God of Defiance

Chapter 3019 Join forces to attack!

Qu Chengxiong is worthy of being the eldest son of the Qu family. He has a distinguished family background and is born with a leadership temperament that is difficult to conceal. After speaking at this moment, everyone at the scene did not express objections, but nodded secretly, basically agreeing with Qu Chengxiong. Chengxiong’s arrangement.

Soon, under the command of Qu Chengxiong, everyone at the scene was quickly divided into five groups, each group of six people, each responsible for a small mountain peak.

Chu Tian, ​​Ba Lao and four other unknown Saint King experts formed a group, flew out, and quickly surrounded a designated small mountain peak!

In just a few breaths, everything was arranged on the scene. The five small peaks were tightly surrounded. As soon as Qu Chengxiong gave the order, everyone immediately attacked the peaks.

Although everyone is a powerful Saint King, their strength is far beyond ordinary people, but after all, this is the deepest place where the emperor fell, and the danger is also far beyond imagination, so everyone looks a little nervous.

"Everyone listen to the order and take action together!"

After the scene was quiet for a few moments, a clear roar suddenly came from Qu Chengxiong's mouth.


Upon hearing the roar, everyone immediately followed suit and roared in unison. Without any hesitation, they rushed to the small mountain peak assigned to them and launched a crazy attack.

Some of them used weapons, and some just used their bare hands to rush towards the small mountain peaks they surrounded and launched attacks with all their strength!

In the world of cultivation, just one Saint King's action is enough to create a huge momentum. What's more, now that there are thirty powerful Saint Kings taking action at the same time, the huge momentum created is even more earth-shattering!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, rays of bright light, either thick or sharp, hit the five small mountain peaks, and countless loud noises were heard in an instant.

Chu Tian did not use any weapons at this time, but only relied on a pair of fists to hit the small mountain peak not far away, and smashed it at high speed continuously!

For him, although he did not use weapons and did not attack with all his strength, the attack power he produced definitely exceeded most of the Little Saint Kings present!

In fact, at this time, not only did he not use all his strength, but almost everyone present did not use all his strength, and more or less had reservations.

The reason for my reservations is simple: I don’t want others to see my true strength clearly!

Everything has just begun. If people see through all the methods and details now, then there will be no secrets later, and naturally there will no longer be any hidden advantages for others!

But even though everyone had reservations and did not attack with all their strength, after the attack rays hit the five small peaks hard, they still shook violently, and countless large and small rocks rolled down at extremely high speeds. Down!

"Hmm... there is indeed a mystery! If it were an ordinary mountain peak, attacked by so many holy kings, it would probably collapse in an instant and turn into countless powders, but these five peaks are still basically intact!"

After observing for a few breaths, Chu Tian immediately flashed his eyes and whispered in a deep voice. He seemed to be more interested in the mountain.

In fact, let alone six Holy Kings attacking at the same time, even if only one Holy King attacks, a small mountain with a height of 3,000 feet will break from the middle in an instant.

But now the six holy kings have attacked for several breaths. Apart from violent shaking and rolling stones, the small mountain peak in front of them shows no other signs of collapse!

This is enough to show that there is an invisible and powerful force invisible to the naked eye, supporting the five small peaks and preventing them from quickly collapsing!

It can also be judged that the six peaks in front of us are definitely not formed naturally, but are created by some kind of man-made force.

I don't know how many years ago, an extremely fierce life and death battle broke out between the two emperors. For a legendary existence like the emperor, it was simply too easy to use his own power to build several mountain peaks. !

It's just that everyone is still not sure why they built several peaks to stand here. What is the mystery or purpose?

"Everyone, there is obviously a big mystery here. Please don't hold anything back. Only by using your full strength can the mystery be revealed in a short time!"

At this moment, Qu Chengxiong's clear roar suddenly reached the ears of everyone present again.

Upon hearing the roar, everyone present immediately increased their strength and attacked the small mountain peak they were responsible for. For a while, the deafening loud noise came out in an even denser form!

Although everyone has obviously increased the intensity and frequency of their attacks at this moment, they are still far from being able to attack with all their strength.

After all, no one here is a fool. Attacking with all your strength at this time will basically not do you any good. Keep some strength and you can still use it later!

The key is!

Even if they really go all out, the most they can do is shorten the time for the mystery to be revealed. Apart from that, there is no other benefit.

Now that they are not in a hurry, there is no need to go all out!

In addition, if you go out with all your strength and end up exhausted and exhausted, but others don't go all out, then you will be at a huge disadvantage later on!

Therefore, no matter how much Qu Chengxiong asks, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to attack with all their strength. At most, they can increase the intensity of the attack and shorten the time as much as possible!

Qu Chengxiong is not a fool. How could he not see the little thoughts of everyone, so after shouting a few times, he stopped making any more noise, because when he asked others to use all their strength, he himself did not use all his strength. Keep your strength secretly.

In the following time, everyone maintained a constant rhythm and attacked the five peaks crazily. There was a loud noise and flashes of light, which made everyone dazzled and dizzy!

As the attack continued, the five peaks gradually shook more and more violently, and more and more gravel fell from the mountains, almost covering the surrounding ground.

"The real mystery is about to emerge. Everyone, work harder and don't let down!"

At this moment, Qu Chengxiong's words of encouragement came out again, and it sounded obviously with a trace of undisguised excitement.

In fact, at this time, even if Qu Chengxiong didn't remind him, everyone could see that the five small mountain peaks were shaking extremely hard, and it was almost the time when the real mystery was about to reveal itself!

While they were excited, everyone generally did not hesitate and increased their attack intensity again. Some people even used their special skills to attack five small peaks with all their strength!

Just a few breaths later, with a bang, the five small peaks that had withstood countless attacks exploded violently at the same moment!

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