

Tiger King Chenghui, this is a domineering and proud character!

Today Cheng Hui only serves Qin Yang!

"One on one, maybe you can win, one on two, you are not an opponent!"

Xie Hanzhe sneered. He said that the two strong men in Yuanhu Realm stepped forward a few steps, and their fighting spirit rose.

Qin Yang looked at the two strong men.

One Yuanhu first floor, one Yuanhu second floor.

The Xie family should also have strong men in the Yuan Lake realm. Maybe in their eyes, these forces are enough to deal with Qin Yang!

"Tiger King, kill them!"

Qin Yang spoke coldly.

Yesterday Xie Hanzhe ordered the shooting and killed Qin Yang.

Today, Xie Hao first stopped and threatened their way. Now that they are small, Xie Hanzhe comes out again, and they also kneel and abandon his practice!

Returning from the rebirth, if not taking into account Xie Yan's feelings, would Qin Yang be affected by this?

Qin Yang has no feelings for these people!

"Yes, boss!"

Cheng Hui respectfully said that he looked at the two powerful men in Yuanhu Realm, with fierce eyes in his eyes.

Since following Qin Yang, Cheng Hui has gained a lot of benefits, but he has always felt sorry for those benefits.

On the side of the Golden Horned Devil's Blood Fighting Field, Xiao Junwan, Xiao Junying and Shen Yuling also shot. He did not shoot at all.

Without contribution, taking so many benefits, to be honest, Cheng Hui got a little guilty.

"Kill us?"

"Tiger King, you just broke through to the realm of Yuanhu. Do you really think that you are coming out of the blood fight? How amazing?"

"It is estimated that there are a lot of dark injuries on your body, which should also have an impact on your strength."

"One to two, you can't win if you want, you want to kill us, dream!"

One of the two Yuanhu realms was sneer.

"A lot of nonsense!"

Cheng Hui gave a violent sigh, and the spear in his hand stabbed at the strong man who had just spoken.

This spear is the same spear that Cheng Hui used before, but it is different. Qin Yang has engraved Wupin Rune on it, and the power of the spear has been greatly improved.

"But that's it!"

The second-floor repair of the attacked Yuanhu is that he has entered the realm of Yuanhu for more than a decade, and his self-confidence is much higher than Cheng Hui.

Cheng Hui didn't reveal the martial arts battle, nor did the strong one. The sword in his hand split into Cheng Hui's spear instantly!


Cheng Hui sneered.

The powerful Zhenyuan poured into the spear, the speed of Cheng Hui's spear suddenly increased, and the power also increased a lot!

"not good!"

The Yuanhu realm attacked by Cheng Hui was terrified.

Cheng Huixiu is not the first floor of Yuanhu, but the third floor of Yuanhu!

Moreover, Cheng Hui's erupting power at this moment is not limited to the third floor of Yuanhu!



It's a long story, but it's also instantaneous.

Cheng Hui's spear was like a dragon, and in a very short time, he broke through the real yuan defense of the second-tier strongman of that lake.

Heart broke, this strong man on the second floor of Yuanhu died!

"You too!"

Cheng Hui succeeded in the move, and the spear flew back and attacked another powerful man in Yuanhu Realm!

"Do not!"

The strength of this Yuanhu realm is still weaker.

Cheng Hui fired a rifle, he retreated in horror, and was afraid to resist.

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