"Please, Nalan..."

"Miss Nalan, your parents are waiting for you."

Nalan Kang's tone became a little blunt, and the expression on his face became serious.

The incident of Nalan Qinqi's escape from the engagement ceremony is not only the Yun Family, but the Nalan Family is also not much better.

So Nalankang will naturally not wait to see Nalan Qinqi.

"Then go."

Nalan Qinqi glanced at Nalankang coldly.

Nalan Family, the current patriarch's loyal lackey, is very proud and indulgent in the Nalan Family mansion.

Mo said that Nalankang will not wait to see Nalan Qinqi.

But why would Nalan Qinqi wait to see Nalankang.

"Before I see your parents, I have a word in this business that I must tell you."

"Neither Nalan Family nor Yun Family, I don’t want to see you I will run away for the second time. This is the advice from this manager."

Nalankang looked at Nalan Qinqi and said every word.

This is advice and warning.

is telling Nalan Qinqi to let her rest.

As a chess piece for the family to exchange benefits, if you want to jump out of the board, you are dreaming.

However, Nalan Qinqi directly ignored Nalankang's words.

Since Nalan Qinqi has come back here on his own initiative, then Nalan Qinqi no longer intends to resist.

At least, I won't do it at the engagement ceremony.

If it is done at the engagement ceremony, in that case, it will only let Yun Family and Nalan Family fly into a rage out of humiliation.

And Nalan Qinqi, probably will be pushed out as the culprit, used to sacrifice the flag to vent anger.

It is better to use the time before marriage to accumulate your strength after the engagement.

Then slowly figure it out.


The side hall of the Nalan Family mansion.

Nalankang took Nalan Qinqi to the door of the Piandian, and then led people away.

The location here is right next to the main house.

Logically speaking, with the collateral status of Nalan Qinqi's parents, there is no way to live here.

But Nalan Qinqi knows clearly.

Live here, not because of status.

But for house arrest.

Nalan Qinqi's parents are under house arrest to force Nalan Qinqi to submit.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Nalan Qinqi took a deep breath, and then pushed open the door of the side hall.

The first thing that catches the eye is a large courtyard. In the corner of the courtyard, there are a few towering trees, sprinkling large areas of shade, as well as ponds and rockeries as decoration.

The side hall next to the main house is naturally not bad.

In the courtyard, a middle-aged man with a very refined temperament is pacing back and forth.

This scene does not seem to be wandering.

It's like...anxious.

"Xiaoqi, you, you were really caught back!"

Maybe he heard the door pushing, the middle-aged man turned his head and saw Nalan Qinqi standing Partial temple entrance.

Suddenly a look of depression appeared.


Nalan Qinqi took a few steps and came to the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is the father of Nalan Qinqi, Nalan Zhishu.

Knowing the book is the meaning of knowing the book and being rational.

Such a name rich in scholarly flavor is also the reason for Nalan Zhishu's elegant temperament.

"You shouldn't be back."

Nalan Zhishu shook the head, sighed.

Regardless of Nalan Zhishu's refined temperament, you feel that Nalan Zhishu's strength is low.

In fact, a few years ago, Nalan Qinqi was able to help Nalan Qinqi escape the territory of the hidden Aristocratic Family, which is enough to prove that the strength of Nalan Zhishu is not weak at all.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 961: Nalan Zhishu)...

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