system: "Attention, the special equipment for the Qixi Festival this time can be exchanged for real equipment. Players who have this need, please find Store Manager to redeem."

"What ?!"

"Can I redeem the special equipment for the Qixi Festival at this time?"

I still thought before this time that Qi Le, who is not good at promoting the Qixi Festival at this time, suddenly shocked.

Qi Le previously thought that only Tanabata chocolate can be exchanged.

didn't expect, system this time was directly marked with the idea of ​​equipment.

The four Qixi Festival suits, as far as the attributes of a single piece of equipment are concerned, are not weaker than ordinary rare-level equipment at all.

And all of them are unrestricted equipment.

This is very difficult to deal with.

At least for now, there is no rare equipment in the store that has no restrictions.

This is equivalent to an ordinary person and can also wear this set of equipment.

And most importantly, this Qixi Festival suit, but there are suit attributes.

Whether it is Magpie Power skill or Magpie Bridge skill, it can be regarded as a very good skill.

The magpie’s short-term stay in the air has changed the way of fighting more.

The Magpie Bridge skill is even more powerful. It perfectly resists an attack no higher than Heroic Rank, and it also comes with a short flash to help the wearer escape the predicament.

Not higher than the Heroic Rank, naturally including the Heroic Rank.

This is very powerful.

And looking at the attributes of the individual pieces of the Qixi Festival suit, it creates a kind of both playing and running.

While getting a lot of meat, the damage is still high.

The only regret is that there is no armor in the Qixi Festival suit.

But think about it.

With the armor made by Que Ling, where can the defensive power go?

Fortunately, the Que Ling belt perfectly replaces the attribute of the armor.

And also make room for other armor-type equipment.

For example, the four seasons cycle armor.

"At this point, it is convenient to promote it."

Qi Le was surprised, but there was no shortage of surprises.

Festival benefits are naturally to provide benefits to customers, in order to increase passenger flow.

After all, Qi Le's shop does not rely on The New World Mode to earn Spirit Crystal.

Shelf area and fast food area, earn no less than The New World Mode.

This is called joint consumption.


After determining the publicity strategy, Qi Le soon fell asleep.

Sleep is always the sweetest after surprise and fatigue.

Someone once said.

Sleep is an effective means to span time.

For example, when I woke up in the morning, I obviously only wanted to squint for another five minutes, but when I opened my eyes again, it was already two hours.

Fortunately, Qi Le does not have this ability.

After waking up, although his eyes were still a little confused, he sat up anyway.

"How do I feel, it seems that I haven't slept so well for a long time."

Qi Le stared at him, and it took a while to wake up.

Then I started to wash and communicate with the system.

"System, the promotional stand is not in a hurry for the time being, but the promotional video designed last night, remember to put it in The New World Mode today."

"The main emphasis in the early stage is A tragedy, the final scene is designed to be romantic."

"The Qixi Festival is mainly aimed at customers, those youngsters."

After confirming that I have made it clear, Qi Le Only then went downstairs to the hall.

I took two pairs of egg tarts and a bottle of pure milk.

"Store Manager, good morning."

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 995: While getting a batch of meat , The damage is still high)...

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