It’s just this scandal about Yun Family and Nalan Family, everyone knows it.

It's all tacit.

Because no matter how much this matter is said, it is also a matter for Yun Family and Nalan Family.

Even the two patriarchs didn't speak, no matter where it was their turn to speak up.

I still ate the banquet obediently and honestly, and said a few false blessings, even if the task was completed.

Wait for Yun Fanfei and Nalan Qinqi to stand on stage.

The emcee also began to introduce the lives of the two.

These all are fixed processes.

The guests in the audience also sat down and listened.

"Yun Fanfei Young Master, are you willing to enter into a marriage contract with Ms. Nalan Qinqi, and for the rest of your life, regardless of birth, aging, sickness and death, you will be with you for the rest of your life?"

said In the end, the emcee looked at Yun Fanfei and asked seriously.

"I am willing."

Yun Fanfei smiled at the corner of his mouth, and immediately answered aloud.

In fact, at this time, these are just going through the process.

As long as today, the power of Nalan Qinqi will accomplish my Heroic Rank path.

After Yun Fanfei responded, the look in Nalan Qinqi's eyes suddenly became deep.

This kind of look, in the eyes of the guests in the audience, is deeply and righteous.


"Ms. Nalan Qinqi, are you willing to enter into a marriage contract with Yun Fanfei Young Master, and for the rest of your life, regardless of birth, aging, sickness and death, you will be with you for the rest of your life?"

The emcee looked at Nalan Qinqi again and continued to ask.


Nalan Qinqi hesitated and opened his mouth, but only spit out one word, then paused.

For Yun Fanfei, Nalan Qinqi is an annoyance from the bottom of my heart.

The phrase "I am willing" is really difficult to export.

"Quickly promise, Nalan Qinqi!"

Yun Fanfei still smiles at the corner of his mouth, just looking at Nalan Qinqi quietly.

My heart is indeed roaring.

Seeing this scene, the emcee standing on the side quickly became sweaty on his forehead.

"Ms. Nalan Qinqi, are you willing to enter into a marriage contract with Yun Fanfei Young Master, and for the rest of your life, regardless of birth, aging, sickness and death, you will be with you for the rest of your life?"

As a last resort, the emcee had to repeat this question.

Otherwise, it would be cold at the engagement ceremony.

Then he will be the master of ceremonies.

The guests in the audience stared at the two people on the stage at this time, not knowing what happened.

"What's going on?"

Nalankun glanced at Nalankang who was standing by.

Haven’t you been warned before you were asked to go backstage?

Why did you drop the chain at this time?

Nalan Kun's eyes are very clear.

This made Nalankang's forehead sweat instantly.

No matter how high Nalankang's status is in the Nalan Family, it is all given by Nalankun, not Nalankang's bloodline problem.

So in the face of Nalankun's doubts, Nalankang panicked to the extreme.


A slight, crisp sound rang out from the audience.

Nalan Qinqi's eyes were immediately attracted, but he saw a hairpin fall to the ground.

It's An Moran's hairpin!

Nalankang gloomy face, staring at Nalan Qinqi, his thumb swept across his neck.

made a beheading action.

"Damn it!"

Nalan Qinqi suddenly understood what Nalankang meant.

Nalan Zhishu and An Moran did not come to the lobby to participate in this engagement ceremony, but stayed in the backstage room.

Because in the lobby, in any case, Nalan Family will worry about facial problems.

And impossible started with Nalan Zhishu and An Moran.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 968: Are you willing)...

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