If Yun Fanfei took Nalan Qinqi backstage at this time, it might not be a good choice.

After all, even if there are no guests from Lan Family and You Family in the audience.

But Yun Family and Nalan Family are all waiting outside the lobby.

As long as the affairs in the lobby are resolved, even if the engagement ceremony is ruined, there will still be an end.

But if Yun Fanfei took Nalan Qinqi backstage.

Then it really ends.

Yun Family and Nalan Family will surely become laughing stocks again.

"There is nothing wrong, what is the situation now, don't you understand it?"


Yun Fanfei glanced at the emcee At a glance, coldly snorted.

Several fierce Grandmaster Rank guards immediately rushed forward and controlled Nalan Qinqi to prevent her from suddenly making a move.

"You only have so little ability."

Nalan Qinqi gave Yun Fanfei a cold look, and said with disdain.

"If you want to be hard on your lips, take advantage of it now."

Yun Fanfei glanced at Nalan Qinqi with a cold face, and then walked backstage first.

Several Grandmaster Rank guards immediately escorted Nalan Qinqi followed along.


"Dare to provoke our hidden Aristocratic Family, your courage is really not small."

Nalankun's face is cold. Shuang, looking at Lan Ye coldly.

After all the imposing manners of Heroic Rank Peak broke out, Xing Lian's Dragon's Prestige has been suppressed.

Although still barely able to compete with it.

But after all, Xing Lian is just a fancy. Compared with the real Heroic Rank Peak, Xing Lian is still far behind.

And with Nalan Kun’s perception, I naturally felt this.

Heroic Rank, after all, there are also twenty small ranks.

There is a big gap between Heroic Rank beginner and Heroic Rank Peak.

"It's just a giant dragon who just entered the Heroic Rank. He dares to hide the Aristocratic Family. Who gave you the courage!"

"Or, you are just Come and die!"

Nalankun yelled, and a heavy sword with both hands appeared in his hand.

The sword warrior.

This is the rank of Nalan Kun.

This two-handed heavy knife looks more like an extended shield than a weapon.

"shua ——!"

Splitting the air sound sounded.

Nalankun’s attacking speed was so fast that the sonic boom had just sounded, and he had already arrived in front of Xing Lian.

After slashing with a heavy knife, I saw the blade light resembling electricity.

The majestic Battle Qi condensed into the blade of a blade, and across Xing Lian's slender neck, the huge dragon head was instantly cut off by this two-handed heavy knife.

However, there was no trace of blood scattered, but ice crystals in the sky were raised.

"What's going on?!"

How quick Nalan Kun's reaction was.

The moment Nalankun saw the sky full of ice crystals, a bad premonition flashed in Nalankun's heart.

As expected, the ice crystals scattered all over the sky condensed into countless Icicles in an instant.

Then moved towards Nalan Kun shot away.

"whiz whiz whiz ——!"

The sharp splitting the air sound sounded in the lobby like a scream.

Nalan Kun immediately lifted his knife to resist, and the Icicle that flew from was immediately shattered.

The remaining Icicle will not be a great climate.

All were stopped by Nalan Kun’s body, Battle Qi.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone.

The scattered ice crystals all flew back to the neck of the ice blue headless giant dragon, and then condensed into the dragon head.


Xing Lian sent out a dragon roaring like a demonstration.

The elementalization endowed by the frozen fruit is almost invincible when facing a physical attack.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 975: Ice Crystal in the Sky)...

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